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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
People have asked me a number of times to post a list of the known problems with the current version of Supremacy. I'm constantly having to type posts about the same issue over and over again, so the point of this post is to inform users about problems that are already KNOWN. Please check this thread in future if you think you've found a bug before posting about it. I will update this thread as issues are identified. Please check back here often to find out about known bugs. The thread has been locked so that it doesn't become an uberthread; I only intend this to be an information thread. If you have any questions or comments, please send me a PM or create a separate thread for it. The search function is also useful for finding information on the forums. I will delete and repost this thread each time there is an update. This will show the thread as being new to all forum members, to ensure everyone is notified of the latest post updates. Therefore if this thread shows up as a "new" thread, it means newly updated information IS available. KEY THIS ISN'T A BUG, IT'S A GAME FEATURE! HAS BEEN FIXED AND WILL BE PART OF THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE PARTIALLY FIXED IN THE NEXT UPDATE CANNOT BE FIXED AT THIS TIME Quote: KNOWN ISSUES WITH BUILD VERSION 0.4.3427.36588 AKA The May 2009 Update - A system built more than one structure during the same turn!
This isn't a bug. Production works differently to in BOTF - if a structure is completed during a game turn, any remaining industrial output is channelled into the next building in your build queue - IF any additional build orders have been queued. If this second structure is also completed on the same turn, any remaining industrial output will be channelled into the third structure in the build queue, and the fourth, and so on until either all of the industrial output for that turn has been used, or there are no buildings left in the build queue, whichever comes first. If there are no remaining buildings in the build queue, any additional industrial output will be lost.
- The Barzan Insignia Image is missing!
No it isn't; the image is simply incorrectly named in the game files. Change it from "Barzan.png" to "Barzans.png" and it will work again. The auto-updater may incorrectly identify this change as meaning an update is available and attempt to download the wrongly-named file again however, so you will have to cancel that update to stop this happening. You therefore need to decide whether to put up with the annoyance of the "missing" image, or the annoyance of the updater nagging you about an update that actually downloads an incorrect file. Note you can actually turn the auto-updater off via the game options menu updater tab, but this would mean you will not be notified of any legitimate updates (one is due in 2012).
- The Excalbian and Tanugan race images are missing!
No they aren't; the images are incorrectly named, that's all. Open your Supremacy/Resources/Races folder and find the "Excalibians.png" file - rename it Excalbians.png. Then find the "Tanguans.png" file and rename it Tanugans.png. The images will now appear in the game. The auto-updater may incorrectly identify this change as meaning an update is available and attempt to download the wrongly-named file again however, so you will have to cancel that update to stop this happening. You therefore need to decide whether to put up with the annoyance of the "missing" image, or the annoyance of the updater nagging you about an update that actually downloads an incorrect file. Note you can actually turn the auto-updater off via the game options menu, but this would mean you will not be notified of any legitimate updates (one is due late 2011)
- I can't upgrade my shipyards!
This is my fault apparently. I've attached an updated file that will fix the problem. Place it in your Supremacy/Resources/Data folder. Let it overwrite your existing TechObjectsDatabase.xml file.
- Update crash
I've lost count of the number of times that i've posted this fix on the forums, but here it is again. You need to replace the HttpDownloader.dll file in your main Supremacy folder with This One. Then, click on Start => Run and type "%temp%UAB" (Without the quote marks) in the box that appears and press enter. This will open a folder called UAB; if there are any files or folders present in the UAB folder, delete them all. Run the game and if it says an update is available, let the game download it. If the game still crashes, please post about it in the Supremacy Bugs forum.
- Infinite update loop
This problem is related to the crash problem above, and actually has the exact same fix. Replace the HttpDownloader.dll file in your main Supremacy folder with This One. Then, click on Start => Run and type "%temp%UAB" (Without the quote marks) in the box that appears and press enter. This will open a folder called UAB; if there are any files or folders present in the UAB folder, delete them all. Run the game and if it says an update is available, let the game download it and restart the game.
If this doesn't work, load up the game and quickly go to Options -> Updater and deselect the "always check for updates" option. If the game tries to download an update while you're doing this, cancel it. Next time you load the game, the game should not check for updates. Note that this will mean you will not be notified of any legitimate updates (one is due in 2012), but we will post any released updates via the forums.
If the game stays stuck in another loop or crashes, please post about it in the Supremacy Bugs forum.
- Updating the game is taking ages!
If you leave the game running it WILL download the update - eventually. You can press alt+tab or the Windows key to bring up other Windows whilst you wait. As a rule of thumb it will take about half an hour, possibly more, for the game to finish preparing for the update before any files will start downloading. Please just be patient. If the download preparation takes longer than this, try downloading This File into your main Supremacy folder - let it overwrite the existing HttpDownloader.dll file, then run the update again.
- I can't build the ships of <insert Empire>!
The shiplist is undergoing a major overhaul. The ships of the Cardassian Union are complete (Except for some minor typos), and the Federation is about 50% done. The other Empires are at various stages of completion. They will be completed in the next update.
- Images are missing!
The game is a work-in-progress; we are adding images as we make them. If you can't see an image, we probably haven't made it yet, that's all. Expect a massive amount of new images in the next update.
- Stations take forever to build!
The game hasn't been balanced yet. The output of the Construction Ships is rather low and the build costs of the Stations are high. You also can't combine task-forces of Construction Ships to increase the build rate yet. We've made some slight improvements with the May update but more improvements will be needed in future.
- I encountered a star system that was full of (Or mostly comprised of) Asteroid Belts!
The Galaxy generator currently lacks any restrictions on the number of Asteroid Belts in a system. Mike knows of the problem but i'm not sure when he is going to fix it.
- I can't colonize systems because there aren't any colony ships!
We have no idea what the cause of this rare issue is - we can't replicate it and all of the ship information is correct - we've triple-checked it. All we can say is that you will need to completely delete the game then download it and the updates again.
- The redeploy screen doesn't close or update during turn processing!
This is on Mike's to-do list, but he's got a million-and-one things to do. It'll be added in a future update.
- The game editor doesn't work anymore!
Mike is working on a new version of the editor, so he didn't bother updating the existing one with the May update. He's removed it from the game download, but if you're updating your game from an older version you will still have access to the existing Editor files because the updater can't delete files from your computer. Since these old files aren't compatible with the May update, the editor is therefore no longer usable. The new version of the editor will be released at a future date, but is unlikely to even be included in the next update. Please be patient.
- Building stations crashes the game!
There is a newly-introduced bug in the May 2009 update that causes the game to crash. For the time being, do NOT build stations, or if you do try, save your game before you do!
- Multiplayer problem.
Multiplayer works in Supremacy, but there seems to be a random issue when three or more players try to play. The game simply won't load for the third or more person(s) that attempt to play. For the time being, only play two-player multiplayer games, or if you do try to play with more people than this, hope for the best!
- I can't build the Solar Panel Array!
The Solar Panel Array is supposed to be buildable in any system that has a Desert, Terran, Oceanic, or Jungle planet. A glitch in the database means you can ONLY build them in systems that have a Desert AND a Terran AND an Oceanic AND a Jungle planet though. Obviously such systems are exceedingly rare, making it appear like you can't build the structure. Unfortunately, this problem was identified after the deadline for the May update, and the Editor no longer works, so it will be fixed in a future update.
- There are three Purification Works structures in the Research screen!
This is the result of a now-obsolete workaround that was caused by an inflexibility in the editor. Mike has now updated the game, so the extra buildings are no longer needed. Unfortunately, the editor doesn't currently work so I can't fix it - yet. The extra buildings will be removed when the editor works again.
- I just renamed a ship. But after clicking the turn button, the name reverts back to the original!
This is a problem that Mike knows about. It's on his to-do list, but so is a million other things. It will be fixed in a future update, I just don't know when.
- The game crashed when another race joined me!
This is a known problem, but we haven't found the cause of it yet. The only thing we can suggest doing for the time being is for you to ensure you save your game on the turn before you send a membership proposal to another race. That way, if the game crashes, you'll still have your game saved. If the problem happens again after you load the save file, please report it for us in the bugs forum and attach a copy of your save file, as this might help us to trace the problem.
- The population growth rate is too slow!
No it isn't! There's a bug with the population growth buildings though; when you build one in a system, the population growth rate will reduce to 1 population per turn. For the time being I would recommend not building them.
- The Habitation project (Moon Colonization structure) doesn't work/my population has stopped growing even though there is still room!
We know about this bug. When you build the Habitation Project, it increases the maximum population size of the system, but your systems can't always actually grow beyond their original size. For the time being I would recommend not building them.
Quote: GENERIC ISSUES THAT AFFECT ALL GAME VERSIONS - A system built two structures during the same turn!
This isn't a bug. Production works differently to in BOTF - if a structure is completed during a game turn, any remaining industrial output is channelled into the next building in your build queue - IF any additional build orders have been queued. If this second structure is also completed on the same turn, any remaining industrial output will be channelled into the third structure in the build queue, and the fourth, and so on until either all of the industrial output for that turn has been used, or there are no buildings left in the build queue, whichever comes first. If there are no remaining buildings in the build queue, any additional industrial output will be lost.
- Images are missing!
The game is a work-in-progress; we are adding images as we make them. If you can't see an image, we probably haven't made it yet, that's all.
- Part of the screen is cut off!
Supremacy has a minimum resolution of 1024x768. The display is designed to be easily maximisable, so the screen actually looks better on high resoltuion displays. It unfortunately cannot be reduced further than this due to display restrictions, however - there's got to be enough room to display all the information! Changing this would require massive changes to the interface, and so this limitation is highly unlikely to ever change.
- The game just performed an update. Now my saved games won't work!
There's nothing we can do about this, sorry. Updates make changes to the game, which *may* make your old save files incompatible with the new game files. We recommend that you delete any existing save files you have every time an update is installed.
- The other Empires don't do anything!
That's because they can't - yet. The game currently lacks an AI (Artificial Intelligence) to control the other races. Without an AI, the other races quite literally won't do anything at all - they don';t even know how to build food structures to feed themselves. The AI is under development, but it is a long way off from being released - we're unfortunately looking at around a year before even an early version is released as part of an update. The AI will likely be the most complex part of the programming which is why there is such a long delay.
- Why can't my ships fight? (Where is the combat system?)
Supremacy does not currently have a graphical combat system. CdrWolfe is working on the combat system for us, but it is a work in progress and is currently buggy. It is also incompatible with Windows Vista - for the moment. The combat system is being developed as a stand-alone program that will be merged into Supremacy once it is complete. The download link and supporting information can be found in This Post. There is a possibility that we will create a built-in 2D combat system as a stop-gap measure until the 3D system is ready, but this isn't definite.
- I can't terraform planets!
No one can - yet. Terraforming is a feature that will be added as part of a future update.
- I can't find the invade system order!
That's because there isn't one - yet. The invade system order will be added as part of a future update. Besides, since there isn't an AI yet, the other Empires can't fight you back, which isn't exactly fair.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
21 Jul 2009, 10:13 |
Joined: 14 Jan 2009, 10:17 Posts: 2042
Instead of renaming images, you can create copies with the correct names, and the auto-updater will not bother you.
31 Jan 2012, 16:12 |
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