first: the hero was just basically to build pre-named ships with custom ship images (imagine, in a 3x player multiplayer game, fed, klingons and romulans, allied against dominion and seeing ships alogn the lines of:
NCC-1701-E USS Enterprise
NX-74205 USS Defiant
NCC-74656 USS Voyager
IKS Rotarran
RIS Valdore
facing a group of battleships

Anyway was just an idea.
Right: Fleet/Task force nesting...
Basically, one level above ships, you have wings. These are the smallest unit of fleets, and can be applied to specific roles
now for a reference to the episodes, remember the Voyager episode, 'Message in a bottle'? an Akira-class ship and 2 Defiants intercepted the captured' Prometheus and engaged the romulan warbirds etc...
well that would be a 'Tactical' Wing...
Tactical Wings: These wings are groups of no more than 7 ships, which are deployed often on their own. Interception of a small number of infiltrating enemy craft, recapture, that sort of thing. Ideal minimal loadout: Akira class leadship, 2x Defiant class ships (As given in episode example)
Offensive Wings: These wings are typically used in the 'tip of the spear' type roles during fleet engagements, directly attacking the 'enemy lines', so to speak. On their own, they would be tactical wings. Loadout is similar, but with an higher ideal lower and upper limits.
Defensive Wings: These wings would take a stand-offish stance during fleet engagements, resorting to longer range weapons such as Beam weaponry. Combined with close-in guidance from offensive wings, their torpedoes would also have a higher chance of hit from such ranges. (much like ground infrantry laser-targetting for incoming jets with laser-guided missiles for ground strikes, but a bit, more... well... star trek-y.) Primarily, though, they would be acting as escort for the Fleet Support and Command vessels, such as the far larger Galaxy classes.
If warpacts are implemented, say, Fed/Kli/Roms vs Dominion, perhaps diplomacy option of 'temporary technology sharing' could apply, allowing this:
Infiltration Wings: Wings of cloak-capable vessels, Defiant-classes in this example. For other races, the diplomacy part wouldn't actually matter. That's just for the pesky feds-dont-use-cloak rule, using the already existing example of romulans allowing one on the defiant specifically
before they were even sure of the dominion being a definite threat, therefore it is logically to assume, if suggested by anyone, they would be more likely to allow it during the time of war. And we can use the 'ds9 crew was the focus of the series' rule for why such wasn't mentioned in the series

I mean, canon trek doesn't say if the Ent-E was involved or not. We just assume not since we never saw a sovvy in the fleet scenes.
Anyway, so there's wings.
Next level up, is Task Forces. these are numerous wings, with ship counts in the range from 15 to 45 ships. (5 wings of 9 ships each)
There would be 3 specific required groups of ships forit, and only one actually can be just one ship (doesn't have to)
Command slot: A Ship to co-ordinate task force efforts, or a group of large ships (one of which is the taskforce' leadship)
2x Wing slots: Offensive, defensive, multiple of either, etc...
Optional would also be a Support slot: For Colony, Construction or Transport vessels. The latter being the 'invasion forces' to capture Chintoka, again

Also Freighters carrying supplies for the other ships if they're stranded with no supplies of their own to repair...
Then we get to the -after-500-or-so-turns and engagements are getting bigger...
Fleets, made up of either *alot* of wings, or nested further, Task Forces. say... 9th Fleet's Offensive Task Forces Alpha and Beta drawing fire, while Defensive TF Delta escorts a Support group of Troop Transports...

Now, for issuing Orders... Orders given to individual ships Override any given to it's assigned wing, and orders to the wing override those given to the assigned task force, and so on.
So If you want this fleet of 5 Task forces (4 wings each of 7 ships) to head to Cardassia, but before you hit turn, that romulan ally player in the multiplayer game requests help in another system and relays the tactical data, you can also issue orders to one of the task forces to instead travel to thingy... and it wouldn't conflict with the fleet order (which would still apply to all the other ships in the fleet.)
in some 4x games, I've seen an order for "join fleet" at destination too, so you can order these ships to head to that other system, deal with those, then when you send 'em back, alt-click or something and it has the options for on arrival "Move" (same as just left-click) "Join Fleet" (if more than one, asks which one) and "Attack System" (if the fleet in question is already on that order, joining the fleet combines these two by default of the fleet order with no overriding order on the task force that's joining.)
I hope I was clear enough... erm.. yeah.