Unfortunately (IMO), key mapping in ST:S is tied to the CTL key, which kind of invalidates the usefulness of keyboard mapping

Maybe this should be reviewed?
So far, this is what I've found:
CTL+RET : end turn
CTL+HOME : center on the center of the galaxy
CTL+END : center on homeworld
CTL+LMBdrag : drag map
CTL+[+] : zoom in
CTL+[-] : zoom out
BTW, the +/- keys in the keypad do not work (for zooming), not sure it's intended or not.
Also, I'm used to have the HOME key center on the homeworld, but maybe that's just me?
I understand the use of the CTL key with RET though, to prevent accidents.
I read somewhere someone asking for a way to end turn from any screen. F1