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 Minor Race Special Structure Images 
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Fleet Admiral
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I'm wondering where these pics are coming from and if they were done by us and if I could use them for our new content, i.e. if they weren't taken from the movies or series or nearly identical to them (pics from supremacy resource and some from sharepoint folder):

MoE, I saw this passage in the worklog.doc on sharepoint and I was wondering where that new folder with the fantasy.jpg and Ferengi images are:

Matress_of_evil: I have renamed this folder to “Minor Race Special Structure Pics” and created a new folder for the new pictures that you uploaded Zeleni. Some of them – such as Ferengi Fantasy Land (fantasy.jpg) – were used as Empire structures or simply factories etc, and so may be useful for such purposes again.

  • ardanan_stratos-lev_generator (the second one with the yellow glow below in it)
  • ardanan_zenite_mines
  • axanar_shipyards_of_axanar
  • bajoran_jalanda_forum
  • Baku Metaphasic Spa
  • banean_law_commission
  • barzan toxic refinery
  • basic replicator
  • benzite systems analysis union
  • bolian_trade_centres
  • bomar_colonial_fleet
  • cairn_diplomatic_scholars
  • capellan_mineral_reserve
  • chalnoth_factory_program
  • coridan_dilithium_cracking_station
  • denobulan_exchange_academy
  • dopterian_technology_archive
  • elaysian_low_gravity_resort.png
  • fed_protein_resequencers (looks a bit like a "kitbash" of romulan botf pic with something alike)
  • FedGotovo
  • halkan_dilithium_cracking_station
  • hirogen_communications_network
  • horta_ore_extraction_plant
  • J Naii Corrective Therapy Centre
  • jnaii_corrective_therapy_centre
  • kaelon_fusion_guild
  • karemma_trade_agency
  • kreetassan_ore_refinery
  • ledosian_port_authority
  • Lissepian Commercial Hub
  • malon_heavy_recycling_plant
  • monean_aquacells
  • monean_aquasphere_research_complex
  • nausicaan_asteroid_base
  • nezu_orbital_tethers
  • ocampa_hydroponics_program
  • ocampa_tunnel_network
  • parada_clone_bunker
  • parada_security_division
  • Tamarian Jalad Study Center
  • Teplan Defiance Cell

benzite_systems_analysts_union.png [ 111.34 KiB | Viewed 13206 times ]
basic_replicators.png [ 39.79 KiB | Viewed 13204 times ]
barzan_toxic_refinery.png [ 105.93 KiB | Viewed 13204 times ]
20 Mar 2008, 07:22
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Oh, that IS an old message!

ALL of the "new" images were acquired by Dafedz - whether we are allowed to use them or not I don't actually know coz I haven't asked him. HOWEVER, Dafedz knows not to just take, so it's safe to assume he has actually asked. You'll have to ask him direct if you need to know.

You can get the images from the database. Just click on the thumbnails of the images that you want to load the large images, then right-click on them and save as.

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21 Mar 2008, 01:30
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Fleet Admiral
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thx, I will (though he already said something to me that he does not know exactly where he got each and every pic but he thinks all of them were copyright-free). Some look beyond outstanding like the ones above and maybe he's able to get the source for some of them dug out for me..

21 Mar 2008, 06:52
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Ba'ku's Metaphasic Sap, Baslic's Dilithium Extraction Rig and Capellan's Tribal Council are my original work if that helps.


21 Mar 2008, 14:45
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thx, good to know. Btw. your rom and klingon shipyards and orbs made it into our new content (I "textured", i.e. overlaid a colored layer, over them). they look really nice ;).

21 Mar 2008, 15:11
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I am in the middle of updating the information and images both on Sharepoint and in this thread. I've spent the last two hours doing it so i'm gonna have a rest now and watch minority report on telly hehe. Please let me know if you notice any problems with my updates so far. Check the first post of this thread for the minor race special structure images.

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04 Jun 2008, 22:32
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and max scene that i did, what do you think lads, is it ok ?


Carpe Diem

22 Jul 2008, 13:32
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That's fantastic Zeleni! Could you also apply transparencies to the images as well? Many of the images in the game use transparencies, so we might as well use it for all images. It makes them look better in the game as well.

I've got some bad news though - everything on sharepoint is potentially gone, so the list of stuff we need is likely to get considerably larger. I've got backups of all the structure images though so if you have a png with transparencies added of this image i'll be able to add this one straight to my backups.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


23 Jul 2008, 00:04
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Zeleni is my hero. :bigthumb: :borg:

I understand that the ships and stations will have space backdrops added in behind the transparency.

Will the same think happen here? The few 2D images I made do not lend themselves to a background.



23 Jul 2008, 03:58
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Images that don't need a background simply don't need a background. Just leave them as they are.

If an image has an area that is all one colour though, (And isn't part of a structure or some other key part of the image) then this should be considered as background, over which transparencies should be added to "remove" it in the game. To make it easier to identify which areas are considered as background, they should be black or white. No other colour should be used as a background unless there is a specific reason to do so.

Space images are the only exception to this rule. If an object is supposed to be set in space, then a space background should be added where possible - or at least the solid colour should be black and a few dots should be added to the solid colour in Micro$oft Paint to look like stars.

Obviously images that are completely filled, such as the garden one you listed, Kenneth, look the best though. If all of the images were filled like that and such fantastically high quality, Supremacy will look stunning. 8)

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


23 Jul 2008, 10:23
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Are you sure about the ships and stations MOE?

As far as i'am aware all current ship pics have transparent backgrounds with no star fields. Simply just the ship picture with no background.

Regards Wolfe


23 Jul 2008, 13:06
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I meant space-based buildings, not space-based stations such as Outposts and Starbases Wolfe. Space-based buildings would include things like Subspace Scanners.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


23 Jul 2008, 20:28
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Fleet Admiral
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The Haakonian image on page 1 is not free: Image

Costs 160$ ;).

Btw. Some images I cannot determine who made them in this thread, for example the Miradorn Genetic Research Center, the Gorn Replicator net, the Evora Mediators or the Brekkian Trading lanes. Can I assume Zeleni is behind the nameless pics? ;)
Some I know are from Dafedz's collection, these three too?

24 Oct 2009, 18:56
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@Malle- it's nice to see you again :grin:

This image isn't provided by me, it's too ugly for my taste, I can't believe somebody is charging 160$ for that. Well i must admit my new update for supremacy will contain lots of images of various authors all over the net, all of them are free for useing unless they are used for commercial purposes. You won't believe it, today i saw a guy on the selling Botf cardassian models for 20$. :lol:

link: ... duct=77736

Carpe Diem

24 Oct 2009, 19:27
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yeah it's good to be back :)

I didn't mean this ugly thing above, I meant the other 4 pics.

btw. I hope you didn't download renders directly (only models and rendered everything by yourself) from or turbosquid since their EULA's are very unspecific and leave a wide legal grey area. Virtually you can't use anything you download there for it is required to lock all files up which effectively turns renders and screens offered there (if there are only the renders and screens offered and not the underlying models) useless except you encrypt all files like they describe it in their EULA (also counts for renders if you look closely enough):

4. Models or textures purchased from T3DS may be used in video games, simulations, VR-worlds, or other such software, with the stipulation that safeguards shall be used at all times in all such cases to prevent the end user of such software from gaining access to individual models or textures purchased from T3DS. Methods of safeguarding the models and textures include: A: Using a proprietary disc format such as Xbox 360, Playstation 3, etc. B: Using a proprietary model format. C: Using a proprietary and/or password protected database or resource file that stores the model data. D: Encrypting the model data.

5. Products obtained, downloaded, or purchased from T3DS will not be resold, given free of charge, or redistributed except as otherwise noted for video game and simulation use in this Agreement.

5. is very interesting since products is everything you can download on their website including renders.

That's why I'm removing all the3dstudio and turbosquid pics (except for ForeverZ' ones, he just gave me permission to use them freely, yay ;)) and only keep the and others I found bullet-proof concerning redistributability. Kinda stupid job but I see no other option.

24 Oct 2009, 19:44
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Btw. Some images I cannot determine who made them in this thread, for example the Miradorn Genetic Research Center, the Gorn Replicator net, the Evora Mediators or the Brekkian Trading lanes. Can I assume Zeleni is behind the nameless pics? ;)
Some I know are from Dafedz's collection, these three too?

All 4 images come from Dafedz but i know Dafedz isn't creator (for miradorn and evora building i'm sure), i'think evora mediators are from pc game.

I don't take anything from turbo-squid and similar sites, I don't like their rules and prices :smile:

Carpe Diem

24 Oct 2009, 20:12
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alright, I won't use Miradorn and Evora picture then.

I should have asked you earlier btw. ;), although I only took free models and renders there, prices keep changing. ForeverZ's pics now cost 2$, when I downloaded them they were free..

24 Oct 2009, 20:20
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ForeverZ's pics now cost 2$, when I downloaded them they were free..

Just in time.... :winkthumb:

Carpe Diem

24 Oct 2009, 20:23
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Btw a lot of the images in the database, such as Evora mediators, Brekkian trading lanes etc (which are random screenshots from various games) are merely placeholders - temporary, until such time they are replaced with our own superior (and legal) images.

dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D

30 Oct 2009, 17:57
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Benzites-Industrial-Network.png [ 84.89 KiB | Viewed 12895 times ]

Image Image
30 Nov 2009, 05:01
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Atrean Institue of Science

Atrean-Institue-of-Science.png [ 115.4 KiB | Viewed 12895 times ]

Image Image
30 Nov 2009, 05:02
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benzites industrial image is already used for one of our cardie buildings, though atrean image is new addition to our gallery :winkthumb:

Carpe Diem

30 Nov 2009, 05:09
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