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There was a pic for the Quarren (BTW, it's Quarren, not Quarrens) in the xmas update, different than the one you posted. It disappeared in the may update.

File comment: xmas update pic
quarren.png [ 86.98 KiB | Viewed 7360 times ]
04 Aug 2009, 10:24
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Whilst i'm not entirely sure why the Quarren image disappeared, we decided to try and use images of less "famous" aliens to reduce the legal impact of the game. The new image was of a less prominent Quarren, which is why the change.

I still haven't sent Mike my image update though, so this is easily changable.

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04 Aug 2009, 17:57
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The Bilanaians' homeworld is planet Bilana III, the way their system is set up may not produce exactly that:

- <HomeSystem Civilization="BILANAIANS">
- <StarSystem Name="Bilana" StarType="Red">
- <Planets>
<Planet MinNumberOfPlanets="2" MaxNumberOfPlanets="9" />
<Planet Type="Desert" Size="Medium" />

(though there is that bug with Min / Max planets)

21 Sep 2009, 10:16
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The Bilanaians must be one of the races affected by an old bug in the editor. Sometimes when I set a specific planet it would revert to the default random setting. I went through the minor races after Mike fixed the bug and sorted them, but I must have missed the Bilanaians out. The chances of the planet 3 being set as a Gas Giant, Asteroids, or there only being 2 planets is less than the chances of an inhabitable planet appearing though so it isn't too much of an issue. I'll add it to my to do list.

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21 Sep 2009, 12:58
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Last few days i was testing game to see what structure-building images are needed for federation. I was shocked with amount of garbage in supremacy's tech- object folder ( i'v noticed 3 different fevore colonyships??? :waaah: ). I can only say there will be some major cleaning. I think i will finish all federation buildings somewhere next week. Matress i did molecular_shield image for minor races but game won't load it, do you know why?

Carpe Diem

21 Sep 2009, 14:00
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The molecular shield image must be named minor_molecular_shield.png and be placed in the Supremacy/Resources/TechObjects folder (Overwriting any existing same-named files if there are any) for it to work. If it still doesn't, it may be that another image has been set to be used via the editor (I can't remember doing that though if it is) so you'll need to remove that reference first before the game will use the correct image. Obviously the editor doesn't currently work though.

The three Devore ships is also correct - they do indeed have three colony ships in the database. It's important that the more advanced or powerful minor races get improving ships, including their non combat ones, so that they can continue to compete on a roughly equal par with the Empires. Obviously the shiplist will undergo some final tweaking when we can play it properly against a fulling working AI though.

You can find the current version of the shiplist, including the latest images of the models that Kenneth has made/acquired for the shiplist, Here. Normally i'd warn that it takes a long time for the thread to load (There are 400+ images) but Sharepoint seems to have temporarily gone down at the moment so the images may not load correctly.

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21 Sep 2009, 15:38
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Thank you matress, i didn't know about "minor_" prefix. I know what is in database cause i was one of co-creators alonog with you, i agree that database needs serious changes, it would be wise for all minor races to use the same generic colony and transport ship. Creating tranport and colony ship for each empire is time wasteing and unnecessary job. We need to keep things simple even now i have troubles working in tech-object folder cause is swamped with all kind of ships and bad stuff. Why is there so many minor uncanon ships with poor textures and renders? They are occupaing valuble space without purpose cause game can't use them. We can move to another job when previous is done but we are still missing lots of federation artwork. I will filter techobject folder from unnecessary files,reupdate all structures and ships with new pics and renders. I will send you updates Matress :grin: From now on, guys please keep the database clean! :winkthumb:

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21 Sep 2009, 16:19
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There's a *lot* of "cleaning" to do, especially with minors. 3 colony ships for them? Hmmm. BTW, those that only have 1 colony ship will actually be at an advantage, since their ships will be *MUCH* cheaper to build late game, and aren't obsoleted (though they produce smaller colonies). But that's the fantastic upgrade system. Same goes for any other ship type - even if they're somewhat weaker, they cost a lot less.
Then there's the several planetary shield types, and the *cheaper* (and therefore better) shipyards, etc.
The expanding minors, well, if they get to have a large empire, they'll be much harder (and more expensive I guess) to annex.

21 Sep 2009, 17:25
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Iceman: beforewe do some major changes we will open discussion for shore.
Matress: can you post exact names of federation buildings, without editor it takes lots of time to guess which is proper name for building, thanks :thumbsup:

Carpe Diem

21 Sep 2009, 18:24
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The ships with the poor models and textures are simply placeholders - they are version 1 of the shiplist. Kenneth simply grabbed as many models as he possibly could to fill up the model list so that we would be ready to add them to Wolfe's combat system when it is ready. That way we could ensure the combat system is capable of handling lots of different models at the same time. The images that we have are all renders of the actual models.

Kenneth is now going to start working on version 2 of the models - replacing them with canon models where necessary, and fixing up the existing canon models that we do have to an acceptable level. As these updates are completed, he will produce new renders and these new images will replace the images we currently have.

Ever since the editor stopped working, i've been compiling a list of all the things that I need to sort out once it's working again. I've attached it to this post if you want to have a look at it.
updates to do for editor 3.txt [10.92 KiB]
Downloaded 195 times

I've sent Dafedz a PM about the different shield types. He hasn't responded to it though, along with a couple of other PM's that i've sent him on different subjects. If they really are a problem then we can simply remove them from the game though. But that will make the minor races easier to conquer and personally i'd prefer it if the minor races were a challenge. As for the images, just recycle the same one but change the colours in irfanview. The image can always be replaced at a later time should you want to.

The prefixes have been something that have slowly evolved over time to make life easier for anyone that uses the editor or is trying to find particular files. I never set out to have such a system, I just found that it having it in made life easier so i've gone back and renamed the files and updated database objects as necessary. Some objects have fallen through the cracks and currently don't follow the naming convention, but they're already in my to-do list. For reference, this is how the naming convention goes:

  • Named files should use underscores rather than spaces.
  • Named image files should all be lowercase. (Not necessary for game purposes, but it looks better as all TechObjects files are already set that way)
  • All game objects are prefixed to make them easier to find in the editor. Prefixes may also be repeated if the same word is used in two or more separate prefix sections:
    Federation: fed_objectname (Eg. fed_starfleet_command)
    Klingons: kling_objectname (Eg. kling_dilithium_gulag)
    Romulans: rom_objectname (Eg. rom_night_patrol)
    Cardassians: card_objectname (Eg. card_obsidian_order)
    Dominion: dom_objectname (Eg. dom_the_great_link)
    Minor Race General Objects: minor_objectname (Eg. minor_tachyon_defense_grid)
    Minor Race Specific/Unique Objects: racename_objectname (Eg. edo_edo_palace)
  • Within this naming convention, the objects and files are then sorted alphabetically in the editor. This isn't always immediately obvious if the name of an object is different to its ingame name, although there aren't many structures like these.
  • To get the game to display a specific image, the image must either be manually selected via the editor (Which currently doesn't work), or the name of the image file must exactly match the object name (Not the description name) of the object, including all prefixes and underscores.


The older ships might be cheaper, but that also means they will start out with older tech, so their new colonies will take longer to establish. They will also be less survivable in combat, even if all they do is run away, so I wouldn't consider that a disadvantage, .Iceman.

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21 Sep 2009, 18:27
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Minor Race General Objects: minor_objectname (Eg. minor_tachyon_defense_grid)

IIRC there are a couple of exceptions to this. Can't recall which though. At least the tech names don't have the minor prefix, can't recall if the images are the same.

The older ships might be cheaper, but that also means they will start out with older tech, so their new colonies will take longer to establish. They will also be less survivable in combat, even if all they do is run away, so I wouldn't consider that a disadvantage, .Iceman.

Hmm, older tech in what, base structures? Doesn't that depend on your current tech level, and not colony ship "level"?
Yes, they'll take longer to grow, that's what I said above, so I'm perfectly aware of that. As usual. But, these are *minor* races we're talking about, hope you haven't forgotten that. So, it's not important. Once they join an empire, you'll build the empire's colony ships, not the minors'. Same thing for other ship types. But this is all pretty obvious.
As for survivability in combat, read above. These are minors, so it's a temporary thing. Also, compare ships' stats increase with cost increase ratio. And industrial output increase.

There's 50 or so expanding minors. *Minors*.

22 Sep 2009, 09:35
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If there are exceptions to the minors prefixes, that's only because i've missed them out and will update them once the editor is working again. As I said, The prefix system is relatively new so there are bound to be a few bits missed out or incorrectly done.

There is one thing I didn't include in the list above though and that is that the facilities, ie. the buildings that require population to run, don't have any prefixes at all. Neither do images of the ships of alien random events. (Eg. Gomtuu)

Yes Colony Ships are based on current tech level, but I always thought that was a bug. If your colony ships upgrade in that way, why don't all the other ships do that as well? And whilst we're looking at it, we might as well scrap the advanced colony ships of the empires too and have 200-year old Conestoga class ships colonising systems alongside your advanced new Prometheuses and your Sovereigns. But the simple fact of the matter is that the new ships *are* better. They are more fuel efficient, or have larger Deuterium tanks, or can reach their destination faster, or have a higher evacuation potential. (Come to think of that, it'll be interesting to see if the AI ever uses evacuations) Put simply the minor races will be able to use the advanced designs more effectively, allowing them to grow faster.

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22 Sep 2009, 12:06
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Ran across 2 errors in the research screen.

One in Computers, it didn't show the name and description of quadratronics because it's
It must read:
And the other in the weapons-category, where it didn't show the description for multifrequency, because it's
It must read:

Else I'm happy to announce that the en-txt now also has a German-version.


22 Sep 2009, 18:01
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Yes Colony Ships are based on current tech level, but I always thought that was a bug.

Hmm?! They build the buildings of the tech level available at the time they were built. Not sure how that might sound like a bug. You discussed this some time ago too. You know, how more recent colonies are actually better than older ones - someone brought that up.

If your colony ships upgrade in that way, why don't all the other ships do that as well?

Not sure what this is supposed to mean. All ships use tech of the current tech level (meaning weapons and shields and propulsion). Only colony ships actually create something, hence the difference. Not that I'm defending the current system, on the contrary, that's your job - unless it's not in your best interest at the time that is :wink:

And whilst we're looking at it, we might as well scrap the advanced colony ships of the empires too

Honestly, maybe. I've mentioned that in the past. High level colony ships are really not that much of a big deal. At those tech levels, the galaxy should be pretty much all colonized. Maybe you'll need them if you glass a system. But that's something you can do with a low tech ship too. Also, 150 work force ships might either be a waste or practically fully colonize most systems in the galaxy, making it all kind of moot.
Notice that these ships only exist to obsolete the older ships, because of the industrial output increase due to tech advancement - else you'd build a boatload of them.

But the simple fact of the matter is that the new ships *are* better. They are more fuel efficient, or have larger Deuterium tanks, or can reach their destination faster,

I find it hard to believe they'll be more fuel efficient - and I've already explained the trap behind "fuel efficiency" elsewhere. As for larger deut tanks, it'll be useful if you want to strike deep into enemy territory, but then it's not like you can't build outpost in enemy territory to extend your range - other than that, they're not useful for anything else anyways.

or have a higher evacuation potential. (Come to think of that, it'll be interesting to see if the AI ever uses evacuations)

I'm not sure why I would want to do that, especially if I don't have any other system where to put them (if every system is already full). Also, I find this a strange concept, since colony ships don't cost population to build... another strange game element IMO.

Put simply the minor races will be able to use the advanced designs more effectively, allowing them to grow faster.

*If* they have *where* to grow. Also, if they grow like an empire, why are they minors? Doesn't make any sense. They'll be stealing expansion room from the empires, and that's hardly fun in a game.

22 Sep 2009, 19:42
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Aresius wrote:
Ran across 2 errors in the research screen.

It's a known issue, that wasn't fixed in the May update.

22 Sep 2009, 19:44
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I've actually tried to fix the bug already Aresius, but the game completely ignores the fixes. I have absolutely no idea why it does this, but i've told Mike about the problem. With any luck the next update will fix it.


I consider it a bug in the sense that one exclusive type of ship upgrades with the latest tech, whilst all the others do not. I just find it an oddity, especially since the ship type itself doesn't upgrade to the latest design available along with the other non-combat designs, even though we've always intended this. I'm not against the idea, i'm just questioning the current implementation of it, that's all.

In Trek, just because a ship was of a certain class, that didn't mean it had the exact same specs as the prototype or every other ship of the class. Just look at Voyager for instance; it was the third ship in the class and yet it was the first to be fitted with Bio-neural circuitry. And yet the stats of the ship classes are static ingame. The Colony ships are supposed to be designed to produce the technology needed to create a colony directly from its own hull - the ship gets dismantled to produce it. Its systems were specifically designed with the purpose of producing structures of the same tech level. And yet, the ship doesn't change as tech moves on. It isn't designed with improving tech onboard, yet still miraculously manages to build the advanced new structures and technology that have come about since the ship was designed, totally disregarding the fact that the new technology might be made from new materials that might not have been available on the older ship design. You're usually the one that picks up on oddities like this, not me. :razz:

Improved fuel efficiency is just one possibility that new tech *could* bring. I didn't say that the new ships would have all of the benefits. Building new Outposts is also time consuming, and presents your enemy with a fat target to lock onto during its construction. Why build a station that would drain resources, when you can colonise a system that would produce resources? Ok, a station can provide a huge amount of defence, but systems aren't entirely defenceless. It is also currently far cheaper to build a shipyard than a station. But i'll cede that we need to do some tweaking on build costs... :wink:

I personally believe that evacuation could be a useful tactic, albeit only during certain extreme circumstances such as a Borg invasion. Evacuating a poorly defended system means you could deny the Borg the chance at assimilating drones, preventing them from gaining strength, whilst allowing you to concentrate your defence. It would allow you to save a population from other disasters as well, such as Supernovas. It could therefore have some tactical uses.

Frankly, i'm surprised that you think it wouldn't be fun if you're racing against other races to colonise as much of the Galaxy as you can. Colonisation and expansion is 25% of the point of the 4X genre afterall. Imagine what happens if a race colonises a system that was key in your plans because of its huge maximum population or strategic location? Do you attack or member them? Both have their consequences. Or what about blockading a system to prevent others from colonising it? Can you afford to spare the ships? I personally would find making decisions like that a lot of fun. And in fact, even the empires sometimes did that in BOTF. Same goes in the Civilization games, although we're talking land and bonus resources like Ivory or wheat rather than Dilithium and Energy. But it's the same essential thing. It's therefore a key component of the game, which is why i'm surprised you said that.

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22 Sep 2009, 23:57
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
You're usually the one that picks up on oddities like this, not me. :razz:

Hmm, the only oddity here is the upgrade system. The ships converting to the latest tech, well, improvements are not necessarily new materials or whatever (and isn't that what replicators are for too?). They're basically more efficient production methods, better computers, etc. You can do that with the same materials. Most of the materials a ship is made of (hull) doesn't really change. What changes mostly is *knowledge*. Ships are not made of that stuff. :razz:

Improved fuel efficiency is just one possibility that new tech *could* bring. I didn't say that the new ships would have all of the benefits. Building new Outposts is also time consuming, and presents your enemy with a fat target to lock onto during its construction. Why build a station that would drain resources, when you can colonise a system that would produce resources?

Hehe, that's what *I* told you some time back. I know that argument. I was replying to a specific situation, not saying Outposts are useful - which is not my opinion. In this scenario, a strike deep into enemy territory, you'll take the strike fleet with the transport ship of course, since it'll be that fleet using the extended range. Kind of obvious. A system is not an option, being in enemy territory - that was the premise for this scenario, along with lower range.

I personally believe that evacuation could be a useful tactic, albeit only during certain extreme circumstances such as a Borg invasion. Evacuating a poorly defended system means you could deny the Borg the chance at assimilating drones, preventing them from gaining strength, whilst allowing you to concentrate your defence. It would allow you to save a population from other disasters as well, such as Supernovas. It could therefore have some tactical uses.

You didn't answer the question though. Where would you put the pop? The Borg are an event, so are Supernovas (may not happen too). Hardly a justification for such a feature IMO.
Also, where do you take their food upkeep from? Bet you didn't think about that. Replicators? So howcome pops in systems need farms?
One other thing. You can move pop around with the evac thing, but you can't move them between systems normally, with transport ships? A bit of an oddity, don't you think?

24 Sep 2009, 09:30
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Frankly, i'm surprised that you think it wouldn't be fun if you're racing against other races to colonise as much of the Galaxy as you can.

Was that what I said?! You're playing against 4 empires, not a potential 50. Even 20 is getting the galaxy too crowded to be fun.

Colonisation and expansion is 25% of the point of the 4X genre afterall.

Precisely. Two things may happen. Either the expanding minors expand aggressively and limit the expansion of the empires, and that's not fun for the player. Or the expanding minors are slow expanding, so that empires can have some colonization room, and the minors (that are closer to the empires or other expanding minors) will not have systems to colonize, therefore negating their expansionism - and this whole debate. Minors are simply that, minors. If they were to be major players, might as well have made them empires on their own, like the Ferengi and the Vulcans. With all the ships and structures all the 140+ minors have, that space could have been better well used IMO having more empires. The diversity in minors is not all that useful after a while.
Also notice that for smaller galaxies the situation is worse, as everyone is closer together. I get the feeling you're only thinking of the largest galaxy size, and only in the more expansionist minors - there are some minors that expand slower, and these are pretty much screwed.

Imagine what happens if a race colonises a system that was key in your plans because of its huge maximum population or strategic location? Do you attack or member them? Both have their consequences. Or what about blockading a system to prevent others from colonising it? Can you afford to spare the ships? I personally would find making decisions like that a lot of fun.

So if a minor is the same size or larger than your own empire, due to it colonizing faster than you, you're going to member it? Or attack it? Odd.
So instead of having 4 empires blockading systems, you'll have many more. Those systems that are not yet colonized I mean. You're saying that it's fun to build cheap ships early on (and those empires and minors that have the cheaper ships will have some advantage then) to blockade every system in the galaxy, and *then* build colony ships to colonize those systems? :confused:

24 Sep 2009, 09:58
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updates for editor 3 file:

Remove the following:
Tactical Cruiser: not available. Bug?
Explorer II: upgrades to Explorer III, which doesn't exist
Heavy Cruiser II: upgrades to Heavy Cruiser III, which doesn't exist

They were a misunderstanding on my part. I had already reported this.

These are somewhat odd:
Mars: change from Medium to small. Check Venus.
Venus: Change from small to Medium. See Mars.

Sol: Sm Bar [En] + Md Vol [En] + Lg Ter [Fd] + Lg Des + Ast + 4xGas + Tn Arc

Mercury is Small, and you want Mars to be too? Earth is Large... And Mars is Large too, not Medium. Venus is already Medium.

For the following, hopefully the "I" spot will not be empty:
The Hirogen Cruiser 1 is now a Light Cruiser. The Hirogen Cruiser 2 is unchanged.
The Kazon Heavy Cruiser 1 is now a Destroyer. The Heavy Cruiser 2 remains the same.
The Sheliak Heavy Destroyer I is now a Destroyer.

24 Sep 2009, 10:29
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The Tactical Cruiser *is* unbuildable. I believe it's a bug related to the tech names bug. Or has Mike released an update that i'm unaware of? My game doesn't seem to think so. (It only crashes whilst creating/loading a map)

The planet sizes are leftovers from a change I was tinkering with and were meant to be notes for myself. I've removed the reference.

No, the ship spots are not empty. It was a case of ships not being named correctly. I think some of them either lacked numbers, or were numbered as 1 instead of I.

I've made some other changes to the list:
- Removed the comment about the missing Vissian insignia. Zeleni has now created one. Roughly half of the minor races still lack an insignia image but Zeleni is busy making them. Old insignias have now all been cleared from my copy of the game.
- Updated the info on the Vulcan system. Still isn't technically canon but incorporates the new canon planet Delta Vega from Star Trek and also added an Asteroid belt. Information used is from both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta.
Vulcans: Planet I Barren, Planet II Volcanic T'Khul, Planet III Terran Vulcan, Planet IV Artic Delta Vega, Planet V Crystalline, Asteroids
- Added comment about lack of Klingon Trade structure. (I discussed this with starfleet.command on MSN last night) All other Empires have one, although Klingon ships are relatively cheap to maintain.


Replicators can't produce everything and would still need to be reprogrammed to be able to produce something they haven't produced before. That requires the knowledge to do it, so technically ships are made of knowledge. :romulan:

Ok, joking aside, you know what we're like. We have opposing views on many game aspects and chances are we'll keep arguing. The truth is that Mike has the final say, not us. So lets start arguing with him instead of each other. :lol:
updates to do for editor 3.txt [11.18 KiB]
Downloaded 208 times

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24 Sep 2009, 13:18
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Nope, in your scenario, *shipyards* are made of knowledge, since it's them that build the ships. :klingon:

And I'm not arguing with you specifically, I'm simply replying to your replies. I'm posting my views in the Supremacy forums, not MoE's forums :razz: I'm sure Mike will read this eventually, else I wouldn't be wasting my time posting.

25 Sep 2009, 11:33
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Vulcans: Make Vulcan Desert planet. Planet 3 should be Artic. (May need to add a planet)
Vulcans: Planet I Barren, Planet II Volcanic T'Khul, Planet III Terran Vulcan, Planet IV Artic Delta Vega, Planet V Crystalline, Asteroids

A contradiction in 2 consecutive lines. Vulcan is either Desert or Terran.

Explorer II: upgrades to Explorer III, which doesn't exist
Heavy Cruiser II: upgrades to Heavy Cruiser III, which doesn't exist

These weren't removed from the list.

Change shipyard production bonuses to efficiency bonuses. (Efficiency CAN go above 100%, easier for computers to calculate efficiency rates than bonuses)
Hmmm, you didn't understand. They're both bonuses. It just makes no sense that there are *two* different bonuses applied, that do the exact same thing. What needs to be done is Mike scraps the *fleetyards* bonus (only fleetyards have this extra bonus) and *then* you add the fleetyard bonus to the efficiency rating of the fleetyards, unifying them.

Trade center image missing (Image might no longer be needed. Check)
The Trade Centre is still in the Fed's techtree. There's an image called trade_centres.png too, you need to rename it to fed_trade_centres.png. The image is not set in the tech object database though, that's why it isn't showing:

<Building Key="FED_TRADE_CENTRE">
<Bonus Type="PercentCredits" Amount="50" />

28 Sep 2009, 13:43
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Calm down people everything is going to be ok once editor starts working again. :wink:

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28 Sep 2009, 17:02
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BotF actually *needed* outposts and starbases for expansion, due to its nature. The changes in Sup made them almost worthless/unneeded. Just a reminder that what we're seeing is a consequence of changes to the game. When things are changed, there's going to be an impact.
Like I mentioned in the past, the changes to ranges and speed, and the duplicating nature of Range and Deuterium Cost/Tanks in Sup, also compound to this problem (especially in smaller galaxies). Ships shouldn't go outside their fuel range. Period.

The thing that irks me the most about the concept of energy in the game is, say you have a smallish system. Ground defenses are weak. Orbital defenses are probably weak too (not counting the weirdness of allocating all pop to energy structures before an attack and then resuming normal activity if the attack fails). But if the system has say a Tiny Barren planet, it can operate a bunch more OBs. Gahh, it's stupid - not offending anyone here, just making a point.
I'm sure MoE is thinking, so I'll add one structure for each type of planet, and it's fixed. :grin: But then, what's the point?!

28 Sep 2009, 18:56
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Vulcan issue removed. I deleted the first line.

Explorers: you or someone else told me there was an issue here so I added it. Don't tell me about issues that don't exist! :razz:

The efficiency bonus comment isn't anything to do with what i've discussed with you; this is from a discussion that I had with Mike on MSN where he TOLD me to make this change.

Images will automatically show up as long as they have the same name as their associated structure. If an image doesn't display, there's either another image incorrectly set to be used (Ie one was set in the editor but that image has since been removed or renamed), or the image has a typo in its name. The problem is merely the lack of the fed_ prefix. The Health_Clinics.png image had the same problem, which i've just fixed in my copy of the images. Comment removed from my to-do list.

I'm sure we'll come to some sort of compromise with the outposts and energy problems eventually.

You know, I might even be able to come up with a structure that fixes them... :wink:

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29 Sep 2009, 01:04
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Explorers: you or someone else told me there was an issue here so I added it. Don't tell me about issues that don't exist! :razz:

Since then, I've told you it was a mistake like 3 or 4 times. You said you removed it, but it was still there. That's all.

The efficiency bonus comment isn't anything to do with what i've discussed with you; this is from a discussion that I had with Mike on MSN where he TOLD me to make this change.

Actually, we discussed this some time ago, with Mike, in these forums. I brought it up, and Mike explained you what to do. Which is what I described.

I'm sure we'll come to some sort of compromise with the outposts and energy problems eventually.

These are actually structural problems. The sooner the better.

You know, I might even be able to come up with a structure that fixes them... :wink:

That's what I'm afraid of... :wink:

29 Sep 2009, 12:16
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I'm not sure the game AutoSaving every turn is a good idea. At least on the HD...

If I had to guess, I'd say the intention of the "special" planetary bodies (barring any bugs) is something like:
Crystallines -> Dilithium
Gas Giants -> Deuterium
Asteroids -> Raw Materials
Demons -> Raw Materials, Dilithium

The Gas Giants and Asteroids are pretty obvious, but for the issue of all systems producing them or not, with these bodies producing extra amounts. Crystallines and Demons, they kind of make sense.

Systems with only these planetary bodies are non-colonizable, so these bonuses are pretty much wasted (except for Collect Deuterium). Maybe Stations could be used to "colonize" these systems, allowing the regular extraction of the resources.

AFAICT, random Rogue planets are always Tiny. Is that intended? Tiny systems... they must have some good bonuses.

02 Oct 2009, 15:23
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.Iceman wrote:
The Gas Giants and Asteroids are pretty obvious, but for the issue of all systems producing them or not, with these bodies producing extra amounts. Crystallines and Demons, they kind of make sense.

Systems with only these planetary bodies are non-colonizable, so these bonuses are pretty much wasted (except for Collect Deuterium). Maybe Stations could be used to "colonize" these systems, allowing the regular extraction of the resources.

For Example, According to the DS9 episode "Civil Defense", the Deep Space Nine Station was equipped with a refinery to process raw uridium ore.

Another example, the Armada 2 game had such an orbital station to extract the metal and another station for the Dilithium moons
and finally, the Starbase for the mining Latinum Nebula

The gas of the Gas Giants may be a trade for the need of methane, hydrogen .... etc.

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02 Oct 2009, 15:39
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Non-colonizable systems that have the Raw Materials and Dilithium system specials are also wasted. They may not even make sense in those systems (systems with no orbits for example). There should be some "rules" to the attribution of such bonuses - I'm assuming they're random, maybe I'm mistaken?

The whole system (resources / system bonuses) needs to be made clear. It's a fundamental part of the game.
Maybe the system specials should be scrapped - or simply used for showing the player that the system can produce such resources (a Deuterium icon should be added in that case), as opposed to giving the resources (or bonuses) themselves.
Right now, the whole thing is confusing.

02 Oct 2009, 17:18
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Rogue planets are not being created, and it's because of the setting in the UniverseTables.txt file.

I've compiled the system generation values in an excel file to be easier to see, Universe.xls.
Here are some problems and some potential problems I found:

Some tables have GasGiant before Asteroids (SType-PType, Slot-PType, PSize-PType[columns], PType-MSize), others have it the other way around (SType-PSize, Slot-PSize, PSize-PType[lines], PSize-MaxPop, PSize-MSize). Just checking if there's no problem, depending on the way values are retrieved from the tables. It's confusing, and there's even one instance (Slot-PType) where values are wrong because of this - see below. It'd be better to have them all in the same order (even for modding).

* Slot-PType tab:
Rogue planets are never created (-300 in all columns).
Last 2 columns should be swapped (GasGiant, Asteroids).
Crystalline columns should the same as GasGiant columns (after swapping, above).
Asteroids columns (after swapping, above) should be moved one cell up [orbit 4 in Sol].

* PSize-MaxPop tab:
There is no line for NoWorld, hope there's no problem with that, since every other PSize table has it.

* PSize-MSize tab:
Giant planets lean towards Medium Moons, and GasGiants lean towards Small Moons - doesn't make much sense. Those lines should be swapped.

* PType-MSize tab:
Volcanic planets tend to be Lg/Gt, and lean towards Sm/Md Moons, but Jungle planets tend to be Md and have a better chance to have Lg Moons. The values for Lg Moons for the 2 planet types should be swapped.


BTW, creating a different image for the Crystalline planets (different than the GGs) would be nice.

File comment: Universe Tables
Universe.xls [34.5 KiB]
Downloaded 195 times
06 Oct 2009, 12:55
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