For example about how many turns does it take to go from tech level 0 to tech level 10 [assuming there are 10 basic levels]?
It depends on many things: your number of systems, you global research speed, what race you play, do you want to research special researches and so on. So I think you can reach level 10 in 400 till 500 rounds, if you maximize you researchoutput.
Are there any tricks that I've been missing when it comes to building colony ships and terraforming planets?
First I upgrade my shipyards, so I can build ships faster. With a colonyship you can decide which planet you want to colonize. You can select a planet after the colonization order or you only give the order to colonize. You can terraform or build stations with more than one ship.
Will minors ever terraform all of their own planets or should I do that for them?
Later yes. At the moment you can colonize their planets, but it has no effects to the minor race.
Will minors [after another few releases] be able to build their own ships and will those ships belong to you after they join your empire?