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 Ship and Base Image Library V1 
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The lower Starbase model is made from the upper Starbase model. The lower model has an extended core shaft with the added oval section.

We can always do better in version two. :winkthumb: Right now I am working on filling up the empty wholes in the shiplist.


16 Aug 2008, 14:50
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kenneth, how many models were in fact lost now? A dozen, more or none at all? ;)

16 Aug 2008, 14:57
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So far I have not found anything that could not be recovered. I will know more when I finish the restoration. It is slowed down not only by searching and sorting but now applying scale and orientation. :borg:


16 Aug 2008, 17:11
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There is always battleclinic, armada, armada 2, bridge commander... sharepoint can't destroy us. :wink:

Carpe Diem

16 Aug 2008, 17:56
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
The lower Starbase model is made from the upper Starbase model. The lower model has an extended core shaft with the added oval section.

We can always do better in version two. :winkthumb: Right now I am working on filling up the empty wholes in the shiplist.

But it isn't better. The standard Starbase is prettier and that should be used as an upgrade...well ,that or an almost indentical model with just some minor differences. It's a stabbase, some hugestructural changes are hadrly warranted.

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16 Aug 2008, 18:40
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We know you can build a better model and I look forward to it. We can use it. :winkthumb:

My reasoning for the starbases and outposts, as seen above, was this. The game starts with outpost one, as seen above, in a low tech level. This is a base from TOS. It ends with Starbase II. The Starbase I above was seen in a ST film that still used the original cast, TOS. I see technology and size increasing past this stage by our games final stages.

In other news the Borg have been sighted.


16 Aug 2008, 20:20
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Question is - do you even need a new model?
Federation Starbases are modular and a great investment. Obviously they are kept up to date since by TNG time, they are still the biggest and best station around.
And I say again - why does it have to be bigger. The starbase is already freakingly huge according to the design manual.

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17 Aug 2008, 13:50
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Sound good to me. If it is OK with Mike we can use the same station model for Starbase I and II. Should we do that for all the major races?


17 Aug 2008, 20:27
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Sound good to me. If it is OK with Mike we can use the same station model for Starbase I and II. Should we do that for all the major races?
You can always make slight adjustments to the starbase model. But isn't it better to first focus on other ships and things? Sounds to me, that this is a low priority, unless someone really wants to do them.

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18 Aug 2008, 10:40
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There is now something, such as they are in version one, in very Dominion model slot except the Fleetyard. That could be a bash of large and medium yards in a pinch. (Dominion has 32 models in the game.)

The Borg are complete with 4 models.

We are waiting on two for the Federation and a few changes. The Federation has 44 models. It will be the Klingon next but that will take longer. Reality is closing in on me. :(



19 Aug 2008, 01:49
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Was there a Shiplist change for the Klingon alone the way?
I thought we had four SCOUT -B'rel ships, I to IV, but now I see three. I can do three but do seam to have more BOP than that. I might be thinking of the Destroyers.


21 Aug 2008, 02:07
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There was a change, but it was a balancing change as far as I remember. I thought there were still 4 B'rels too. I'll have to check that; it might just be a mistake.


As for the bases, there doesn't even need to be changes to the model; just create a "more advanced" texture!

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23 Aug 2008, 18:48
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Good idea about the bases.

The Klingon are as far along as I can go before leaving for Los Angeles. (page 1, post 2) Hope to be back next Friday.


24 Aug 2008, 03:20
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the scout I (B'rel) has federation "nacelles" on their sidearms' ends?

btw. do we still have all ships from ModelsPlease? I think he made quite a lot of the klingon ones IIRC..

24 Aug 2008, 05:36
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Nacelles? The B'rels Nacelles are so small that you can barely see them, Mal. The arm things are actually Disruptor cannons - the ships main weapons.


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24 Aug 2008, 11:04
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then what's this: Image ? ;)

:) not a 'canon' bop. :wink:

24 Aug 2008, 11:30
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Point taken. :lol:

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24 Aug 2008, 13:52
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lol i'm a bit confused, did you merged my post with yours, mal? Or did i clicked the edit button?... weird. :lol:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

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24 Aug 2008, 13:57
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you clicked the edit button :lol:

24 Aug 2008, 14:10
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Everyone knows that the Klingon did not correct this mistake until tech level 5. :wink:

We can fix that in version two along with all that is going on with the Federation. There are some ModelsPlease ships in there and more to come. I am getting in the car now and will be back next weekend.


24 Aug 2008, 15:42
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There is at least some kind of model for each of the Klingon ships and bases for version one. (page 1, second post)

We can fix problems for version two. New models are always welcome.



31 Aug 2008, 21:32
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I have noticed the need for ship descriptions on the jobs thread and that Dafedz database covers only the Federation ships so far. I was thinking of starting to do some descriptions, but I noticed some confusing things about the Klingon ships and have some questions. First, are the only descriptions done so far the ones in Dafedz database (basically is there still a need for descriptions)? Second, is the K'Vort not going to be a BOP in Supremacy (my understanding is that it is a larger or at least newer version of the B'rel)? Also while I am on the Klingons, is the Negh'Var going to be called a Scorpion class and a new ship inserted for the Negh'var, as it appears on the current ship pictures on the first page?

I know some images are just place holders, but I am curious as to whether some classes are going to be shuffled around for game purposes or if they are just place holders, like the Achilles picture for the Nova class?

In any case, as always the ship pictures are looking great :thumbsup:! Much praise to modelers, Kenneth_of_Borg, Zeleni, and whoever else has or is working on them.

06 Sep 2008, 20:43
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Stegrex wrote:
I know some images are just place holders, but I am curious as to whether some classes are going to be shuffled around for game purposes or if they are just place holders, like the Achilles picture for the Nova class?

Yes, the real Nova is coming. I will leave it MOE to explain the rest. We do need more text content.


06 Sep 2008, 21:39
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I didn't mean to harp on the Nova thing, I know whats going on there, I mean is that situation similar to the Klingon ships or any others?

06 Sep 2008, 21:51
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I may have some links to some ship descritopions which you might be ableto feed off there on my old comp but heres hoping i can get them :).

Regards Wolfe


07 Sep 2008, 00:47
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Thanks, let me know if you do. I will just dive in and start drafting some descriptions from what I can gather myself and hopefully post them soon.

07 Sep 2008, 01:54
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No insult taken. Version one does not look good.

I started making original models for the game but it was slow going. Doing the math I could see it would take us over 13 years to fill up the ship list that way. The way to make it happen was to download ships online and get permission to use them.

That is why I am not stopping to make each model just right. With over 300 to adapt to the game I am pushing ahead on version one. Once we have a more playable game we hope to attract more people with modeling skills. I am just the hack that will pull together version one. It will look a lot better when we go beta and amazing when we call it done and move on to Supremacy 2.

Keep track of what is wrong here and we will come back and look it over for Version two. Spell out what needs to change.


07 Sep 2008, 02:48
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Sorry I haven't been around all day. Spore is sucking me in. :lol:

...And yes, I really am posting this at quarter to three in the morning. :ahem:

The text in Dafedz's database is the only text we have for the ships. (Unless we borrow the descriptions from BOTF) If you're going to write the text, could you please write them in a document instead of using the Supremacy editor? Since i'm already adding in the ships etc for Supremacy, it would just be easier then trying to merge two sets of Supremacy data files later on.

The images that you've mentioned are placeholders; we're hoping to produce some beauty shots/renders or something of the finalised models for use in the game. Zeleni is already working on producing images to go in the site fleetyards so people know what they're downloading. :)

The Scorpion class was a ship we created for the shiplist purely because no other canon design would fit there without unbalancing the list. It's therefore one of those models were the modellers can really let lose with their imaginations. :thumbsup:


The K'Vort in my mind is an abomination. The model for the K'Vort IS a B'rel - it was simply sized up to make it look like an actual threat to the Enterprise-D. They didn't have enough money or imagination at the time to make a new Klingon model for the Episode. And it wasn't modified to compensate for the size change, so it had the exact same number of windows etc. This would mean the windows would be horribly disproportionate in real life (Read: several decks high). It was only in later series that the K'Vort was retextured to correct the problems, and then they introduced the Negh'Var in DS9.

Some people might want to crucify me for saying this, but I personally wouldn't texture it like the B'rel. I would make it a slightly different colour, add in more rows of windows, change the panelling etc, to differentiate it more. They wouldn't be using the same metals etc in its' design afterall, even if they really had scaled it up from the B'rel. Technology and construction techniques would have advanced by the time of the K'Vort.

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07 Sep 2008, 03:01
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Thanks for the input Kenneth O' Borg and MOE, makes sense now. I can't wait for Spore to come out in North America (delayed until Sunday, booo). In fact, I might see if I can download it in 15 minutes, I hope I don't have to wait until Pacific time.

07 Sep 2008, 04:48
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Here is a link to the model I use to set the size (scale) of ship and base models in Supremacy combat. The .rar file has two 3ds models in it. One with the outpost and starbase and the other with just the ships, (battleship, cruiser, destroyer and scout.)

:borg: ... b9a8902bda


09 Sep 2008, 01:51
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