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Regards Wolfe


10 Oct 2007, 20:07
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when doing so, don't forget to restart comp after installation. the fleet symbols won't be displayed if not..also erase your old trekbats.ttf with windows explorer in c:\windows\fonts cause the fed symbol could be scrambled otherwise.

10 Oct 2007, 20:33
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Cdrwolfe, I listened to your recordings on SharePoint for the Dominion. That is very good. It helps the game a lot. Before you recoreded that for this the Klingon, Ferengi and Dominion recordings, under the audio manipulation, all sound like me.

Now if you would get Patrick Steward to record some for us we will be all set. :P


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 09 Nov 2007, 20:36, edited 1 time in total.

12 Oct 2007, 19:08
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Now someone needs to convince MStrobel to finish his Cardassian and clean mine up and should be set.

Regards Wolfe


12 Oct 2007, 22:05
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What else do we need for the Cardassian voiceovers? I thought I did them all.

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12 Oct 2007, 22:14
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I made up a list of mono-log lines based on the old game plus what I would like to hear. Mike, you recorded what I toke to be the lines you decided could actually be used in your game. Wolfe will have covered your short list by doing my longer list.

We should be set for now but I would still like to hear a female Klingon. MOE could do Klingon as well.


12 Oct 2007, 22:18
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I could do a Klingon, but not a female Klingon ;).

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12 Oct 2007, 22:26
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Most female Klingons want to do you. :D


13 Oct 2007, 01:32
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mstrobel wrote:
I could do a Klingon, but not a female Klingon ;).



"People who think they know everything are of great annoyance to those of us who do"

13 Oct 2007, 02:05
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Sorry, I guess I lead us off topic. :cry: Please record your version of the Klingon if you have the time. 8)


13 Oct 2007, 03:20
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As an offshoot of discussion in BOTE here are suggested lines to add to game mono-log. NAVIGATION voices are to prompt you for ship movement when ship(s) are selected, or when a destination is chosen for a ship or ships and for setting up trade routes.
General game is for a variety of menu buttons. I can not get the Federation voice as used in BOTE alpha 4 until late December. Mike and Wolfe, will you do the Cards and Dominion? MOE will you do General game and Federation? Anyone else? I have a voice actor for general was well. I can fill in the rest over time. Please suggest any other lines for your favorite races.



Select your destination on the galactic map
Course plotted and laid in
Make it so number one, engage
Plot a trade route from Sol to the system of your choosing


Target your destination on the galactic map
Course to target sector programmed
Target your route of trade to a compliant system


Indicate your destination on the galaxy map
Trajectory to destination computed
Select a system to receive our new trade route


Chose a travel end point on the galaxy map
Cheapest route of travel confirmed
Designate a system to exploit with a new trade route


For the glory of the Founders select your travels end point on galaxy map
As you wish. That heading is confirmed.
Honor the founders by indicating the system to receive a trade route


Indicate a sector of space on the galactic map if you intend to travel
By your orders SIR! The heading is set.
Designate a system to honor with a trade route from Cardassia


Selection Confirmed
By your command
As you wish


20 Oct 2007, 04:00
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nothing against the text, ken, but I'd like to keep it shorter:

I would suggest using my exact formulas I wrote in the bote topic.


[Select Destination not necessary ;)]
Roger. Course set, maximum warp!
Make it so, Number One!
Aye, Captain!
[traderoute plotting needs no audio support ;)]


Ready to engage


Navigation programmed
Engage stealth! We're leaving this sector..


Heading off..
Cheapest route confirmed.


By your orders(, Sir)


(something like: Of course! at once! [more in a serving manner, I lack the words here..;)])
As you wish.
Heading confirmed.

General game is okay!

P.S.: if the ship stays in its sector, then a "maximum warp" or course plotted thing doesn't account for something sensible so in that case we just the general "affirmative" for the specific race.

20 Oct 2007, 05:36
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Sounds good - I set up a navigation subfolder for each race in SharePoint. There already is a General Game folder.


20 Oct 2007, 14:15
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I'll get the Dominion ones done ASAP.

Regards Wolfe


20 Oct 2007, 16:19
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btw. it is not disallowed ;) to use more than one voice (i.e. two voices :lol:) in such a reply. For example: "Make it so number one" could have a swift "Aye,Aye,Captain!" spoken by another person right afterwards (mix the mp3 or record two voices at once; two persons speaking in one (large) micro).

shouldn't use that too often (since we still wanna have it short after all) but it sure be a nice unexpected touch to it! the same holds for the battle and tactical combat voices. it is sure not bad if we could actually hear one or two voices at once especially when the ship is near explosion (we then hear the bridge crew members all crying and shouting orders over the other creating tense atmosphere in such an emergency state)..

20 Oct 2007, 18:24
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This sounds good. I will use your lines and think up some more as well. As long a electrons are cheap we can have lots to chose from for all the games.

If you think of additional specific lines for BOTE please post them.

Check out the combat recordings for each race under the *ShipVoice sub folders by race already posted on SharePoint.

If anyone wants to use what we have to mix and add background please help yourself. It will be a while before I can look at that.


21 Oct 2007, 02:43
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I have added in the Romulan, Klingon, Ferengi, Dominion and Cardassian *Navigation sections to the mono-log recordings on SharePoint. I updated the text at the head of this thread to reflect the new mono-log available. (see NAVIGATION section for the major races.) The Federation recording I have planed will take place in late December. MOE please do yours as time permits.

I have uploaded a Cardassian and a Dominion set of recordings but still encourage Mike and Wolfe to upload your respective version of the lines. Please refer to the Navigation suggested text in post number one of this thread. Your voices are a better fit for these races than what I put up.

Uploaded last week was the completion of a missing recording for the Ferengi and some addition "General Game" voice recordings menu selections as discussed for BOTE. :P

Some of the combat mono-log you may have been looking for can be found in the Ship section. I will try to mix some bridge sounds with these voices to create a general combat background audtio as time permits - or unless someone else has the will and the means.


28 Oct 2007, 03:28
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A request (suggestion) was made for a sound mix of ships sound going into combat. I did a quick mix for the Klingon and the Federation using the special effect and voices we have online at SharePoint. Is this what you had in mind? Please will others please give this a go. ... batMix.mp3 ... batMix.mp3


29 Oct 2007, 03:26
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the klingon is really good. at sec 13 however the general computer sound doesn't match klingon flavor i fear. we need to get a more klingon-like computer sound, a bit deeper and less federation like in the various series when klingon ships were shown from the inside at their bridge. So first we need to get a sample of the real klingon tactical console sound and then you could try and derive the current sound so that it kinda matches.

the feds are sounding a bit confused and totally surprised (I mean that can happen when a Warbird is decloaking right in front of them without notice but in regular encounters, they should stay a little more calm and "business-as-usual"-like. MoE needs to redo his fire all weapons a bit so it doesn't stress the word "weapons" so much. also we need to have an impact hit sound (such as a torpedo exploding on deck 12 for example) so the (well-done) damage report part makes more sense then (of course it could have a report from a hit much earlier, but it'd be extra-nice if the ship gets hit during those 17 seconds ;)).

so, well done, all in all moe needs just redoin stuff and the rest finding some general hit and computer console sounds!

29 Oct 2007, 08:31
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Sounds great to me Ken. Scared Feds, great indeed! :D

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29 Oct 2007, 10:06
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Good - at least I understood what you wanted. I can look for some more Klingony effects and try lowering the pitch on the beeps and ... we are getting there. Make it so MOE. :D


29 Oct 2007, 12:14
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Hm. That might work well for the Ferengi. Not to go over the top but making the panic come through might sound good. This should be fun. I may have to change my boxer shorts after this one. :D

Just found a new voice actor was well. Don't let me have all the fun though. The more time I spend on this the less time there is for models. :| There are voices and sound effect in several folder on SharePoint.


29 Oct 2007, 19:31
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This is Logan. ... ct_log.mp3

He has created a new set of recordings for the Federation, see SharePoint, Sound Recordings, Federation *_log files.

I preparation for making more combat recordings I have organized audio clips and practiced mixing on the old "While You What" files. We had recorded some clips to mix and play while a player waits for live opponents to complete their turn. Here is what is in Sound Recordings, While You Wait. I do not know if anything will make it into the games but it did help me get ready for what comes next. ... alcMix.mp3 ... lorMIx.mp3 ... JimMIx.mp3 ... %20Mix.mp3 ... alMixA.mp3 ... e35Mix.mp3


04 Nov 2007, 04:22
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:lol: :lol: very well done, kenneth, or should i say logan?!

compcalc and councilor are both my favorites. nice ones! ;)

04 Nov 2007, 06:45
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Nice :)

The Councilor one was good lol.

Regards Wolfe


04 Nov 2007, 14:58
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I love them all :love: :D

Carpe Diem

04 Nov 2007, 20:15
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Here is a little clip for the Romulans. You have to love these guys. ... batMix.mp3


04 Nov 2007, 23:13
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Nice. Was it just me or did that music sound a lot like what was played by the Soviets or Nazis?

You ain't seen nothen yet.

05 Nov 2007, 01:10
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what music fox?

they played a lot military marches (obviously if you are a militaristic government)..

05 Nov 2007, 07:37
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The BOTE retreat from ST found me in the middle of doing those combat audio mix recordings. These were requested for the Star Trek based content of BOTE. In the hope that it might be used in other games and because it is fun and because it is easier to finish now I will do the major races. Then it is back to models for Supremacy and other Star Trek games. If there is a need for audio as the other games develop just ask. We will see.


06 Nov 2007, 14:18
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