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8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
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I see now. So I am a mostly harmless borg earthling. huh. BTW, I haven't found a way to unassimilate you yet, Matress. But I'll keep working on it.... *there is a very long pause in which the Captain works to determine a cure for assimilation. His computer gives him the same answer it did before: kill the drone. Not satisfied with this answer, he continues working, and gets a new, hopefully more learned computer....*

The above is part 1 in "The Quest to cure Matress".

Yes, I am just that crazy. Months of writing from the points of view of the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, AND the Dominion will do that to you....... :borg:

EDIT: I will find time to read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy...

FURTHER EDIT: I am thinking of making a new thread for the quest to cure Matress. Is that feasible?

We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous.


May... now with expectedly warm weather!

26 Feb 2010, 21:47
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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You've obviously never heard of my Diseases Thread. Yup, I really did post it five years ago. I've been here a long time... :shocked:

Course you can post a thread mate. Skeeter's the enforcer round here. I say post anything you want. :P

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


27 Feb 2010, 00:41
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8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
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There we go. I put the thread up, in the General Chat section.... :borg:

We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous.


May... now with expectedly warm weather!

27 Feb 2010, 03:50
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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We have never had a story written about us. It would bring tears to our eyes...if we had any. But stories are irrelevant. Resistance is futile. :borg:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


28 Feb 2010, 23:07
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8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
8 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 001
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Well, you can still write in the story, Matress, even though you are the one we are trying to cure... and everyone else is welcome to write parts of it as well.... :borg:

We are the Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. Your creative distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your creative minds will adapt to service us. Resistance is, and always has been, humorous.


May... now with expectedly warm weather!

28 Feb 2010, 23:27
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I am still waiting for Jean to get back to us about the Vegas con. We have not heard yet.


01 Mar 2010, 00:35
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi! I am a musician. I created a part of a tune but since I don't have my keyboard with me today, I did a midi sample with my sequencer and converted to MP3. It's only a few seconds (51s) long. If you like it, then I will finish it and send it to you. For now, please, do not judge on the quality of the sound: I converted via an online converting program. As soon as I get my keyboard, I will arrange it in my studio. Thanks!

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

17 Aug 2010, 08:06
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That is very good. I am not sure where we would use it at this point but it is worth uploading. Would you like credit for your work to be your user name, your real name, both names or something else? Welcome to the team. Will you be making more? I would love to hear it.


17 Aug 2010, 12:21
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yeah, we will need theme music for every major race, combat music...... And we are short on musicians. We appreciate any help you can give us.


17 Aug 2010, 12:23
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate, even though that tune doesn't really make it up in terms of quality. I'll finish it with my keyboard, arrange it through my home studio, snap it back to you and after that, I will make a sort of demo of some themes I'm thinking of. That song was created from scrap, by hand in the computer, note by note and track by track since I did not have my keyboard with me.
It is kind of easy (and then not) to do this since it's my real job (40 years of experience, I'm 56) but then again, I'm like you guys, jogging from job to (fun) job, from surviving to living. This is something I really love to do and being here, with all those Trekkie fans (which I'm part of and proud to be) really helps wanting to do more.
I love the way you guys hop in a topic, with joyful and encouraging (but frank) words that I'll make more music for you than play the game (I have to split my time somewhere, lol).

One thing I'd like to know though; how can I link the answers and feedbacks I receive to my email box, so that I can be alerted when someone writes to me? I went in my 'control room' and ticked every option but it doesn't seem to work. Thank you again for your appreciations and keep an ear and an eye open for my comeback!

Ok! Guys, I found out how to get a home alert. Easy! 1 click in the options tab.

PS.: Yes you can put both names in the credit thingy, my user will prove that I'm proudly part of this forum.
My real name is Gino Véziau.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

17 Aug 2010, 21:45
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Thanks so much for working on the music. I am in the same boat. I have had a real job for over 35 years and then I have been working on this game for over four years as well.

Here is a link to where we keep the music we have collected so far. We need a lot more.

@Matress Would you please see he is added to the credit file for music. I am in a rush. I drive out to Los Angeles soon.

There is a lot of family business to take care of but I also get one day to play. I will be in the final day of shooting for an HBO film called Cinema Verita. It is big production about minimalist film making. (Only in Hollywood)

I will be on and off line until next week.


18 Aug 2010, 00:16
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi again! I uploaded the file to Mediafire but I don't know how to put it in the file you specified. I'll put it here as a link for now until I learn how to do that.
I'll let you choose where you wish to put it, although it has a feel of Earth Espionage thing, but it can serve as anything 'aggressive'.

If there is any problem with it, I'd be glad to know and I'll fix it as soon as possible. I'll be working on Race themes after that, but I'll be waiting for a few days or until you confirm on the quality. It's a bit short (1,35m) but I can stretch it if you need a longer one. I have a tendency to make songs much too long so I had to bite my tongue on this one.

See ya!

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

18 Aug 2010, 06:43
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Our Sharepoint file repository can be viewed by everyone. All of the files are free to download. The files may only be used for other purposes with explicit accreditation and preferably with purmission from the creator as well.

You can only add, edit, or delete files if you have an account though, and you need to ask Mike for an account if you need one.

I've got a Sharepoint account, so I downloaded the file from Mediafire and uploaded it to the General Game Music Folder for you. By the way, is Gino Véziau your name? I wasn't sure, so I edited the filename so it specifies it was created by Happytrek as well.

I've also updated the Credits file.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 Aug 2010, 12:46
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Thanks guys. That is a good question about the length. It opens other questions. We might want music themas to queue off all the different UI windows. That would give the espionage, diplomacy and combat windows a unique feel. Do we want them to loop if the window stays open or just fade out after time? These are all questions to ask Mike. There is what he is willing and what he is able to code into the system. I suggest sending him a question by PM. He can get back to you when he finds the time.


18 Aug 2010, 15:01
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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One of the things I liked about BOTF was how the music faded in and out between different screens. The game did this by splitting the music into small segments and playing each in turn as needed, instead of loading the whole track. That might be worth thinking about doing for Supremacy. Of course only Mike can say what can or can't be done.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 Aug 2010, 19:42
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Ah! OK ! Thanks, Matress_of_evil, that's what I thought about the file repository.
Yes, this is my real name. We're a family of music people since so long that I can't track it back where it started. Or maybe it's been there since the rise of time itself :shocked: ! ODD!

Also, thanks for adding me to the credits.
If you need to have your music on a certain time-line, it's OK with me. And if you ever feel you need a certain feel for different parts of the game, I can make loop-able spots, like when someone shoots or attacks, you may want a small 'spray of sound' like, for example: "SSHHAAW!", FFFFFT! etc...Which can be done with a voice, lasting one or a few seconds. Or when some player dies, there could be a 'mortuary' short music lasting only a few seconds like: PA PA PAAAWw! Supported with strings and a small ending theme that could clip with the ending song. Or maybe in the action, you'd want a spot when the player changes screens as he searches for something, or when danger is near: This would put him on his toes, rising nerves and adding a story(role play) interaction. I'll stop here because I feel your head is spinning, lol. As the game develops, you may feel you need those.
Although I don't have a big Production studio, with an infinite sound and effects library, some effects are still feasible manually, human made with good results. But because it's all of you who make the programming, you know where goes what, and what goes where, so to speak. I can only confirm if I can do it , or not. But almost anything can be created, with the help of imagination.

Now enough said (?) or I'll have to ask for a copyright for creating a scenario, and sell it to the Ferengiis :lol: .
Thanks again for including me in the team. I'll do my 100% to give quality and efficiency. For the rest, you decide.
Now where is my punching card..?...!

PS.: With all the superb song variety you have, I'm starting to be twirly, I think I shouldn't have listened so much!

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

18 Aug 2010, 22:29
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Sorry for posting in another message but I believe that the previous one was long enough.
I was wondering if there is a singing, poetic or dancing race for which I could create a theme that has a meditation feel (I know that Spock was a poet and a musician) that, each time you would succeed in a diplomatic scheme, you'd have the choice of listening to a song or poem as you feel it.
I started making a theme but it turned out to be a new age thing y, meditation-ish with a piano, sort of "languorous complaint".
I could, for example, make it at different lengths and different songs and you could randomize so that the player hears a different song each time he succeeds in negotiations. I'll make short demos of what I'm trying to explain here but I think you already know where I'm aiming to.

(Some say that I talk (!) too much. They could be right on that!)
Thanks again for your answer.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

18 Aug 2010, 22:55
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Great to hear that. We really need a musician. I have one question. How are you with militaristic music?

Few movie references:

Game references:

Fan references:

These aren't a priority since the next update won't contain race specific music.


18 Aug 2010, 23:48
Profile YIM WWW
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I've heard a lot of military songs but they don't compare to those ones I've just heard. I'm part of the Canadian Legion for veterans of war. Since I compose just about anything because I do it from scratch, I could jingle with a few short tunes and you could then judge from what you hear. Is that OK?

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

19 Aug 2010, 07:45
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Sure, great.


19 Aug 2010, 08:17
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Here goes! Very short but I'll be waiting for your approval to finalize it to it's lenght. It's kind of conventional, terrestrial, but there's so many variants. For now, I make it fast (like a sketch) so that you have a taste of what I can do.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

19 Aug 2010, 13:47
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Good start, but for the Klingons it would be better if you replace those high pitch instrument (I think it's trumpet) with some sort of lover pitch instrument like the horn or the trombone, with only occasional trumpet chords. Think medieval militaristic music. Deep tones, battle horns, battle drums, old school marching music. And the rhythm should be slower for the ambiance music. During battles we will need faster rhythm music

Don't get me wrong, it's great, but not quite "klingony". I hope that you understand what I'm trying to tell you. I'm not a musician, and I'm not from an English speaking country so I may not now all the correct terms.


19 Aug 2010, 16:24
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One of the best pieces of Klingony music that I know of is the "Klingon Short Music" track from Starfleet Academy. We've got it on Sharepoint for inspiration. Have A Listen.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


19 Aug 2010, 16:39
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yes, it very "klingony"


19 Aug 2010, 16:40
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I'm not British either. I'm Canadian. I speak English and French and yes, I'm starting to get an image of what you wish. It's a feel from the Early ages, year 10XX AD or around. I wasn't sure which Empire you were relating to but OK, I will make another short demo tune (I try short because it helps me get something really fast).
I'll be back soon with a demo.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

19 Aug 2010, 23:10
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It would be good to know from Mike just where and for what he wants to code in the music files.


20 Aug 2010, 19:52
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Here I am again. I made a 30 sec demo because there are a lot of tracks in there and If I catch your attention on this one, it might take a little longer to finish.
I was starting to make a stress part at the end of this demo so it might seem odd what you hear at the end.
Please tell me if I'm hot, or completely out of the question.

PS.: I didn't make any intro at this stage, I wanted to get right in the subject. It could or not need one, depending on where it will be placed in the game.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

21 Aug 2010, 00:45
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Hi! Me again! Still no intro but a longer version. I've been working all day yesterday and today.
I will eventually be trying different styles, but it will have to be in a few days only because I'm working this weekend and later preparing for a small show at the Veterans place.
As soon as it's ready, I'll post it as usual. Happy weekend!

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

21 Aug 2010, 09:10
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Better and much closer to what I had in mind. Can't wait for the different styles of it.


21 Aug 2010, 22:28
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I think that works. :winkthumb: thanks
I will save it to SharePoint


21 Aug 2010, 23:02
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