I have something to add for minor races.
What if Captain Archer failed to deliver the Kir'Shara to the High Command, what happened to Vulcan High Command? So, I use my own imagination.
Those images are not my work. I just use those for showing an example of my idea. If you want to use those images, email to William Christopher (
atrocities@astmod.com) for a permission.
Race: Vulcan High Command
Race Description: People of Vulcan High Command had rejected the logical philosophies of Surak. Vulcan High Command is the most powerful governmental body on planet Vulcan, its de facto military government. The High Command is an organization responsible for overseeing the Vulcan military as well as civilian organizations.
LOCATION = Alpha Quadrant
HOME SYSTEM = 40 Eridani-A
PLANET = Vulcan
TYPE = Terran, Very Large
TECH B = Advanced
MOOD = Impulsive
FUNCTION = Scientific/Isolationist
GROWTH = Medium
SHIPVulcan Scout
Vulcan Corvette
Vulcan Escort
Vulcan Light Frigate
Vulcan Frigate
Vulcan Destroyer
Vulcan Heavy Destroyer
Vulcan Light Cruiser
Vulcan Cruiser
Vulcan Heavy Cruiser
Vulcan Battlecruiser
Vulcan Battleship
Vulcan Dreadnought
Vulcan Heavy Dreadnought
Vulcan Juggernaut
Vulcan Baseship
Vulcan Heavy Baseship
Vulcan Worldship/Death Star
CARRIERVulcan Tiny Carrier
Vulcan Light Carrier
Vulcan Carrier
Vulcan Heavy Carrier
Vulcan Massive Carrier
FIGHTERVulcan Small Fighter
Vulcan Medium Fighter
Vulcan Large Fighter
Vulcan Huge Fighter
Vulcan Massive Fighter
StationVulcan Resource/Science Station
Vulcan Outpost
Vulcan Starbase I
Vulcan Starbase II
Vulcan Spacedock
TRANSPORTVulcan Tiny Transport
Vulcan Small Transport
Vulcan Medium Transport
Vulcan Large Transport
COLONYVulcan Colony Ship I
Vulcan Colony Ship II/III
OTHERVulcan Barge/Construction
Vulcan Resource/Science Ship
Vulcan Satellite/Orbital Battery
Vulcan Mine
Vulcan Drone/Dreadnought missile
Vulcan Shuttle
Vulcan Advanced Shuttle
TROOP -- maybe in the future, it will be added...
Vulcan Troop Infantry
Vulcan Small Troop
Vulcan Medium Troop
Vulcan Large Troop
Vulcan Huge Troop
WEAPON PLATFORM -- maybe in the future, it will be added...
Vulcan Small Weapon Platform
Vulcan Medium Weapon Platform
Vulcan Large Weapon Platform
SPECIAL STRUCTURES 5/5Science Academy - Same
Propulsion Laboratory - Same
Vulcan Global Defence Net
Value: +60% Anti-ship bonus
Vulcan High Command
Value: +1 Faith EW, 35% Officer Loyalty^, +1 Morale E.W, +10% Economic Security
V'Shar - Vulcan intelligence and security agency responsible for maintaining internal affairs and external affairs.
Value: 15% General Intelligence, +1 Morale Empire-wide
What do you think?
Any comments are welcome!