Welcome MarkyD to our collective. We will be glad to add your technological distinctiveness to our own. We are all glad you made it home even more than we are to see you here.
Please look here at our SharePoint, (run by Mstrobel, the Dev of Supremacy. Mstrobel will grant you access to this site to upload models. Anyone can download.) These are the models called for in our Shiplist noted above.
Look in Image Library > ship and stations > and see the Major Races sub folders. We will be using the Federation, Dominion, Klingon, Romulan and beloved Cardassians as playable major races in Supremacy. The Birth of the Empires game will use the Ferengi in place of the Dominion but we are not filling a full fleet of Ferengi ships at this point. We also have ship models for minor races and this includes the Ferengi for Supremacy.
Now in the image library you will see 270x225.png images of the ship models on the SharePoint. These images are to be used in the games as well as the ship models. (when you make a model put the .png on SharePoint as well.) The models themselves are located at SharePoint at Share Documents > 3D Model > and see the race sub folders again. Here you have the individual models compressed as .rar file. The game's models run on .3DS file form.
Here is a link that will outline much of this same information and more.
http://botfii.armadafleetcommand.com/in ... pic&t=1760
Now let me point out that we have models in three forms on SharePoint. First are models that are game ready. Others are models we found online and we sought permission to use but still need to be altered to flt our needs. Other models are complete trash. They are just there because there is some look we may want to us in a real model for our game.
As work progress on models we post for feedback on the last page of the shiplist thread. (this is where people can tell me what a bad job I did

http://botfii.armadafleetcommand.com/in ... pic&t=1836
We try to give credit for each model in a text file loaded with the model. I am also working on a separate list of all model makers. I have added you to the list already. If you us someone's work please feed the name of the author to me and I will add it to the list.
You will work best on the model that interest you the most so no one will assign a ship to you. You can look at the list of models uploaded in Share Documents > 3D Model > sub folders to see what folders are empty. That will give you an idea of what is needed. Take a look and pick a model you want to work on. That we have had the most trouble finding online are Colonyship, Transports, Medical and Science ships and bases. We also have things like minor race structures that Zeleni has done most of the work on so far.
Another way to find a model to work on is to look in the Image Library and see what is just not right. (Example: The Romulan ScienceShips I , II and III need work or replacement all together.) Ask if you have any questions.
I am currently trying to finish a Romulan Starbase I that was waiting while I finished a Federation Cruiser V Intrepid class (Voyager) and converted an online Federation freighter for use as our Federation Colonyship I.
So far I have not gotten the tools I would need to convert 3D Studio Max files to 3DS. Is this something you can do? We need so many models that downloading and converting existing models with permission of the authors is a fact of life to our games. Here is one I would like to ask the author for but so far can not use the file.
Again, welcome home and welcome to our unimatrix. ( think we are near our quota of members from Wales

No animals were harmed during the making of these models!