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 16th May Supremacy Update 
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It's been a while since the last major update and I would like to say that this update is refreshing! It brought about new screens and effects. Not forgetting the jubilant and "prouder" music in the main menu.

However, I've tried playing the Romulans and the Federation and on both accounts, whenever I right-click and select any of the items in that menu, it kicks me out. Are the requirements for the game different now? I know that it has been quite some time since I've last updated my .Net, but my current version of .Net works with the Christmas Update Edition of Supremacy. I have posted the Error.txt file for your reference.

Edit: Double-clicking on Sol also kicked me out. I believe that the problem is tied to the menus.

Error.txt [5.13 KiB]
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Alhu na shiar!
17 May 2009, 04:50
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Checking into it now, thanks! Do you know what kind of video card you are using?

EDIT: Just posted another update--can you see if it fixes your problem?

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17 May 2009, 17:59
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I don't know if you changed this or something happen to during the updates, but you can no longer go to systems that are having a problem through the Event Summer menu

Image Image

17 May 2009, 22:55
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Works like a charm! Thank you!

For your information I'm using a Nvidia 8600M GT (the laptop variant) as my graphics card. :)

Now back to building up my empire from scratch...

Alhu na shiar!

18 May 2009, 23:34
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My game crashed on turn 300-something, don't know why. As a sidenote, is there one specific thread for leaving error logs? I couldn't find one but that isn't saying much.
Anyway, log here, hope it helps.

Error.txt [3.61 KiB]
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20 May 2009, 02:23
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PunksterNL wrote:
My game crashed on turn 300-something, don't know why. As a sidenote, is there one specific thread for leaving error logs? I couldn't find one but that isn't saying much.
Anyway, log here, hope it helps.

lol... that was the result of some sloppy copying & pasting of code. Fixed, uploading in a moment.


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20 May 2009, 02:58
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I have found some bugs. First there is no level 2 space dock. then when you try to add races to the game that are not showing an image or race marker the game crashes atating a TXT error has been experised the game has shut down to protect your computer. Also some images and other detail are sometimes fuzzy and also the music sometimes locks into a very rough repeat that may cause on to turn off your sound. over all this game has great potental. the other bugs are mostly text coding error such as Weapon_multi_phaser_Research. thanks for something new look forward to seeing all the new things that you are bring to botf2

20 May 2009, 04:36
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Weird, the game updated, and I just got the exact same error log, word for word, on the exact same turn (351), in a new game with a completely different set-up. Baffled.

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20 May 2009, 14:50
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bk1knight wrote:
then when you try to add races to the game that are not showing an image or race marker the game crashes atating a TXT error has been experised the game has shut down to protect your computer.
What do you mean by "add races to the game"?

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20 May 2009, 15:40
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what i mean is when you try to recruit races to the fedration or anyother race. you get the welcome screen then the TXT error appears and the game shuts down. when you restart you can bypass the problem. Also why is the autoupdate trying to run multipy times and it is the same version number each time.

22 May 2009, 05:03
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This is a bug that we're trying to sort out bk1knight. The same thing is happening to me, except the updater downloads 0 files totalling 0mb. It tells me there is an update, downloads nothing, then tells me it needs to restart. A couple of people are having this problem but they actually download files. And other people can't even play the game; it just crashes when they try to load it up. Very odd, but I guess we're luckier than the ones that can't play it at all because at least we can just cancel the update. You can't cancel a crash from happening. :(

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22 May 2009, 11:21
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Crash on turn 167, when starting construction of an imperial starbase.
Tiny ring galaxy, dense stars and planets, some minors, supreme tech.

Error.txt [5.33 KiB]
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22 May 2009, 14:06
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