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Some observations, some may or may not be intended. I thought I should post this separately.
I've only checked the first three empires, not sure if I managed to nail everything though. There are a couple of patterns, probably from copy+paste. There should be more stuff.


Type 2 Automated Farm
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Grade 3 Fabrication Plant
PreRequisites are set to Grade 1, instead of 2.

Grade 4 Fabrication Plant
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type A Mass Replicator
Output is 40, same as Heavy Fabrication Plant. Should be 50?

Type 2 Fusion Reactor
Upgrades to type 1.

Type 5 University
Upgrades to type 4.

Type 10 University
Has Type 9 Hydroponic Farm as a Prerequisite.

All the Federation buildings have IsUniversallyAvailable set to true, all others have it set to false. Intentional?

Type 3 Hydroponic Farm
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Type 9 Hydroponic Farm
ProductionCategory set to Research.

Type 10 Hydroponic Farm
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Type 11 Hydroponic Farm
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Grade 3 Industrial Forge
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Grade 4 Industrial Forge
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 10 Intelligence Office
Holo Simulator is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 1 Processing Plant
Upgrades to Type 2 Matter Furnace.

Type 11 Processing Plant
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Grade 3 Foundry
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Grade 4 Foundry
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 2 Matter Furnace
ProductionCategory set to Food.

Type D Gravitic Power Station
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only Energy, Computers and Construction.

20 Jan 2009, 12:55
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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A couple of different people have sent me PM's over the past couple of weeks or have posted on the forums about virtually all of these mistakes, except for the ones that refer to incorrect outputs or incorrect production categories. They're all fixed now and I will send the update to Mike along with all the other updates i've made lately. Thanks for posting about them anyways, .Iceman, at least people will know that i've done them now.

.Iceman wrote:
All the Federation buildings have IsUniversallyAvailable set to true, all others have it set to false. Intentional?

Yes, this is correct. It ensures that the minor races all build the Federation buildings by default. This is necessary because otherwise the minor races would have NO default buildings at all - and implementing such buildings would have a massive performance impact on the game, so as a compromise the Federation buildings have unfortunately had to be set as the default.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


20 Jan 2009, 14:05
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Here's some more stuff, probably already fixed. I think I'll wait for the next update.

Type 1 Organics Plant
Upgrades to Type 2 Matter Furnace.

Type 11 Organics Plant
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Grade 3 Fabricator
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Grade 4 Fabricator
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 3 Laboratory
Missing Weapons TechRequirements.

Type 4 Laboratory
Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions are from Intelligence facilities, not Research facilities.

Type 6 Laboratory
Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions are from Intelligence facilities, not Research facilities.

Type 10 Laboratory
Has Type 9 Hydroponic Farm as Prerequisites and ObsoletedItems.

Type 11 Laboratory
Missing Weapons TechRequirements.

Type 10 Intel-Centre
Holo Simulator is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 1 Rations Dispenser
Upgrades to Type 2 Matter Furnace.

Type 2 Rations Dispenser
Upgrades to Type 1 Food facilities.

Type 6 Rations Dispenser
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Type 11 Rations Dispenser
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only BioTech, Computers and Construction.

Grade 2 Machining Plant
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites.

Grade 3 Machining Plant
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Grade 4 Machining Plant
Industrial Guild is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type B Plasma Grid
Has all techs as TechRequirements, instead of only Energy, Computers and Construction.

Type 8 Data Brokerage
Holo Simulator is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 10 Data Brokerage
Holo Simulator is missing from Prerequisites, ObsoletedItems and UpgradeOptions.

Type 11 Research Lab
Missing Weapons TechRequirements.

Type 4 Holo Simulator
ObsoletedItem Type 3 Science Bureau instead of Type 3 Security Centre

Type 5 Holo Simulator
Upgradeoption Type 6 Science Bureau instead of Type 6 Security Centre

Type 7 Holo Simulator
Upgradeoption Type 8 Science Bureau instead of Type 8 Security Centre

Agricultural Centres
It's UniversallyAvailable, but its PreRequisite Free Market isn't (Federation only).

Fed BioReplication Net
Has Prerequisite and ObsoletedItems = FED_REPLICATORS , but <Building Key="FED_REPLICATOR"> (singular)

B'Omar Colonial Fleet
Doesn't have any bonus?

Nausicaan Ateroid Base
The Nausicaa system doesn't necessarily have (it's not forced) an asteroid belt.

Numiri Armaments Division
Has a MaintenanceCost value, it's the only building to have it?

Xyrillian Organics Nursery
BuildCost = 0?

Zalkonian BioElectronics Guild
EnergyCost = 2680? (typo, same as BuildCost)

No <Restriction>HomeSystem</Restriction> :
Kaelon, Karemma

No Restrictions at all :
Kreetassan Ore Refinery
Malon Freight Navy
Malon Traffickers
Vulcan Propulasion Laboratory

No <Restriction>OnePerEmpire</Restriction> :
All from Kes And Prytt to Meridian

Dom Death Squad
No BuildCost and EnergyCost?

Kling Dilithium Gulag
PercentRawMaterials bonus, but no RawMaterials requirement?

Kling Dilithium Mining Prison
Obsoletes Dilithium Refinery but requires Moons?

Card Mining Program
No EnergyCost?

Rom Night Patrol
No BuildCost and EnergyCost?

Card Ore Processing Rig
PercentRawMaterials bonus, but no RawMaterials requirement?

No Restrictions at all :
Card Industrial Replicator
Dom Jem'Hadar Barracks
Rom Mark I Organics Replicator
Rom Mark II Organics Replicator
Rom Mass Fabricators
Card Medic Stations
Rom Naval Academy
Rom Night Patrol
Kling Orbital Attack Grid
Rom Organic Regenerators

22 Jan 2009, 12:14
Combat Engineer
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Ok i would be VERY VERY interested in knowing WTF happend to the buildings stats to get them so f*cked up.

Even though it was about 9+ months ago when i did them I'am pretty sure i did not make errors such as a type 1 organics plant upgrading into a type 2 matter furnace.

LOL what happend to them, to a disassembler go around chewing verything up and spitting out garbage :).

Regards Wolfe


22 Jan 2009, 17:42
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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I *think* that shortly after you originally implemented the facilities Wolfe, Mike made some changes to the way the database files and the editor work. If may be that because of those changes some of your updates didn't work as planned. The same thing may have happened with my own updates afterwards. I didn't realise the problems were this bad though, as i've been concentrating more on ensuring the new stuff worked rather than making sure the original content was fully working.

I sent my computer to PC World yesterday because it's suffering from some electrical problems (I'm writing this on my Wii) so I won't be able to do any updates for a few days; however, I did send Mike my full image and structures update last night so there's at least *some* updates on the way.

...But Mike also told me that he's in the middle of refactoring the entire game at the moment, so he won't actually be able to release my update (Or any other updates for that matter) until the refactoring process is complete, so if I get my PC back before the refactoring process is complete, i'll sort out these updates and send Mike a replacement update.

The positive thing about the refactoring process is that Mike believes it will lead to a performance improvement in the game. We'll have to wait and see just how big the improvement is, but fingers crossed. :)

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22 Jan 2009, 18:42
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Bummer. Even though the performance improvement is a necessity, a new update with some fixes would be nice.
Which reminds me, a sticky thread with some sort of feature status "tracker" would be really handy. You know, listing all the features that are source of issues right now, their implementation status (partial/nil), know problems with them, descriptions, etc. Just so that know what to expect, and not reporting the same thing over and over again.

I might try to go through the rest of the database if I get the time. Microprocessor Architecture is really calling me right now, have loads of stuff to prep...

23 Jan 2009, 10:19
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Microprocessor architecture? What is it that you're studying for? Quite a lot of people on the forums seem to be studying/working in computery fields. It looks like i'm the exception to that. :P


We don't have a tracker forum because we have a Codeplex development website. It's only used for programming bugs though, not typo stuff, and you can only use it if Mike has given you a Codeplex account (I have one). Anyone can view the existing bugs though. I think the link is or something like that. I'd be able to give you the link if I had my PC. Anyways, this setup prevents the same bug being reported a million times over, and ensures that all development updates and discussions are held in the same place.

Mike delegated the development of the ingame database to Me, Dafedz, and CdrWolfe at the start of 2007 and it's been that way ever since. We use the forums as our tracker since we're all online on a regular basis, and, as you've proven in just the last week alone, many of the typos are commonly picked out by Joe Bloggs the game tester. Joe would normally use the forums to point out any bugs that he's noticed, but if it is something new, then any one of the Codeplex people can then pick up on it and check the bug themselves. If they get the same results, and the bug hasn't be noticed before, only then does it get added to the Codeplex system.

If you wanted to create a tracker thread for the typos, then you're welcome to do so. I personally do not feel that it is necessary though as you've already posted so many typo-specific threads latley and i'm keeping on top of them. :wink:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


23 Jan 2009, 13:09
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Hehe, I'm *teaching* that stuff :wink: I've had my share of studying thank you very much, with 2 degrees and all (Engineering and Teaching, Electronics/Telecommunications/Computers). :D

I meant an informal thing, a sticky thread, with things like
* Moons: implemented, not yet working
* Survey: not implemented yet
* Cardassian colonization: not working

Just so that one knows what *not* to report :wink:
I know about CodePlex, checked it out already. I'm just not excited at the prospect of having to go through hundreds of posts to see what's been identified or not. I basically only checked posts after the january release.

23 Jan 2009, 13:48
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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That's where people like me come in; i've been around on the forums for more than four years now. I'm a walking bug tracker. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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23 Jan 2009, 14:16
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That's partly why I posted this. I've seen a few of your replies not duplicated, but ten-plicated :wink: Put them all in a sticky thread, and *we* can have access to it before beating dead horses to pulp. :) And keeps the forums a bit cleaner. The game being in alpha, it'd be important IMO - knowing what's in and what's not I mean.

23 Jan 2009, 14:25
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Done anything in integrated circuit design or microelectromechnical systems / micromachines :D.

Regards Wolfe


23 Jan 2009, 22:54
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