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 Klingon ships won't build 
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Joined: 03 Apr 2009, 09:50
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I am desperately hoping this hasn't been mentioned before, as I was too lazy to read every post in every topic, but...

When I upped the output of research and industry facilities so as to accelerate the general development of the factions, all of a sudden I couldn't build ships anymore. When I go into the shipyard, there is no number to be found in front of 'turns', and when I select a ship to build, nothing happens.
When I looked up the Military shipyards A,B,C in the editor, they all had 0% build efficiency, whereas the Imperial shipyard has 100%. I altered them to 25%, 50% and 75% respectively, but when I started up a new game, the values had gone back down to 0. I checked the XML-file before and after, and the ratings seem to have simply reverted upon starting the game, while the output changes were still implemented.
Any suggestions?

03 Apr 2009, 10:05
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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May I ask, how did you make the changes? The game comes with an editor, which is the file called SupremacyEditor2.exe. You should use this to make changes - don't manually edit the game files as this may cause problems.

You may have also noticed that there is a SupremacyEditor3.exe file - this IS an updated version of the editor as it sounds, but do NOT use it; this version of the editor is incomplete and still under development.

Anyways, if you have been using the correct version of the editor to make the changes, make sure that you close the editor - and SAVE THE CHANGES - before you load up a game. Also, once you have made changes, don't load up a game that you've previously saved as this may cause incompatibilities and bugs. You will have to load up a new game and start from scratch. You must also stop the game from performing updates - if it asks whether to do so - or your changes will be lost. There's an option to turn the auto-updater off in the game menu, or you can just manually cancel it each time it comes up.

You are correct about the efficiency rate; this is what tells the game how good a shipyard is at building a ship. The efficiency is the percentage of system industry is chanelled into ship production - so if you have a system producing 100 industry and a shipyard with a 25% efficincy rate, 25 industry will be put into shipbuilding. This industry is NOT taken away from building structures though, so technically your industry gets doubled up...anyways, the game should remember the changes that you make as long as do the things I mentioned above; save the changes, start a new game, and don't let it perform an update. However, changing the output of the research and industrial facilities should NOT have any effect on the efficiency rate of the shipyards or any other part of the game, so either you accidentally made other changes, or you loaded up an old save game and this resulted in incompatibilities.

I'm personally working on a content update for the game, which includes some major changes to the stats and prerequisite/upgrade/obsoletion paths for the shipyards. I can't remember whether I made any changes to the efficiency rates for the Klingon shipyards, but I just checked and they do have the correct rates set in my files. In fact, Klingon shipyards are more efficient than Federation shipyards because they have a 30/60/80 efficiency rate, as opposed to the Federation's 25/50/75 rate.

100% efficiency rates are reserved for only the very biggest shipyards; the Fleetyards (Cardassian Union Fleetyard, Dominion Attack Fleet Construction Facility, Federation Starfleet Advanced Fleetyard, Federation Utopia Planitia, Klingon Imperial Fleetyard, and Romulan Imperial Fleetyard) and the minor race special structures (Shipyards of Axanar, Kazon Shipyard, and Tellarite Starship Construction Complex).

My updates are far from complete, but if there is indeed a problem with the official game files like this, then i'm willing to release it early, so i've attached my updated game files to this post.

To install it, you must do the following things:

1) Open up you Supremacy/Resources folder, then find you Data, Strings, and Tables folders. DELETE all three folders and their contents. This will help to prevent conflictions later on. Do NOT create new folders to replace them.

2) Download the attached file and use the Winzip wizard to unzip the contents directly into your Resources folder (Don't put them into the main Supremacy folder, it must go into the Resources folder). The three folders you just deleted will be replaced and filled with my updated files, which is why I said not to manually create your on folders earlier.

3) Play the game as normal. Do NOT load up any saved files that you have though - in fact, it is best if you delete these. Playing old saved files may result in incompatibilities and wierd glitches. Also, do not allow the game to perform an "update" unless you know for sure there is one available (We'll post about this on the forums when there is one); the game will identify your new files as being "outdated" because they are different to those held on the update servers. It will therefore attempt to overwrite my update with the original game files. As i've said before, You can turn off the auto-updater in the game options menu. Just turn this option off when you want to re-enable the updater again when you know a full update is available.

Data Strings and Tables [989.65 KiB]
Downloaded 205 times

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03 Apr 2009, 12:28
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I made the changes with the 2 editor, as the other one acted rather weird when I tried loading it, it made the entire pc go barking mad. I'll just test the files you sent in a new game, make the changes I made before with the editor, as they seemed not to be all that intrusive to me, start up another game, and amend this post.

Same thing happened with the same changes, while the basic files you sent were in perfect working order, however it seems to be a persistent problem. To see if I'd done anything wrong, I tried changing something random. Here's what I did step by step, maybe you see something amiss:
- Opened the editor, hit 'm' in the buildings menu, opened Military Shipyard Type A
- The efficiency was at 30%
- Went to 'Klingon intelligence' and changed the energy cost to 50 instead of the standard 100, saved, and quit.
- Opened the editor again, checked on Military Shipyard Type A, efficiency was at 0%
- Checked Klingong intelligence, energy cost was still at 50

I think the editor might just not like my hair-do...

Added again:

I think it definitely is the editor, when I simply changed the <UnitOutput> values in the TechObjectDatabase.xml, it worked without any trouble, I can change the values by hundreds without issues.

03 Apr 2009, 12:44
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hmm...something's not right there then. I've been using the editor for months now without problems like you've mentioned, so I don't know what it could be.

It is possible that you've got a broken editor though. You best bet is to force an update to occur - go into the game options menu and tell it to perform an update. Let it download any files, then once it has completed, install my update again, then see if the problem occurs again. With any luck it won't.

...If it does though, i'm afraid you'll have to resort to manually editing the files. In some respects, doing this is better than using the editor, but there's less chance of you introducing mistakes (Such as accidentally deleting something important) if you use the editor.

Mike (The developer) will be releasing an update in a few weeks/months time, and that wil include my own content updates, and possibly an updated editor as well, so if you can wait for those, that might solve your problem.

By the way, welcome to the forums. Sorry I didn't say earlier. :ahem:

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03 Apr 2009, 15:01
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Thanks =)

Updating didn't change matters as far as the editor is concerned, luckily the xml file is pretty easy to handle, so I'll just use that until the update comes out. I still find it weird though, wonder what could possibly be causing such a far-fetched error.
Anyway just trying to put in my two cents.

03 Apr 2009, 15:33
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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The only other thing I can think of is that there's a problem with .Net, but i'm certainly not an expert on that. 99% of the problems with Supremacy are .Net-related though, so it's worth a try.

Uninstall ALL versions of .Net, then restart your computer. Then, install .Net 3.5 SP1. See if that makes a difference. If not, i'm all out of ideas. I'll pass on the problem to Mike, but as i've said, i've never heard of this problem so I doubt Mike has either. Since he's the guy that made the game though, he might have more ideas.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


03 Apr 2009, 16:52
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