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jigalypuff wrote:
25,000 limit? don`t you mean 2500? perhaps starbases can go up a bit higer but not by two much

there will only be ONE starbase in any battle and they are HUGE, so they can go pretty high polycount wise. my own Fed Starbase is 3800 - not much, but it could be 10000 and I wouldn't consider it too mcuh.

Anyway, for todays hardware, textures are FAR more of a sore point than polygons

CHECK THIS OUT: ... 9.120.html

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29 Jul 2007, 10:28
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This is what Mstrobel set as the limits for his game. If we need to lower it for other games we can

Ship: one 3ds file not to exceed 5,000 polygons...

Station: one 3ds file not to exceed 25,000 polygons...

Orbital platforms: one 3ds file not to exceed 2,000 polygons...


29 Jul 2007, 14:45
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I have reversed the Battlehawks III and Warhawk ships on SharePoint.

I see, Trashman, that you have a completed model for the federation large shipyard (shipyard III) as well as the federation fleetyard. Please upload the large shipyard to SharePoint and put the 270 x 225 png in the image library. I will move my large shipyard over to the Dominion. My shipyard can be reworked to Dominion later. (The object you see inside of my shipyard model is a ship under construction.)


29 Jul 2007, 15:41
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??? I have TWO shipyard models for the Feds...not 3..

A smaller one and a bigger one.
Wether you classify them as small & medium or medium & big or whatever....

HOWEVER, I do have 2 versions of the bigger one, as evident in the screenshot - difference is in the top structure - one version has one big structure going along the middle, the second version has two smaller ones.


I guess you can scale one version down a bit and use it as another shipyard, or I can make a new model...shipyards are easy..

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29 Jul 2007, 17:06
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Yes - lets do that - bigger or new and make it the third Fed yard. It will give us one more model and we can always come back to this later.


29 Jul 2007, 18:14
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Righto...I'll make a new yard... Techincly what I'll make will either be a medium or large the one on the pic sbove was meant to be rather large ;)

I'm expanding the fleetyards ATM..making em bigger (Card, Kling and Rem) and slowly texturing them card one.

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29 Jul 2007, 18:38
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Yards... very nice :wink:

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29 Jul 2007, 20:06
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Small Update:

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30 Jul 2007, 00:51
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Very nice. :D


30 Jul 2007, 02:04
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Ooh purdy! 8)

Definitely nice updates, Trashman. The Fleetyards and Romulan Starbase are going to be very nice models. :D


Sorry I wasn't online yesterday guys...I saw Transformers. One of the best movies I've ever seen. Funny, awesome, and brilliant special effects. Nice and long too. What more could you ask from a film? :mrgreen:


Posted by Trashman
On a side note - I'm going over the fleetyards now...I'm not sure about the Fed Fleetyards tough - the central structure it doens't fit..most fed stations we've seen are sounds, have a saucer-like section..I dunno if Ishould change that...

It seems there's been a misunderstanding then - I posted your alternative medium shipyard as the large Fed shipyard. I always thought it looked a little slow but assumed this was perspective or something... :oops:

I told Kenneth that this yard looked better than than his version with half-a-starbase attached, so I asked him if he could possibly remake the half-a-starbase part into the Fed Science station. :oops:


If there are any mistakes in the shiplist images - broken pixels and so on - this is likely a result of adding transparencies. Several of the ship images currently have a black background. This is because I have removed the transparency from the image, as these images look awful once the transparency has been added. There are broken pixels everywhere and I'd have to fix each individual pixel in paint to get them to look right. :(

The images with white backgrounds have generally had a trandprency added with no issues, so these images are fine.


Trashman, the battleship in the link you posted is a kitbash of the the battleship from Starfleet Command 2. I have to admit, I didn't recognise it from the front, but the side-on pic gave it away. The ship in the pic has larger impulse engines (Like the Enterprise-B had in comparison tot he Excelsior) and a Miranda-style weapons pod underneath the saucer section. (As well as the one which was already on top of the ship in SFC)

Cool model. 8)

I also like that Romulan one. It just looks evil - which makes it a winner in my book. :twisted:

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30 Jul 2007, 07:54
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As I said, I really don't care if hte mesh is used for a MEDIUM or LARGE shipyard...methinks it can fit both..same goes for the other mesh.

Oh, take a look at SHIP PACK 3: ... ad&cid=144

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30 Jul 2007, 13:25
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I believe ZDarby is working on a texture for one of his stations to serve as the Federation Science station. I moved my old Federation Shipyard III (large) over to the Dominion. It's conversion to Dominion in appearance is a work in progress.

The Romulan Starbase II is a work in progress but is starting to look like this: (want it to look like it evolved from Trashmans rework of my old Starbase I) ... %2FRomulan


30 Jul 2007, 15:02
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I was under impression I was doing Starbase II and you were doing SB I ..whatever..

Rom shipyards (medium or small one..classify it whatever you like) will soon be ready (and textured) :D

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30 Jul 2007, 15:25
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OK. Starbase I for me and II for you.

I like the battleship. It helps to import shape you already made or have permission for. There is Kitbash and there is building on what came before.


30 Jul 2007, 15:50
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If you need some conversion of Armada ship pack to 3ds let me know... I got it on hard drive :wink:

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30 Jul 2007, 16:23
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30 Jul 2007, 16:32
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Looks good, looks Romulan.


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 30 Jul 2007, 19:06, edited 1 time in total.

30 Jul 2007, 17:37
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Looking good there, mate.

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30 Jul 2007, 17:43
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Ya..I got's to texture all the shipyards first before I do the fleetyards, since the fleetyards are composed of shipyards... hehe :D

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30 Jul 2007, 21:03
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good coloring!

btw. did anybody speak to siggi yet? since his models will probably require some up-polying, I thought some of you modelers should give him his email addy so he can send it there for further remodelling..

31 Jul 2007, 08:42
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Is hte USS Yamato used? it's a nice trek design IMHO....

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31 Jul 2007, 11:05
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@Mal: Is siggi a modeler we could use?

I did get this back from Major A Payne:

" Feel free to use anything that I have released. Just be sure to retain the original credits that I have in the released models readme file.


I will look through his ships to see what we can use with credits.

@Trash: I did not see the USS Yamato as such in the ship list. Do you know what class or type it is? Check that against the list. Even if it is not on the list we can have it on SharePoint as an extra for later use.

@MOE: I found Transformers entertaining. The CG was great. The dialog was childish once the robots started talking. In the end it fulfilled that basic human need to see giant robots beat the crap out of each other.


31 Jul 2007, 14:02
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AFAIK the Yamato was the sister ship of Picard's Entreprise, wasn't it? so it's simply the Galaxy class.

well, siggi is a modeler and he's primarily modding for the Ultimate Dominion Mod of botf (hence the extra-Dominion ships). There's a little synergy effect here since he's doin the same ships we need, just below 1k in poly size and sliced in the end. But as he said he keeps the unsliced version and can also help with adapting and improving the textures he made for his models. There are a few more Dominion Transporters and Colonyships on his schedule so it might be interesting to keep an eye on his work since those ships require at least some creativity for we don't know much about any "canon" design..

Here some screens (you see immediately why up-polying would be nice):


31 Jul 2007, 14:28
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I was talking about the Yamato from Star Trek Academy (pre-TNG era)
This ship: ... 9.120.html

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31 Jul 2007, 14:51
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Here is the borg tactical cube. Credit goes to Major A Payne.


I will try to reach siggi.

This I would take for our Diominion Starbase I for now.
It is a little low on the poly on the roundy parts. We could
take off the yards later. That again is credit to Major Payne.


I would take the NX-01 to be the F Cruiser I for us? Credit to
Major Payne, again low on the roundy poly but OK for now.


OK, now we have a lot of models on the Federation shiplist
with people signed up but not uploading. Sorry but I am going
to put ships in and we can make versions or reasign them
later if people showup and upload to SharePoint.

I take this to be The Federation Colonyship III, Quebec Class.
We can play with the list later but for now the model is online.


I put this in as Scout I Hermes


Here is an extra for the Federation, Coeur De Lion by name:


There is this Rebel B Wing. Do you think we could use it in
the Minor Races?


I took this to be the Cardassian Dreadnought I, Monak V2



Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 02 Aug 2007, 02:47, edited 9 times in total.

31 Jul 2007, 18:51
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Great job Ken!!!

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31 Jul 2007, 19:32
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Ooh! I've got the Coeur De Lion for SFC! It's a nice model - it's a kitbash of a Connie and a Miranda, but it is still a nice model. I'll put it in the shiplist when I have some time. Bit busy at the mo and this is the first time i've been online today. :(

All the other models are looking good too guys! Keep up the good work!

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31 Jul 2007, 22:12
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The Hutet is the cardassian dreadnought...

guys, I told you before USE THE DAMN Armadafleetcommand downlaod centre!
There's lots of good .3ds models for downlaod.. .

Hell there's even more is you just download ships/mods for Armada 2 directly (but you will need a converter)

EDIT - Kenneth, I first though of jsut fixing hte top of your romulan starbase, but it was woefully unoptimized (17000 polys!!), so I made everything from scratch..
The current romulan Starbase (last render I made of it) has about 7600 polys... no I need ot fix up it's texture and map it...should be fast,I'm making a "kitbash" texture from the Fed Starbase one...far more detailed then the texture you used.

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31 Jul 2007, 22:38
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Yes. The Yamato looks great and I would love to have it on SharePoint.

Yes. That is the Hutet.

Q: Should we change the Shiplist to Hutet as the Dreadnought or is the Monak as Dreadnought on the list a ship name and not a class?

All these models are from the but after confirming by email the permission of Major A Payne. Thank you for pointing the way. It is reassuring to know you are all so pleased to see we got them. I am happy to get them from any site as long as they are permitted and of some potential use.

Adding an extra outer ring to Starbase one had taken the 17,000 poly up to around 20,000 but I was able to optimize that to around 10,000. I was in the process of optimizing when I found these ships above. Soon I can get back to working on the base.

The top and bottom saucer section textures are kit bashes of the federation base textures. I also found that the low resolution on them did not match the other sections. Enlarging and increasing detail is part of what is taking so long to texture after optimizing.

Q: does anyone have a suggestion about use of the B Wing above? Is it OK (besides the low poly count) and if so what race?


01 Aug 2007, 00:02
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You know Kenneth...I'll have the Rom Starbase ready soon...I juse need to texture it...

Given that I made it out of several parts...and given that the basic shape seems to be the same..why don't you just make the parts that are different? (like hte ring or something at the bottom).

I can upload my Rom SB max scene so you cna make use of hte many parts. Just mixing and attaching should make it easier for both of us.

B.T.W. - uploaded the Romulan medium shipyard

AFAIK Hutet is the name of the class

And there's another beuty there - the cardassian KONDAL class

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01 Aug 2007, 00:24
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