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 Pakled System Contains Humans 
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Joined: 24 Jun 2007, 01:00
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I'm very sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I have not done this before.

I must say that the game is amazing and I am seriously impressed. Congratulations and well done.

I played it yesterday evening and I noticed that the Pakled System contains Humans. I just thought that this was something for you to be aware of.

Thank you

10 Dec 2008, 02:09
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Thanks for the heads up on that. :borg:


10 Dec 2008, 02:47
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I just posted in another thread about a similar type of problem - someone had two shipyards in the same system but could only build one ship at a time.

I'm personally working on a game content update - in fact I finished it last night - that *should* correct problems like this.

The standard game database is full of errors like this, such as buildings that aren't set to upgrade properly, buildings that have no construction costs, buildings that have the wrong bonuses set, missing minor races, etc etc. However, the mistake where minor races have been set as human is the result of an old bug in the game. When the minor races were first set, the game was unable to correctly set the species type, and so defaulted to humans. The bug was fixed a long time ago, but not all of the minor races have been double-checked to ensure they have the correct species type set. I personally know of a couple of races that are apparently human in the game. :lol:

I sent the update to Mike (The developer) last night, so it is just a matter of time now before he makes it available for general release. People will then be able to notify me if they notice any problems so I can fix them. The next update that I will work on will focus on the shiplist, because many of the ships are missing or have inaccurate stats.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


10 Dec 2008, 12:06
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