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 Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading) 
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Fleet Admiral
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These are the race pictures that will make it in the game (for now) :

A - D


The Acamarian species is a space faring race, with a somewhat violent past. The Acamarian culture is based around clans and these are considered of great social and political importance, although many conflicts between the various clans have turned into wars. The Acamarians have a government which is headed by a Sovereign. But the Acamarian race seems to become more friendly over the years, although they still rely on strong weapon technology. Acamarian ships are capable warships and are more then qualified enough to defend the Acamarians against most threats.


The Akaali have a pre-industrial society based on a M-class planet. It is obvious that it would take a few more centuries before this race is capable of warp-flight. They are frightened for alien species and first contact should be carefully made. The Akaali are a friendly race, and are somewhat more developed in farming and medical treatments. Overall the Akaali don’t have much to offer to us, perhaps with assistance from us, they could grow into a part of our empire.


The Algolians are a humanoid race distinguished by their golden leathery skin and the small circular openings around their head. They originate from the Algol system. They have technology that is up to par with most races. They possess the technology for spaceflight, although they rarely use it. They are well known for the ceremonial music that they play at special occasions. They are usually a friendly and peaceful people.


Andorians are a race with a somewhat aggressive nature. They have a talented military arm, called the Andorian Imperial Guard. The Andorians are capable diplomats, and they expect others to stay true to their words. Andorians are a race that have a good bond with its nature and surroundings and they are deeply emotional and passionate. Their ships are heavily armed, which makes up for the slightly weaker defences. Andorians are also highly territorial, so do not enter their space without permission. You should never dishonour them, because this is a reason for the Andorians to go into war.


Angosians are considered to be a peaceful race, but they have been responsible for the genetically and chemically engineered soldiers used for their wars. These soldiers are now outcasts and couldn't function in the Angosian society, and therefore were imprisoned on an Angosian moon. Angosians have limited technology, and have only barely reached warp technology. Their ships they use are weak and mostly used for transport and exploration.


Antedeans are a fishlike species, inhabited of a oceanic planet with nearly no land. The technological level of the Antedeans is surprising, given the limited resources and their lifestyle. They are capable of space flight, but they find it extremely traumatic and can only survive this by entering into a catatonic state. At the end of a journey, Antedeans require large amounts of food. They seem to be somewhat doubtful towards the motives of humanoid species, and therefore prefer to isolate themselves. They prefer to remain on their home world, because they aren't capable of defending themselves when in space.


The Anticans are large, furry humanoid species from the planet Antica. Anticans are a carnivorous species who prefer to eat their meat alive. The Anticans species have the technology for interstellar spaceflight for a century and have explored the galaxy ever since. The Articans are a somewhat advanced species, who have been in war with the Selay for quite some time. They often regard the customs of other races to be barbaric and foolish. Because of their regard towards other races, they are somewhat difficult in diplomatic talks.


The Arbazan are a highly conservative semi-humanoid race from the planet Arbaza. A feature of the Arbazans is a vestigial ridge along the eyebrows and nose. They are looked on by others as sexually repressed and are often given bureaucratic and research jobs, which they enjoy. They are very easy to offend and are considered by many to be arrogant, complicating diplomacy.


The Argrathi are a humanoid race who are prone to suspicion. They are ruled by the Argrathi Authority, who punish people by implanting virtual memories a prison stay into them with no actual time passing and eliminating the need for prisons. They have an average technology level. Their suspicion and paranoia causes many people who are simply asking curious questions to be imprisoned.


The Axanar are a highly intelligent spacefaring race. Their species are androgynous, have life spans of 400 years. They breathe a nitrogen-methane atmosphere and live in cold environments. The Axanar ships have advanced weaponry and advanced technology. Although the Axanar are usually friendly, they will defend themselves if in danger.


Bajorans are a peaceful humanoid race, with ships that are capable of warp flight. They live on a fertile M class planet in a system called Bajor. They have a strong connection with their nature and surroundings and are specialized in art, philosophy, technology and architecture. Bajorans are led by a spiritual leader called the Kai, and by a provisional government. They are also known for their strength and endurance, during occupations and difficult times. Bajorans also are capable diplomats and can maintain relations with other races with relative ease.


The Ba’ku were at one time a violent and fragmented people, but after time they abandoned advanced technology to life in peace. The planet where the Ba’ku now life was endowed with life giving metaphasic particles, and would give everlasting life and longevity. They are now known for their peaceful nature and don't accept anyone to carry weapons with them. Certain Ba’ku were banished from the community, and these resentful individuals later became known as the Son'a, who have turned violent and aggressive against the Ba’ku. The Ba’ku are good diplomats, but aren’t interested in joining other races, or helping them building weapons and other technologies.


The Bandi are inhabitant to the Deneb system. They are a humanoid race, with limited technology. The Bandi are known for their stringy, white and grey hair. It is very likely that the Bandi are either transported from their homeworld onto a terraformed world. The Bandi are still living in clans as nomadic wanderers, in search for food and resources. The Bandi are peaceful, but are capable of doing aggressive deeds to accomplish certain targets. The Bandi don’t use spaceships.


The Baneans are a humanoid race. In their past, they have had many wars with a races called the Numiri. They are overall peaceful besides their conflict with the Numiri, although they also have a very strict legal system. If someone is found guilty of murder, they are implanted with the last memories of the victim's life and are forced to relive them every 14 hours as punishment. They are capable of spaceflight and have fairly strong warships. They also have advanced technology, especially in the medical field.


The Barzan are feline humanoids from the planet Barzan. Barzans physiology requires small amounts of ammonia. Their homeworld’s atmosphere is toxic and all visitors wear environmental gear to stay alive on the planet. The Barzan economic depends greatly on rare minerals and the development of environmental support. The technology of the Barzans is up to par with most spacefaring races. The politically view of the Barzans is neutral, to prevent conflicts and war.


The Benzites are a humanoid race from the planet Benzar who require a breathing mask when in oxygen atmosphere. They are a spacefaring species with blue-grey skin. They are highly intelligent in many fields, with their technology reflecting this fact. Benzites live in underground geostructures, with Benzites from the same geostructure looking identical. Benzites are competitive with each other and, because of their cultural upbringing, are constantly pushed to succeed but fear failure. Most Benzites are honest, perfectionist, and friendly, making diplomacy easier.


Betazoid are inhabitance of the planet Betazed. They are a peaceful race with strong telepathic abilities. Other species have been known to be suspicious of them, because of their telepathic abilities. The Betazoid people prefer to be skilled with arts, literature, and philosophy. The Betazoid society tends toward more formal traditions and ceremonies than most other species in the galaxy. Betazoids are a race of deep thinkers, they rather observe than act and have therefore little use for weapons and defence systems. Their ships are barely armed with any weapons and are mainly used, for exploration, colonization, transporting goods and for diplomatic missions.


The Bolians are a humanoid race easily identified by their blue skin and by a bifurcating ridge running vertically along their heads and bodies. The Bank of Bolias is the primary financial institute of the Bolians and many off-worlders. Bolian freighters can be found throughout many sectors. They are a friendly race, and don't have many ships build for battle. However the ships that are capable of defending themselves against attacks, are mostly used for escorting freighters on dangerous trade routes.


The Boslics are a humanoid space faring civilization. They are recognizable to their prominent brow and purple hair. They are mostly a race of traders, and many Boslics have a bad reputation. The Boslics prefer peace, but think that wars might open new markets. They don’t have warships, and travel a lot with freighters, which are most of the time poorly armed. Boslics have a high opinion to those that have defended their freighters.


The Bothans are a humanoid race with extraordinary telepathic abilities. They can send telepathic delusions into the minds of others, causing them to enter a catatonic state. The Bothans are characterized by the large multitude of facial ridges they have. They have an average level of technology and have rudimentary warp technology. The Bothans are very territorial and will attack any that enter their space.


The Breen are a strong military race. Their weapon technology are very advanced and they don’t show much mercy to their foes. The Breen utilize biological components in much of their technology, including their ships. The Breen warships are also equipped with cloaking devices which is a dangerous combination with their already deadly weapons. Breen brains are four-lobed which makes them unreadable for mind readers, they also have no blood. The Breen are known for their low integrity and backstabbing nature. The Breen are highly territorial and they destroy any ship that enters their space.


The Bre'ellians are a race from Bre'el IV, who have an appearance characterized by their blunt noses, deep-set eyes, and knobbed crania. They have an average level of technology and are capable of warp flight, although they tend not to use starships. They tend to keep friendly relations with most races they have contact with.


The Bynars are a race of small, pale humanoids from the Bynaus system. The Bynars have a very unique culture, with their people being interlinked into their planetary computer system. Bynars work in pairs and are bound to their partners. They speak in very quick successions of binary code through the use of neural implants. They have highly advanced computer technology and, although they do possess the technology, they do not take part in spaceflight. They are not usually very interested in joining the intergalactic community and in communicating with other races.


The Cairn are a telepathic humanoid race. They have no form of vocal language, instead preferring to communicate to others telepathically through the sending of images. They are incredibly skilled in telepathic ways. The Cairn are capable of spaceflight, although they have only just recently discovered warp travel, and compared to us have a lower level of technology. Although they like to make friends with others, it is complicated by the difficulties in communication.


The Caldonians are humanoid race with a love of research. They are a three fingered race and they are over six feet tall. Most Caldonians are scholars who are on a world committed purely to research. They have little advancement in social or engineering fields, but they make this up with their theoretical works in subspace and quantum mechanics. Caldonians are a peaceful race and are willing to cooperate with other species, to expand their knowledge in research and science.


The Capellans are a pre-industrial civilization from the planet Capella IV. The Capellans are ruled by a tribal government, with a leader called a teer, and have a society based on codes of war. They solve conflicts through fighting. Their traditions forbid the show of cowardice. Combat is placed above love in their society. They do not use medicine, believing the weak are meant to die. Their world is rich in rare minerals, giving it a significant economic advantage.


The Chalnoth are an very violent race. They are large carnivorous beings, and have even been known to consume their enemies. The Chalnoth people live mainly in anarchy, although they will form small groups around a leader if it helps them. They are a spacefaring race, buying small vessels from other species. Their technology is behind that of other races. In diplomacy, step lightly with them, as they will kill any who threaten them.


The Cheronians are a race of humanoids with bodies that are one side black and one side white. Racial conflict divides the race between those with black on the right side and those with white on the right side, with the cultural belief that what colour the right side of you makes you superior or inferior. The Cheronians have a long history of aggression. They have life spans of tens of thousands of years and can biologically create large amounts of energy. Their technology and spacecraft are superior to most races.


The Coridan are a humanoid species from the Coridan system. They are spacefaring, but have inferior technology in most other areas. Their planet has extensive amounts of Dilithium, however, the Coridan have had difficulty mining it. Coridan was unified and achieve spaceflight shortly after the end of a centuries long civil war. They are friendly to other races, wishing for aid for their planet.


The Corvallens are a humanoid race, having red skin with a cracked appearance. They have an average amount of strength and their technology is equal to that of most races. They are a neutral race of mercenaries and traders. They usually run their trade between powers. They are considered untrustworthy by many because of the actions of their mercenaries.


The Deltans are a bald humanoid race from the Delta system. Deltans are empathic and telepathic. Deltans have life spans of centuries. The Deltans have a highly developed society, with no wars for centuries. They also have a highly developed sexuality which, although it gave them peace, can cause conflicts with less open societies. The Deltans have an average level of technology and are capable of spaceflight, and their ships are rarely armed. They prefer to communicate using multiple methods, using their telepathic, physical, and verbal methods of communication. They are very friendly but will defend themselves if absolutely necessary.


Denobulans are polygamous, with each Denobulan having three partners that also have two other partners, creating a social network. Although Denobulans seem to be a friendly humanoid race, they had at least one war with another species. Denobulans preferred not to be touched, and most Denobulans don't have pets. They have abandoned a lot of things for amusement thinking that their real life is much more exiting. Denobulans have an average technology level with science and medical technology as their strongest points. The Denobulan ships have weapons on board and are thus capable of defending themselves. Most races seem to think that the Denobulans are a friendly race, and Denobulans therefore have often good relations with most other species.


The Dopterians are a humanoid race who are theorized to have evolved from Ferengi proto-humanoids transferred to another world. They have orangish skin and have four-lobed brains, making it impossible for them to be sensed by telepaths. They are known for their duplicity. They are capable of spaceflight, but most of their other technology lags behind other races. Their spacecraft are usually not manned, but instead are simple automatic attack weapons. They often have relations with other races to further their own species wealth and technology.


The Dosi are a profit-driven race who have an appearance characterized by the painted stripes on their faces. They are of average stature and build. They usually are below average technologically. They are capable of spaceflight. They welcome trade relations with other races. They are highly aggressive negotiators, sometimes resorting to fighting to resolve business deals.


The Dremans are a pre-warp civilization from the planet Drema IV. Dremans are doll-looking with orange toned skin. Their planet is prone to geological instabilities and is also known for having some of the largest amounts of Dilithium ever found. Their technology is post-industrial, with the discovery of the radio already having occurred, but they are a long way from space flight.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 18:57, edited 121 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 15:15
Fleet Admiral
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E - H


The Edo are a friendly humanoid race, with no intention to either use or develop space flight. This humanoid race maintain high penalties of executions for would-be offenders. This humanoid race tries to keep the love, health and sensual pleasures among their species as high as possible. The technology level of the Edo is at an average level, but they don’t need it to defend themselves. The Edo race is namely protected by their “god�, a super-entity in orbit around the planet. This enormous space entity is living in two dimensions at the same time, and will do anything to protect the Edo.


The Elaysian are a spacefaring humanoid people who live on a low-gravity world. Because of this only a handful have left ventured off-planet where they need anti-gravity wheelchairs to move around. They are familiar with mass transit concepts and have developed efficient ways to have a normal live on planets with a higher gravity. The Elaysians are a peaceful race, willing to go into diplomatic talks whenever possible.


The El-Aurians are a race of listeners, and also have some limited empathic abilities. They have a lifespan of several centuries, and are willing to help out other sentients, to work out their problems. El-Aurians are excellent diplomats but are also good in trade and technology. El-Arian ships aren't build for combat, but are capable of defending themselves against intruders.


The Evora are a humanoid race of smaller stature. They live off a vegetarian diet. The Evora are very new to space travel and operate primitive warp ships. Although their ships are primitive, their technology is up to par with most civilizations. They are led by a regent, and are known to be very peaceful and diplomatic with other races.


The Excalbians are silicon based life forms from the planet Excalbia. They are very curious creature, especially concerning the behaviour of other races. They have the ability to shape shift. They possess a system of morals that is radically different from others, having no concept of good and evil, and test other creatures to see their different social beliefs. They have highly advanced technology. They possess the technology for spaceflight, although it does not seem to be used.


Flaxians are a humanoid race from the planet Flaxia. They are dark-skinned and are often seen with dark hair. The Flaxians are masters in assassinations, and they regard assassinations as a legitimate activity. Flaxians belief that a violent death will bring great fortune and luck for the next life. Their favourite types of assassinations are: micro explosives, multiple stage poisons or Remat detonators. Flaxians prefer the peace with other race, and many independent Flaxians have worked for other species. They don't have a great military, but when needed they can defend themselves even after they have been subjugated.



The Gorn are a spacefaring reptilian species. Most of their species are over two meters in height and are physically stronger than many races . They are a highly aggressive and militaristic species. They are very territorial and will not hesitate to fight for territories they believe are theirs. They have strong star ships. Very little is known of the Gorn culture. They do not seem to use diplomacy often as a means of solving problems, but instead rely on fighting.


The Grazerites are a non-violent race. The Grazerites evolved from a herbivorous herd animal. They require very little rest and are very contemplative. They abhor violence of any form and shy away from confrontations. The Grazerites enjoy making allies of other races, as long as they are a peaceful people. They are skilled diplomats as they are easy to agree with others.


The Haakonians are a war-like humanoid species. The Haakonians are ruled under a strict and exacting military order. The Haakonian weapon technology is superior to many, but they are lacking in many other areas. They expand their territory through disastrous wars and will use any means to continue this expansion. They do not deal well with others, using war to solve their problems.


The Halanans are a race from the planet Halana who are psycho projective telepaths, being able to make images up to two cubic meters in height. They are distinguished by their brown skin and curved ears. Halanans are very loyal, and it is known that they mate for life. The Halanans have technology up to par with most other species. They are spacefaring, but do not usually arm their ships. The Halanans are a peaceful civilization who relish contact with new races.



The Halkans are a strictly peaceful race. The Halkans are committed to absolute peace at any cost. The Halkans have not had a war in over 10,000 years. The Halkan planet has large amounts of Dilithium, causing envy among other races. Their technology is of a lower level and they are incapable of space travel. The Halkans have no interest in modern technology and prefer to be isolated from other races. They refuse to have relations with any race if it could cause any harm to anyone.


The Hazari are an extremely violent race. They are known for being hired by other races to work as bounty hunters. They are technologically advanced in many areas. Their ships are very quick, have excellent defence and are very well-armed. Their ships often fight in groups to overrun their enemies. They have a highly organized military structuring to their lives. They will ally with others if it profits them and will fight tirelessly against their enemies. They always honour any agreements they make.


The Hekarans are a spacefaring race from the planet Hekaras II. They are advanced in many technological fields, especially in that of warp research, being the first species to realize the stress of warp on the surrounding space. Little is known of their star ships. They are a friendly people who seek alliances and friendship with other races.


The Hirogen are a nomadic race of predatory hunters. They are divided into small hunting groups, each led by an alpha. Hirogen ships are well-armed, built with fighting in mind. Their technology is on par with most species, however, they rarely make scientific breakthroughs because of the one minded focus on the hunt. The Hirogen civilization was highly advanced in its past, but declined with its increasing amounts of hunts. They are highly aggressive and violent, often they will chase their enemies for lengthy period, then after they kill them use the bodies of their prey as trophies. They are difficult to have dealings with because of their aggression.


The Horta are a race of silicon based life and are native to the planet Janus VI. They are a non-spacefaring race. The Horta excrete an ultra corrosive chemical that easily burns through stone, letting the Horta burrow through the stone. Every 50,000 years, all but one Horta die out, leaving a large number of eggs guarded by the last remaining Horta. Although they are normally peaceful, they will not hesitate to defend themselves.


The Hupyrians are a tall, quiet humanoid race. They have very weak voices and only talk when necessary. Many of their race are hired as servants for others because of their intense loyalty to those that are their masters, even dying to protect them. They have an average level of technology, however, none of the technology is native, instead being given to them by the Ferengi at their civilization's beginnings. They have no space capabilities. They are willing to cooperate with other races, although they are very unskilled in diplomacy.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 19:14, edited 10 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 15:38
Fleet Admiral
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I - L


The J'naii are a technologically advanced humanoid species. The J'naii species is androgynous, with this tendency forced by the government and being dominant in their society, although some individuals still cling to the concept of gender. The J'naii are capable of spacetravel, although their ships are only capable of low warp speeds. The J'naii are a small bodied people who love socializing. The J'naii are friendly to most races and encourage trade and alliances.


The Karemma are a race that excels in trade. The Karemman look for trade opportunities wherever they go. Their starships are mostly made to trade and seek out others. These starships are only equipped with light weapons to defend themselves. They are behind in military technologies and average in most others. The Karemma are usually friendly and try to be on friendly terms with other races.


The Kazon are a spacefaring humanoid civilization. The Kazon were long ago among the most culturally and technologically advanced people of the galaxy. This ended when the Kazon were conquered by the Trabe, who encouraged the Kazon sects to fight against each other. The Trabe oppression was ended with the unification of the Kazon people. The departed Kazons stole the Trabe’s spacecrafts, returning the status of the Kazon into a spacefaring species. Kazon technology is still limited and their strength lies mostly in combat. But their real strength lies in the size of their warships. They don’t posses the technology of transporters, replicators, holodecks or other advanced technologies. It isn’t easy to gain in trust with the Kazon because power shifts easily between the leaders of the Kazon. They also don’t like people entering their domains, and will rather fire then warn them.


The Kellerun are an advanced race of humanoids. They are spacefaring with highly advanced weapondry technology. Until recently, they were involved in a centuries long war with the T'Lani. The war was stopped after the disasterous affects of the Harvesters, the nanobiogenic weapons both sides used, were felt. Both sides were then fervent towards peace. They now wish to enter a new era of peace.


The Krenim are an advanced humanoid species, led by their government, the Krenim Imperium. They are expansionistic and highly aggressive to other species. They are technologically advanced, having technological prowess in temporal mechanics. They have heavily armed ships. The Krenim are territorial and do not often maintain friendly relations with other species.


The Kreetassans are a humanoid races distinguished by their braided hair, ridged faces, and the blue areas on their forehead and chin. They consider eating a taboo subject along with mating, and that both should be done in private. They have technology on par with most other races. They are spacefaring and have ships that are equal to those of most other races. They are a peaceful race who tend to exploring instead of fighting.


The Ktarians are a humanoid race from Ktaria VII, who are distinguished by their feline features, yellow eyes, and enlarged foreheads. The Ktarians are a warp capable species, but their ships are inferior to those of most races. They have an overall average level of technology but excel in neurotechnology. They have the technological ability to control the minds of others to their will, making them a danger to other races. They are an ambitious species, but they usually stay neutral with other powers.


The Lurians are a semi-humanoid race from the Luria system. They have a large physique and are very strong. Lurians rarely speak unless necessary. They are a peaceful people, with no want for conquest. Most of their people who are spacefaring are merchants. They have an inferior level of technology. They are friendly to most races and encourage trade of resources and knowledge.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 14 Dec 2004, 19:28, edited 5 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 15:51
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M - P


The Malcorians are a somewhat xenophobic race from Malcor III. They have enlarged frontal skull bones and hands with palms that act as suction cups. Technologically, they are behind most races, but have made rapid advances in the last two centuries, being very close to developing warp technology. They believe that they are superior to all others. They often take aggressive stances against other races because of their xenophobic tendencies.


The Malon culture is centred around trade and the accumulation of wealth. Successful Malon look for new and unique business opportunities, their resourcefulness could be an asset to our people. They have been known to go as far to risk the safety of others to satisfy their own requirements. Malon have a reputation as being stubborn and closed minded, it is difficult to dissuade them from a course of action once their minds are made up. Their vessels are often well armed, employing powerful spatial weaponry.


The Meridians are a group of humanoids from the planet Meridian. They phased in between corporeal and noncorporeal forms because of an instability in their sun that causes their planet to undergo dimensional shifts. They tend to form friendly relations with other races, although the dimensional shifts make communication difficult.


The Mintakans are a humanoid species native to the Mintaka system. Their physical appearance and anatomy looks a lot in ways like other Vulcanoid races, but their brains are somewhat behind compared to most other Vulcanoid species. The Mintakans have barely reached the Bronze Age state of technology, and therefore are of little use for other species. Other races with advanced technology are sometime seen in the eyes of the Mintakans as gods, although they gave this belief in the supernatural millennia ago up. Because of this, they quickly offer membership treaties to other races with space flight capabilities. Their weapons are in the form of bows and swords, and therefore wouldn’t pose a thread against advanced weaponry.


The Miradorn are a humanoid race, distinguished by their bi-lobed foreheads. They are born as twins and are so close that each considers himself one half of a whole person. If one twin is born, the other seeks vengeance and will stop at nothing to obtain it. They are of an average technological level. Their ships are up to par with most races. They are prone to assertiveness, complicating diplomatic talks.


The Mizarians are a pacifistic humanoid species from Mizar II. The Mizarians are characterized by their grey, wrinkled skin. They have an average level of technology and are not a spacefaring race. They have an adamant belief in pure pacifism no matter what happens. In the last 300 years of history, they have been conquered six times. Their pacifism has led them to be neutral with all races, as they would never support a race that may do violence.


The Mokra are a militaristic race. They are ruled by the repressive and strict governing of the Mokra Order. Their governing philosophy is to crush anyone who resists their rule. They are technologically advanced and have warp capabilities. Their starships are made for combat, with heavy armaments and strong shielding. They tend to think of themselves as superior. Their repressive and military nature usually puts them at odds with other species.


The Na'kuhl are a humanoid species, distinguished by their red eyes and many facial ridges. They are a highly aggressive race who will use any means necessary to further their expansion. The Na'kuhl believe that they are the superior race. They have advanced weapons technology and are a spacefaring race, although little is known of their spacecraft. They excel in military and temporal technologies. They are often hostile to other races because of their superiority complex and militaristic nature.

Night race

The night race is a race of humanoid beings who prefer the dark. This species prefers to remain in solitude, and to avoid contact with other races. However they are a friendly society and only attack when their lives are threatened. Their ships carry powerful beam weapons and are capable of taking down most enemies. They prefer to attack in large number with small attack ships. Diplomacy might prove difficult with this race, but they are favourable to those that recognize their borders.


The Nyrians are a humanoid race that excels at trickery of others. Their technology is advanced to the point where they have perfected long range transporting. Their ships are not usually used in battle, but can defend themselves. The Nyrians have been known to resort to piracy of passing ships to gain starships. Their species will first contact others seeming trustworthy, but are usually duplicitous in their motives.


The Ocampa are a humanoid species, and live on a barren type planet. They have a lifespan of about nine years, although it is possible to increase this with advanced technology. Ocampa can communicate telepathically as well as verbally. The Ocampa homeworld had suffered a major ecological catastrophe causing a loss of all of its nucleogenic particles, which was triggered by intergalactic explorers. This meant that rain could no longer form, and the planet rapidly became a desert. One of the explorers stayed behind and is known as the Caretaker. From his array in space the Caretaker provides the Ocampa underground city with power and protect them against hostile races. The Ocampa do possibly have the technology for warp flight, but we haven’t seen them use it. Diplomatic talks with the Ocampa are easy and welcome for the Ocampa.

Orions, The
The Orions are a humanoid trading race. The Orions maintain a black marked in female slaves, Dilithium crystals and other rare minerals and materials. The Orions are known for their currency called the Issik. They enslave people of other races to set them to work in mining camps. One of their mightiest organization is called the Orion syndicate, and their main economic motor is full of criminal activities, like slavery, stealing and assassinations.


The Ornarans are a humanoid species from the planet Delos III. They are characterized by an extra cartilage bridge on their nose. They can emit an electrical discharge that is capable of incapacitating others. Two centuries in their past, they suffered from a plague. The Brekkians supplied them with the drug Felicium, which cured the plague. Until the recent end to the freighter shipments, the Ornarans were addicted to the Felicium. Until recently, little progress was made technologically because of the costs of the Felicium. They have a technology level that is under par compared to most races. They do have spaceflight capabilities, but this is limited to some impulse freighters, and they do not have warp drive. They are now beginning to make friends with other races after their newfound freedom from the drug.


Pakleds are not known for intelligence. Their ships appear to be rudimentary cargo craft, but the opposite is true. They pretend to have a "broken" ship to lure in rescuers, then take some hostage in exchange for more technology. Almost all of their technology has been acquired from other races. They speak a very rudimentary language, reminiscent of their rapid advancement into the interstellar age. They are not very powerful in combat, and are only hostile when they want "things to make us go".


The Paradas are a humanoid race from Parada II that are reptilian in appearance. They have red skin and arches above their eye sockets. They have warp technology, although little is known about their spacecraft. They have an average technology level overall, however, their cloning technology is incredibly advanced. In their recent past, the Paradas had a violent civil war. The Paradas are often duplicitous, asking for peace but preparing to fight.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 22:37, edited 11 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 15:59
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The Rakosans are a humanoid species from the planet Rakosa V. They are warp-capable, with their ship technology being fairly rudimentary compared to most. Their ships are usually small and have light armaments and small amounts of shielding. Their technology is about at an average level. They are a peaceful race that enjoy making friends of other races, however, if they are threatened they will not hesitate to defend themselves.



The Risans are a humanoid race from the planet Risa, who are considered by others to be hedonistic. They are capable of spaceflight, although they do not use it. They have an average level of technology. The culture of the Risans is focused at the pursuit of pleasure. They are a friendly and easygoing people, very willing to make friends.


The Selay are a reptilian race from the planet Selay. They had a long feud with the Anticans, whom they vehemently despise. They have a serpent-like face with green skin and have tri-digited hands. They have an average level of technology. They are capable of spaceflight and have a proficiency in weapons. They are friendly to most other races except for the Anticans.


The Sheliak are R-3 class lifeforms from the Shelia star system. The Sheliak have the appearance of a group of black, mucous-secreting folds. They are highly advanced technologically. Their ships are on par with those of other races. They have a very complex language and are very exacting and legalistic. They consider most humanoids to be inferior forms of life and will not hesitate to eliminate humanoids if they are a nuisance to them. They are led by the Sheliak Corporate. They are reclusive and intolerant of others and tend to avoid contact with other races unless absolutely necessary.


The Sikarians are a friendly and generous people from the planet Sikaris. They are a technologically advanced society, especially in transporter technology. The Sikarian's starships are mainly used to contact others, as they have little interest in military rule. The Sikarian culture prizes stories greatly. They have a system of laws that forbids them from giving away advanced technology and interfering with other cultures. The Sikarians try to make allies of the other races they come in contact with.


The Son'a are a spacefaring humanoid race, characterized by their stretched grey skin. They are on par with the technology of most races. The Son'a spacecraft are well-armed and well-shielded. They are a nomadic and hedonistic race. They are well-known as pirates and traders, as they are very materialistic. They were originally part of the Ba'ku race in their distant past, but decided to leave the planet. They are a hostile race, known to enslave other races as slaves. Diplomacy is difficult, as the Son'a are prone to being deceitful.

Species 116 (we could call them The Arturis Race or something, because this is the only known citizen from that race).

Species 116 are an advanced humanoid race. They are distinguished by their enlarged craniums. They are warp capable and have highly advanced propulsion technology. They are also adapt at languages. Their ships are overall about equal to those of most races. They are peaceful overall but have been known to react violently when threatened.

Sphere builders

The Sphere Builders are a race of trans-dimensional beings. They are known for the large spheres that they built in the Delphic Expanse to attempt to transform it's environment to make it habitable for them. They are aggressively expansive and will use any means necessary to accomplish this goal. They are worshipped by a number of species because of how advanced they are. They have highly advanced and dangerous technology, including that which allows them to examine possible outcomes of the timeline. They have advanced spaceflight capabilities. Any diplomacy they undertake is usually only a ploy to further their conquests.


The Suliban are a humanoid species with mottled green skin. The Suliban are ruled under the Cabal, who recieve orders from an unknown person from the future. The Suliban have advanced technology because of the Cabal. The Cabal's military consists of genetically enhanced Suliban. The Cabal are known to be stealthy and deceitful, although the major population is friendly and peaceful.

Swarm, The

The Swarm are a highly aggressive race and have very territorial behaviour. They do not hesitate to attack any ships that enter their space. Instead of using small amount of large ships like many species, the Swarm use thousands of very small ships to attack their enemies. Their ships are able to attach to another ship and drain it's energy. The Swarm's technology is advanced. Diplomacy is very difficult to undertake, as they are violent and their language is very difficult to translate.

Sytherians (should they make it into the game???)

The Cytherians are a highly advanced humanoid race, distinguished by the blue spot on their forehead. They are isolationists, staying on their planet and contacting others through the use of probes. They have advanced technology, being able to send large amounts of information into both computers and the minds of others. They are a friendly race who enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 19:46, edited 6 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 16:41
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The Takarans are a vaguely reptilian humanoid race from the Takara system. The Takarans are highly advanced in the areas of physics and energy, giving them a technological advantage over most species. They are capable of spaceflight, although little is known of their starships. Physically, the Takarans are very different from other species. They have an incredibly complex internal system, with a homogenous structuring of their organs instead of seperate ones, making the killing of a Takaran very difficult. They prefer to mantain friendly relations with other species.

Tak Tak

The Tak Tak are a humanoid species with no mode of verbal communicate, instead using very complicated body and hand signals. They are capable to spaceflight and have strong weapons, but in most other areas they have a low level of technology. Their technology in the area of medical technology is especially low. They are a peaceful people, but do not easily forgive offences against them.


The Talarians are a militaristic spacefaring humanoid race. The have a highly disciplined military, with military traditions that are very important to their commanders, including the tradition of adopting fallen enemy commander sons. Their culture is patriarchal and they have a warrior based society. Their ship's weapons are technologically far behind that of other races. They are defensive of their borders.


The Talaxians are a humanoid civilization from the planet Talax. They are characterized by their short stature and spotted temples. They have technology that lags slightly behind other similar races. Their spaceships are made mainly for speed and freight duty, but they are armed and will defend themselves if necessary. They are a non-violent species who like to open trade and friendship relations with other races.


The Talosians are an advanced humanoid race characterized by their enlarged craniums. They have very advanced technology, but no spacecraft, as they prefer to remain on their world. They had a turbulent history that culminated with a nuclear war. After a time the remaining Talosians rejoined together and began to expand their mental strength over thousands of years. They have little physical strength but have incredibly advanced telepathic powers, being able to project thoughts and highly realistic images over another's mind. Their low physical strength required them to obtain a workforce from other races, which caused some conflicts. They usually stand neutral with other races, having difficulty understanding others.


The Tamarian are a humanoid race, distinguished by their orange skin and reptilian features. They have a highly complex language, using metaphors from their mythology to communicate. Their technology is on par with most advanced races. Their ships have advanced weapons, using powerful particle beam weapondry. They seem to be a friendly race, but the language barrier can make contact difficult.


The Tellarites are a porcine race from the planet Tellar. They are highly skilled at architecture and metallurgy. Tellarite technology is on par with most races. Their ships are well-armed and well-armoured. Tellarites are characterized by their thick fur and deep-set eyes. They are a quarrelsome species, considering argument a form of sport. They are normally a trustworthy and peaceful race, but are also very emotional and will quickly turned to rage if given reason to do so.


The Tholians are highly advanced crystallized beings. Their homeworld lies on a extremely hot planet. Tholians are a hive-mind and known for their punctuality. They have strong warships, with multiple weapons on board. The Tholians are also highly territorial, they will not accept any excuses when you are within their borders and they are known to be ruthless in attacking defenceless facilities and ships of opponents. Tholians distrust all other races and are keen to keep themselves isolated. They aren’t eager to keep up diplomatic relations with any race, until they have proven their allegiance to them.


The T'Lani are a humanoid race from the T'Lani system. They were at war for centuries against the Kellerun, in which they sustained heavy losses, including all of the population of a planet. After the disastrous consequences of the Harvester weapons were known, the T'Lani made peace with the Kellerun. The T'Lani ships are well-armed and are capable of warp drive. They have advanced weapons technology and are on par with other races in most other areas. The T'Lani are now trying to make friends of other races.


The Trabe are a technologically advanced humanoid race. They are spacefaring, with their starships being heavily armed and well armoured. The Trabe ship designs were adopted by the Kazon. The Trabe are aggressive, wishing only to conquer territory and enslave races. The Trabe have been known to use diplomacy, but are usually factitious in their intentions, asking for help and then using it to gain power.


The Trill are a spacefaring humanoid race with the capability of hosting a symbiont into their body. Since the symbiont integrates each new host's personality with its own after joining, Trill relationships are often difficult to maintain after the symbiont has been placed into a new host. The most powerful leaders take place at the Trill Symbiosis Commission where also will be chosen who will receive the honour of receiving a symbiont. Other races seem to think that the Trills are a somewhat arrogant species. Despite being a primarily peaceful race, the trill are prepared to defend themselves from attack. Their ships are reasonably well armed, and act as a perfect deterrent.


The Ullians are a telepathic civilization from the Ullia system. In their past, they had many times of violent conflict, usually involving telepathic invasions of others. However, they have now turned to a new era of peace, in which they record the memories of others into a library history. The Ullians' telepathic abilities are very advanced. They have technology on par to most species. They are a friendly people, who often wish to trade goods and gain allies.


The Vaadwaur are an aggressive humanoid species who wish to expand their territory and conquer others. Most of their technology is inferior, but their ship and weapons technology are a threat. Their ships have strong weapons and an advanced propulsion system. They will usually fight using many small, strong, agile vessels. The Vaadwaur are usually arrogant and deceitful in their dealing with others, only using them to their advantage. They prize dignity and efficiency, and are also described by many as war mongers. Successful diplomacy is difficult because of their deceitful tendencies.


The Vhnori are peaceful humanoid race, not yet capable of spaceflight. They have a strong belief in the Next Emanation afterlife with a fleshed-out funeral ritual involving thanatopolists and cenotaph coffins. But their is actually a subspace vacuole or spectral rupture, which occur naturally every six hours in thousands of sites all over the planet. Then they will be sent towards another place in the galaxy and die. The Vhnori will not easily accept this, and therefore diplomatic talks might get difficult.



The Viidians are a friendly race, with extremely advanced medical skills and they preserve life whenever possible. Viidians are favoured by many races because of their peaceful and caring nature. However they also have a strong military arm, with enormous cruisers as the backbone of their defences. Their ships are capable of making crippling blows to the enemy's defences.


Vulcans are a humanoid race, with copper-based blood, slightly green-tinted complexion and notably pointed ears. Vulcans have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic, learning to suppress their once-violent emotions in nearly every aspect of their existence. Vulcans may seem arrogant, but they are very loyal to their allies and friends. They are also a race of exploration, and have strong ships mainly used for defending the borders of their empire. The Romulans are an offshoot of the Vulcan species.


The Voth are a reptilian species that descended from dinosaurs, specifically hadrosaurs, that migrated into space 70 million years in the past. They are technologically advanced, having cloaking and large mass transporter technology. They have vast starships, aptly called city ships, that are many kilometres long and capable of very fast speeds. The Voth believe in a document called the Voth Doctrine, that holds that they evolved on the world they settled on and that they are superior to all other races. They are repressive of all beliefs to the contrary and have developed isolationist tendencies.



"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 22:35, edited 14 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 19:09
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The Xepolites are a neutral humanoid race. They are spacefaring, using very fast ships that use reflective materials to deflect scans. They are proficient in trade. Much of this trade is rumoured to be made up of covert illegal deals, although they have never been caught doing so. They prefer to remain in neutral status with races so as to continue a wide range of trade routes.


The Xindi are a group of intelligent species from the planet Xindus. Although their are different types of Xindi, they all share the characteristic of cheekbone ridges. The Xindi are run by the Xindi Council, which was created after a turbulent period of civil wars. They have an advanced level of technology and well-armed space vessels. The Xindi worship a race they call the Guardians. They are usually open to compromise with other species, but are highly dangerous when they align against they perceive as a mutual threat.


The Xyrillians are a short race with dermal plating that has tones ranging from brown to orange. The dermal plating also gives them their empathic abilities. Their technology is up to par with that of most races. They are spacefaring, with lightly armed ships capable of fast speeds. Physiologically, the Xyrillians are different from most races, with the male of the species getting pregnant instead of the female. They are able to produce an electrical charge when in contact with another. The Xyrillians are a peaceful people and like to make allies of others.



The Zahl are a benevolent humanoid race. They are a technologically advanced species. They have warp capabilities and have starships that are superior to those of many other races. The Zahl are distinguished by their ridged foreheads and speckled brown skin. In their past they fought a war with the Krenim. The Zahl are friendly and non-confrontational, but will fight if they are threatened.


The Zakdorn are an extremely intelligent humanoid race known to be formidable warriors and to be the greatest strategic minds in the galaxy. Their reputation among other races is so strong that is hasn't been tested in recent memory. The Zakdorn are physically an obese and weak race, this however has not affected their reputation. Most humanoids find the Zakdorn irritating because of the arrogance of the Zakdorn. Diplomatic talks with other species are therefore sometimes difficult.


The Zalkonians are a humanoid race from the planet Zalkon. Their people are characterized by multiple facial ridges. They have a low amount of ship technology but have highly advanced weaponry and can achieve fast warp speeds. Some of the Zalkonian people have begun to move towards an evolutionary change into noncorporeal beings, which begins with the onset of painful isoelectric bursts. Their government, which is highly repressive and militaristic, tries to destroy all evidence of this transmutation.


The Zibalians are a humanoid race from the Zibalia system, characterized by their distinctive facial tattooing on the temporal areas of their faces. They are known for their lucrative trade relations with other species, especially known for being able to provide rare items such as Hitritium. Their ships are not usually meant for battle, but can defend themselves if necessary. Their technology is on par with most species. They usually like to remain neutral to other species and conduct trade.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 18 Jan 2005, 20:16, edited 4 times in total.

07 Nov 2004, 19:24
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replace the card one for dukat :D
and the andorian for the guy from enterprise :D


07 Nov 2004, 19:32
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i would ADD a cardassian one to the already ecxition once, and about the Andorian guy, can't you him? You mean Shran don't you? Because i've 3 pics of him :wink:

But okeey will add Dukat :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

07 Nov 2004, 19:35
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to be honist i dont really like the fed picks, archer is ok as we know he plays more than just a strfleet role in history.

I think someone like an admiral should represent them, and not the creature features from the movie :P

07 Nov 2004, 21:16
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okeey will add some more fed pics, but gavin really wanted Archer.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

07 Nov 2004, 21:46
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how about an aged archer, from that episode with the zindi, twilight, that way ited be like he's in the future when he's not in starfleet.

07 Nov 2004, 22:33
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shouldn't thier be more pre warp races in, as in most enterprise episodes there quite alot of them, the mizarians and mintarken and the edo and the pritt and other race homeworld

also what about the major players like the suliban and the sphere builders, thiers also the race in enterprise that was the first race to invent holodeck technology(xyrillians)

thier also the hunting race of the eska and yridians

07 Nov 2004, 22:49
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just add more races that needs come in, perhaps even links? i will fix the pics as quickly as possible. :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

07 Nov 2004, 22:50
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just to add two more links so we got more for the delta quad.
the Trabe ... /trabe.jpg
the Ocampa diplomatic/ocamp2.jpg
the T'Lani
the kellerun ... llerun.jpg
also some others
the Bolians
the talarians
the talosians (don't know if they should be in)

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

08 Nov 2004, 00:56
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i will add them this evening. :D Keep coming the pics :wink: If you don't like a pic of a race, you can always say this or give a link to a picture you think is better. :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

08 Nov 2004, 10:51
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i need a picture of the andorian shran seen in enterprise with a frontal face look. I mean just like the other pics. :? If anyone has a screencap from the serie or either just a pic, please send it either to or place a link. (Please give me a PM when you have send it to the e-mail adres). :D

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

08 Nov 2004, 11:07
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I did a little digging for pictures of voyager speicies. Im still in favour of my map options where you can choose to have all the species in the right quadrant to start with. As a ressult Im trying to make sure we have enough from each quadrant. Ill e-mail them to u iwulf.

08 Nov 2004, 19:04
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the vaadwaur
the Risans
Cheronians (not sure if they should be in)
Na'Kuhl (not sure if they should be in either)

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

09 Nov 2004, 03:47
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thank u!!! Will add them this evening :wink: Cos i'm at work at the moment. :oops:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

09 Nov 2004, 08:46
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I place the links here so that i can do them this evening :wink: :


Miradorn ... radorn.gif

EDIT : Better miradorn pic ... radorn.jpg

And already have a ship pic for the miradorn, that was seen in TNG: ... screen.jpg

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

09 Nov 2004, 10:53
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Some of the pics look slightly fuzzy, I've got a lot of dvd's can put some screencaps up.

I think the fed pics need totally redoing. That president looks like a half klingon. Archer is alright to start, but will look wierd after 100 turns or so. I'd go for someone neutral like Ross maybe?

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

09 Nov 2004, 11:46
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I would totally appreciate that! I would like to have a screencap of Shran but also with other pics of course! Some are really hard to get, but anyway i already get help from Smiggfig, to sharpen some of the pics. I asked Gavin and he wanted Archer, but i will add another pic with it. Ross seems to be a good choice, but we will see, perhaps we have to start of a poll? :D

Again thank you for the help, if you give me some screencaps for the game, you can send me them when i'm online on msn. :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

09 Nov 2004, 11:50
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If I get half an hour later I'll make a few and drop them on an e-mail. Otherwise will probably be later in the week. :wink:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

09 Nov 2004, 13:18
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Still didn't get them, perhaps something went wrong with e-mailing? You could always give them the coming days :D , weeks :cry: with msn. Much easier for both of us. :wink:

Please, if you see any races which still haven't been added, then at least give me those names, so that i can more easily search for them. Thank you.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

09 Nov 2004, 22:20
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yridians still haven't been added

10 Nov 2004, 07:53
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i didn't knew that trekmania has such a nice picture of them, :D

EDIT: oh yeah forgot to tell, will place them this... evening. :D

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 10 Nov 2004, 14:47, edited 1 time in total.

10 Nov 2004, 08:48
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I've got a good one of sisko behind his desk in his ready room on the defiant and a good one of ross also behind his desk on the bellerephon.

Both from dvds. Won't be able to send now til thurs or fri, wouldn't work when I tried. :x

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

10 Nov 2004, 11:43
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Here's one of Kor! I thought this was very effctive!

An Original Trekker !!!

10 Nov 2004, 16:59
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i should warn you mykuss, not to place to many links and pictures from Because there is a bandwith max of 1000 mb per month, and had linked 30 pictures 2 days long to this website, and i already used to many bandwith, so nobody could see the pics anymore.

Didn't you liked the klingon pic, that already was in?

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

10 Nov 2004, 17:05
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