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 KennethGF's Romulan Outpost 
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This is my first concept for the Romulan Outpost I. It is inspired by that seen in BOTF but for now is naked.

02 Nov 2006, 13:04
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Not bad, but when ur done modeling it, you need to sort out the smoothing groups as in selet polys and make a smoothing group for sections where it needs it.

Also i can see that some verticies need to be welded together, you see them tiny black specks runnin on the left side of the bottom left pic, this shows that its not joined properly and the (dots/verticies) need to be welded together.

Overall looks nice. But basic. But it is your first model and for a first model its very nice.

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02 Nov 2006, 13:35
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May I suggest making hte bulges on hte top and bottom smaller, to give the station a more smooth look.

Connectig the top and bottom with a structure of a sorts might be a good idea too :d

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02 Nov 2006, 14:07
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Thanks guys. That helps and I will make it so. It is still naked for two reasons. I was still learning to us the weld and smooth to clean it up before skin. You know about how you need to properly select the overlapping vertex sets before trying to use these tools. It is taking me more time on this my first attempt. It is that whole Proto - Vulcan evolution thing. After that I need to wrap my head around the skin process. I will do that once it has a smaller camel hump and move no. My day job on the Borg mother ship keeps getting in the way.

02 Nov 2006, 14:36
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You can send it over to me at any time and I'll spiffy it up for you if you want :wink:

Keep precticing with 3D Max - practice makes perfect..LOL.. you should have seen some of my first models :roll:

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02 Nov 2006, 14:50
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Thanks for the offer but I would like to learn by doing. There is a question I have though. To post the picture in my Photobucket online file I just took a screen-print from MilkShape into Windows Paint utility, cut out the view I wanted and made a composite of three views in Paint to save to Photobucket. Is there a better way to save a 2d of the 3d window in MilkShape?

Rhetorical Question:
What is the difference between red shift and Doppler shift? It is the difference between a train racing away down the track and a train sitting on a track that is uniformly growing longer. In each situation the train appears to move away from you. Red shift is why the stars appear to move away from us. They are not speeding through space. Space everywhere is inflating. The universe, space, is growing larger while matter, the stars, do not. Light is red shifted more the longer it travels through a space that is expanding. The more distant a star the more it's light get red shifted in travel.

02 Nov 2006, 15:03
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Here is some tutorials i found that may help Ken. ... 1831#31831

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02 Nov 2006, 16:10
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Many thanks oh lumpy headed one. I did not dig deep enough to see your links. That is timely and will help. If it seams as though I am still struggling - that would be true. To quote Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger from the film Conan the Barbarian, "What does not kill us will make us strong." The struggle will help me learn (unlike Bush so far in Iraq.) I will move my request for assistance to a new thread and keep this for updates to the Outpost.

02 Nov 2006, 20:03
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Cool, Kenneth. Like i've said, there's no rush. Don't submit it until you feel that it is as good as you can make it. You'll only regret it later on when everyone sees it!

...There's no harm in making screenies for us though... :wink: :mrgreen:

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Last edited by Matress_of_evil on 10 Nov 2006, 17:29, edited 1 time in total.

07 Nov 2006, 19:44
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OK. No IOI please. I am looking for constructive advice though. This is my prototype skin job for the Romulan Outpost I. (my first skin job.) Outpost II would build on this with more complexity. Are the WarBird decals over the top or way cool? Is the green good against the black of space or should it be more olive drab? Is the skin to simple (I hope not because that is hell to line up on a shape like this)?

Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 09 Nov 2006, 23:47, edited 1 time in total.

09 Nov 2006, 01:59
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Well the emblem is way too big mate and you dont really need them unless you use it on a small section in the middle somewhere.

For your texture to develope you really should use some hull paneling. I might be able to help ... wtopic=171 ... lles;33431

Use GIMP its free i think or cheap and using the aboves for reference and the filters in this tutorial you should be able to creativly texture ur starbase. Use the romulan base from other games for reference as to how they might look and work from there.

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09 Nov 2006, 02:27
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Thanks and that is great. Texture is the next item on my list and the links look tiptop. Up to here it has been the struggle to learn the tools more than actually building the ship. GIMP is free but it makes me feel like a gimp just trying to get it to work.


09 Nov 2006, 03:08
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Kenneth, you're doing better.

I have one advice for you - if you don't feel your texturing skills are good enough yet, then don't even try it on the game models - practice modeling meshes.
If you want ot improve your texturing skills practice on some other models first. My 2 cents .

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09 Nov 2006, 11:04
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Baby steps. I should be ready to start on the Romulan toilet any day now. 8)

09 Nov 2006, 20:46
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Does it look more like an Outpost with a core and big balls?

09 Nov 2006, 23:57
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Ok erm first thing i can see that is bit weird is the gap size between top and bottom section, the sides are too long from bottom to top so erm squash it down so its about warbird gap size or just under.

These "balls" are too far from the main hub of the station so instead of that put them on much smaller extensions so there closer to the main hull. Also make some spikes and use em as antenna somewhere, either on very top or very bottom.

Give that ago and redo a pic.


Actually just remove the balls and keep them spires. I think they will be good like that without the balls i mean.

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10 Nov 2006, 00:28
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Sure and yes on all points. I can start a new thread for the rest of this.

10 Nov 2006, 00:52
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Here you go, Kenneth, I split the thread for you and removed all the comments about spam etc. :wink:

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10 Nov 2006, 17:30
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Thank you. This is great. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I am on the road and on my laptop at a professional conference in Phoenix. - More work on the outposts soon. 8)

12 Nov 2006, 03:46
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Outpost II


13 Nov 2006, 00:23
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Yikes! That thing looks lethal! :mrgreen:

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13 Nov 2006, 01:04
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Some suggestions.

1. Remove the poles or rearrange them and scale them down.

2. Add in a central squashed spherical hub in center. (habitat area)


3. Keep design simple and effective think realistically what design needs and uses and build it, dont build anything flashy as this detail can be added in textures later.

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13 Nov 2006, 01:24
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Those were very good suggestions. By reducing the size of the antenna in the top cluster it creates a forced perspective impression of greater size. The lines have been cleaned up and there is a central core connecting the top and bottom main section of the outposts. I wanted it to look like both Outpost One and Outpost Two are built on the same basic frame but with Numero Dos a definite upgrade over Uno, (Uno - Dos - that is Star Tech Talk.) :wink:

Outpost I Romulan


Outpost II Romulan


14 Nov 2006, 03:28
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Now all I have to do is figure out how to skin the basterds! :?

Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 14 Nov 2006, 13:44, edited 1 time in total.

14 Nov 2006, 03:32
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KennethGF wrote:
Now all I have to do is figure out how to skin the basters! :?
Very carefully, with a well-sharpened blade...

14 Nov 2006, 04:06
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14 Nov 2006, 04:23
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I would suggest you flatten both outposts a bit, make hte buldge at the top smaller and add a bunch of antennas at the bottom...or something..

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15 Nov 2006, 11:16
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Good suggestions Trash. I will do that and try to skin before posting them again.

15 Nov 2006, 22:32
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Texturing tutorial ... orial.html ... hape.shtml

Some smoothing tutorial (kinda) ... d_sc2c.htm

Tutorials (6) for introduction to milkshape. ... &leadin=10

Misc tutorials. ... rials.html

16 Nov 2006, 03:58
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Are we limited to 256 x 256 in bmp file type for our textures? Or what?

16 Nov 2006, 04:02
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