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 a couple problems... 
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Joined: 14 Jan 2009, 00:53
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Hey I just got supremacy a couple of days ago..I've also gotten all the updates.. and so far its played really well.. and i look forward to the final release ^.^

So far I've had a few problems..
1. under production when im distributing the workforce.. it occasionally wont distribute correctly
basically ill see say 3 bars for production and 5 for food and it will say i only have 4 of x food active and 4 of x production active..

2. ive only played the federation so far... but with the cruisers when i get a newer version and the old cruiser becomes obselete i cant build it any more.. so ill have Cruiser II or but not Cruiser I... but with some ships i think surveyor and frigate when i got the newer version i could build both Frig I and Frig II

and also a quick question.. how do you think it will be before the AI comes out??

14 Jan 2009, 01:11
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MOE should be along soon to answer some of your questions. In the mean time welcome to the collective.



14 Jan 2009, 03:32
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Yes, I know of these problems.

The incorrect population allocation bug is a known one, but is thankfully relatively rare. I believe Mike is still trying to find the cause of it, so there isn't a fix available - yet.

The shiplist that is currently implemented is going to undergo a major overhaul soon - in fact, i'm going to be doing this overhaul myself. When I do the overhaul, the obsoletion system will make ships that are two stages old obsolete - so, for instance, gaining the ability to build Sovereigns will render Ambassadors obsolete and will remove them from the build list. You will still be able to build Galaxies at the same time though. The only exception to this is with non-combat ships, where you will ONLY be able to build the latest version. As the non-combat designs can't fight, you won't really want the old designs anyways.

I know that there are some people out there that will want to be able to build NX's at the same time as Sovereigns, and that WILL be possible - you will just need to know how to use the game editor. Once the game is complete, I will post instructions on how to do this (I can send you a PM now if you wanted), but the built-in auto-updated causes a problem, because it will recognise your changed game files as being "old" files - and will then download an "updae" to bring your changed game files back up to the standard. Therefore, you will either have to keep editing the game to allow the installation of legitimate updates, or you'll have to stop updating the game. :(

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14 Jan 2009, 11:58
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Joined: 14 Jan 2009, 00:53
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OK.. that helps.. ^^

and my question. i accidentally left out a word... oops...
but it was supposed to be about how long until the game has an AI.. cuz i cant figure out how to play with other people on multiplayer..

but i cant wait for the game to be finished.. its a really cool thing what you all have done... =D

14 Jan 2009, 21:26
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We hope there can be a lobby for multiplayer rolled out sooner than it will take for the AI.


14 Jan 2009, 22:18
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