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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hey Aresius, glad to have you on board. I've posted some information on how to translate the game above, although starfleet.command is the only person working on actually translating the files (He's doing it in French) to make sure it is possible to do so first.

He's already found some problems with missing text entries in the game that Mike is going to address in the next update, so that will make life easier for you and the other translators.

Unfortunately, Mike has also said that the translator won't be ready for a considerable while and likely won't be included in the next update. This means you will all need to decide whether you want to press ahead with the translations and physically edit the text files (Which contain all sorts of programming info as well that would break the game if accidentally changed or removed), or whether you want to wait until the editor is ready, because it contains a special box that you can click on to enter the new text into.

I'll add your name to the list in the first post Aresius, and give you the Communications Officer rank. You might want to contact Joe and Destructor and discuss between you what you want to do. Remember you can send a single PM to up to six people at the same time by adding the extra names one-at-a-time to the "To" box whilst on the PM screen. You can keep a conversation going between multiple people at the same time with everyone receiving the replies if you do that then. I frequently do this myself. Alternatively set up a meeting on MSN or something.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


09 Sep 2009, 09:59
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I've been translating texts and stuff for about 5 years now, I could go even without any editor.
I'll send them a PM after breakfast.


09 Sep 2009, 13:06
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could someone please update me with the progress of the german translation? i was quite busy having tests at university... so if someone would be so kind, just write a pm!

Cheers ;)

17 Sep 2009, 11:47
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Starfleet.command has translated the vast majority of the game text into French. The translations are spread across about twenty different files though so it will take a little bit of work to put the translated sections into the correct places in the actual game files. No one else has contacted me about doing any actual game translations though, so if anyone has actually done them, they haven't told me.

You'll need to check your PM's to know how translation is going of the manual. Aresius told me that he sent you and Destructor a PM about doing the German manual translations.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


17 Sep 2009, 16:35
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Starfleet Ambassador to the French Peoples
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There is also a subject of translation. This is the UI pictures in the "ContextMenu" folder. Have you planned something for this?

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10 Oct 2009, 18:39
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hmm...that is a problem, and one I haven't thought of. We'll have to discuss it with Mike, but he's busy at the moment so we'll have to wait until he's free. We'll need to make the text adjustable instead of *in* the image to get around the problem.

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12 Oct 2009, 00:11
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starfleet.command wrote:
Hello, my name is Daniel and I began the French translation and here is an example of my translation on the structures used by all the empires:

Wind Turbines

This age-old technology is employed here in its simplest function, harnessing the power of the wind for the safe and efficient generation of electricity, although on a small scale.

"Cette ancienne technologie est employée ici dans sa plus simple fonction, exploitant la puissance du vent pour la sécurité et l'efficacité de la production d'électricité, bien qu'à une petite échelle."
Advanced Turbines

Eolienne Avancée
These Advanced Turbines are most suited to the wind storms of barren worlds. Utilizing highly sophisticated micro-capacitors, they also deliver far more usable current than would be normally generated by the older turbines.

"Ces Eoliennes Avancées sont les plus adaptées aux tempêtes de vent des mondes stériles. En utilisant des micro-condensateurs fortement sophistiqués, elles distribuent aussi beaucoup de courant utilisable plus qu'il ne serait normalement produit par de plus vieilles éoliennes."
Charge Collectors

Collecteur de Charge
The heavily charged atmospheres of arctic worlds are an abundant source of energy. Charge collectors gather this latent energy, and simultaneously calm violent weather patterns.

"Les atmosphères lourdement chargées des mondes arctiques sont une source abondante d'énergie. Le Collecteur de Charge rassemble cette énergie latente et apaise simultanément des conditions météorologiques violentes."

You are missong the 's' in the end of each french names...they are all plural names so they should remain that way in each sentences and names! and the sentense about the a-t current is not optimal, it should be more like; 'elles distribuent aussi beaucoup plus de courrant utilisable que celui des générations précédantes.

Unless there is a vocal message attached to those sentences, they should not be translated in their original forms as french is a far more elaborate language than english is. Literal translations will make french sound a bit stiff and sometimes even weird.

If anyone needs some other reviews or simple translation, I will participate in the french version as I am a french canadian using internationnal french and I do have decent english knowledge.
And I did not write that to bash on your work Daniel! You have avery good french!


12 Oct 2009, 06:03
Starfleet Ambassador to the French Peoples
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It was just an example but there is another reason in this following post:

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12 Oct 2009, 09:44
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My bad then, should've read the whole thing :rolleyes:

13 Oct 2009, 22:17
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Do you plan to make a Croatian version?


20 Oct 2009, 20:42
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Yes - IF someone who can translate English into Croatian steps forward to undertake such a translation. Same goes for all languages; as long as someone puts in the work, people will get their language. Actually implementing a translated version is extremely difficult at the moment though because the game editor does not currently work; the editor contains a translation box for entering translated text.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


20 Oct 2009, 20:59
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I(We) would help you to translate the game into German. My brother and I are great fans of BotF and we cannot wait for BotF2 - so we want to help where we can. :D We will use one user account, because it is easier to communicate with you.

We have no idea in programming or stuff like that, but we would help in other sections like voice recording or image editing too.

With best regards - Tom and Chris aka SWiZZER

29 Oct 2009, 16:59
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Let me be the first to welcome you two, Tom and Chris aka SWiZZER.
It is fan involvement that is making this project work.

Implementing a translated version is not currently being worked on as the editor used to modify the game is not up to date. I will put your user name down on the list though. That way we can reach you when it is working. We may have a team working on it but we do want to keep a consistent translation if that is the case.

Here is a link to other jobs you might consider looking into in the mean time. ... =11&t=1752


29 Oct 2009, 19:10
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Hey this is my first post. I can speak basic German if you still need help?

22 Nov 2009, 20:52
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Welcome pali139. I will ask Matress to add you to our list of German translators.
In the mean time check out the link to other jobs in my post above.


22 Nov 2009, 22:19
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hey Pali, welcome to the forums and thanks for your generous offer! :)

It is currently extremely difficult for the translators to do their work because the game doesn't yet have a variable language setting, so as of yet the game lacks any panguage specific files. I guess in that respect I created this thread too early.

But anyways, i'll add you to the list of translators. You might want to speak to the other German translators yourself and see what work they are doing though. (If any) The other German translators are Joe, Destructor, Aresius, and
Swizzer. Send them a private message so they know who you are and what you can do. You can set up to 6 people as the recipients of a message so you should be able to message them all in one go.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


24 Nov 2009, 14:25
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Dear friends,

I would like to help you with translating of ST:Supremacy into Czech. If there is an interest I will be happy to help you. I like this game and I will be proud to be a member of you team.

Live good and prosper! :winkthumb:

02 Apr 2010, 19:38
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Welcome Or-Horo. I will ask Matress to add you to our team of translators.


02 Apr 2010, 20:09
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hi Or-Horo, welcome to the forums and welcome to the translators!

My previous post still stands; there still isn't an actual way of translating the game. But I will personally contact each of the translators the moment it becomes possible. In the mean time, enjoy your new Communications Officer forum rank.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


03 Apr 2010, 00:59
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Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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There is of course, translating the manual. CB

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03 Apr 2010, 03:07
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Yes, there is that. I've linked everyone's names in the first post to their user accounts, so anyone can send them PM's. Care to do the honours? I haven't got any of the manual bits with me at the mo as i'm still in South Wales.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


03 Apr 2010, 10:52
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I could try to start on translation of manual and to make some practice :winkthumb: However, is there a manual in English? I have found a manual in German only. Unfortunatelly, I can't speak German :redface:

EDIT later: Is that actual English manual? ... remacy.pdf

03 Apr 2010, 19:52
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yes, great to have you onboard. As said, the game translation won't be possible until Mike completes the new editor.
You could also help by informing your country's Star Trek sites and forums about Supremacy. We could compose a message containing all important information about the game, and you could translate it and send it via E-mail to forum and site editors.


03 Apr 2010, 20:30
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Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Yes you have located the manual and it is in English. There is another file at the site with instructions on writing the manual as well. Here is the URL. ... Items.aspx
After you go here, just click on "Manual" which is just above the middle of the list on the right.

Captain Bashir

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04 Apr 2010, 01:32
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Unfortunately the long URL for a link into Share Point does not display completely as a link here. Perhaps you should give instructions on where to look from the point the link does take you to.


04 Apr 2010, 02:43
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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You need to make sure you wrap the url tags around links to get them to display correctly, don't just paste in the link. And if you get any Sharepoint url's with curly brackets - { and } - then delete the parts around the brackets. The forums don't recognise curly brackets in url's for some reason and will break off the url after the bracket.

The making the manual manual is Here.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


04 Apr 2010, 11:00
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
You need to make sure you wrap the url tags around links to get them to display correctly, don't just paste in the link. And if you get any Sharepoint url's with curly brackets - { and } - then delete the parts around the brackets. The forums don't recognise curly brackets in url's for some reason and will break off the url after the bracket.

The making the manual manual is Here.

What is it? A manual how to make a manual? :) First, I have tried to convert existing .PDF to .RTF or .DOC, but it was very badly formated so I wanted to try to create a new manual, but I didn't know how to make it looks like same. I will try to use your "manual manual" and I hope it will be all right.

btw... I don't know if something wrong, but I use Adobe Reader 9.x and links inside Manual does'nt work. Someone else has the same experience?

One question: There is a green square with menu. Is it just picture (JPEG) with text which is part of this picture or it is square made by utilities of MS Word and text has been wrote inside. I don't know how to make it. Yes, I can easily create a picture in some program like Paintbrush but I don't believe it will works. However, I don't have a licence for MS Office 2007, I have an older version 2003. Is it there possible?

09 Apr 2010, 22:32
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Hey, sorry if there is difficulty. The Green windows are done using "Text Boxes" in Microsoft Word. If you want to translate it, just keeping the same words on the same pages (so that I know where they go) I can drop it into the manual with the graphics for you. Thanks for your work in advance. Let me know if others aren't able to open it with acrobat reader. Julian Bashir.

Supremacy Manual (

10 Apr 2010, 05:19
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Text Boxes you say? Well, I will try it then. If I will have a problem, I will translate just a text and provide you a link for .DOC and you can complete and convert document into .PDF, ok? :winkthumb:

10 Apr 2010, 12:55
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Sounds fine. Enjoy. And of course, Welcome to the forums. Capt. B

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10 Apr 2010, 14:04
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