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 Heroes, Flash Forward, Law And Order, and Scrubs Cancelled 
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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The Press Association wrote:
Heroes is reportedly set to be cancelled after four seasons.

The network's presentation of its 2010-2011 schedule was leaked on Sunday morning after journalists from The Hollywood Reporter snuck into their upfront rehearsal at New York's Hilton hotel - and it seems the hit show, starring Hayden Panettiere, has been cancelled due to high costs and low ratings.

But the show will be replaced by a new superhero drama, The Cape, about a framed cop who goes into hiding and becomes a superhero.
While it was announced on Friday that New York-based series Law And Order was being cancelled, NBC will apparently launch the new Law And Order: Los Angeles.

New NBC shows include a 24-style thriller The Event, and Undercovers, from Lost co-creator JJ Abrams, about two of the CIA's best spies who retired to run a catering business when they got married and are then called back into action.

A new comedy, Outsourced, about a mid-American novelties company whose call centre has been outsourced to India, was also among the news shows revealed, along with Friends With Benefits, a comedy from Arrested Development creator Brian Grazer, about a group of single friends in their 20s navigating the dating world.

The Hollywood Reporter, which also revealed Alec Baldwin's comedic introduction as his 30 Rock character Jack Donaghy to the event, has been banned from covering NBC launches and from interviews with its talent.

Meanwhile, it was also revealed on Friday that ABC's Scrubs was among the many shows which had been officially cancelled along with sci-fi drama FlashForward starring British actors Joseph Fiennes, Jack Davenport and Dominic Monaghan.


"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


17 May 2010, 19:48
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I only watched Heroes, and only first two seasons. Occasionally Scrubs..... Frankly after Enterprise was canceled nothing can surprise me or shock me. Every series except Star Trek serves as something you watch while you wait for Star Trek, and I've never connected to any series except Star Trek.
So my point would be I only love Star Trek, any did I mention I only love Star Trek. Go Star Trek :waaah: :waaah: :waaah: :waaah:

And yeah, I only love Star Trek



17 May 2010, 19:54
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Stargate? :vulcan:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


17 May 2010, 20:01
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Stargate is ok if you replace the "gate" part with " Trek".


Actually I've never watched it, but I don't have any interest in watching it, or Battlestar Galactica, or any other show like that, because once you go Trek, you never go back.

Actually I've watched some Babylon 5 movies and I didn't see any parallels with DS9, and found them lower quality than any Star Trek episode or movie (ST V and XI included)


17 May 2010, 20:07
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ABC will have a new show called Freshman. I have a few seconds of background work in the pilot. It sounds like a very unfunny comedy but at least I will watch the pilot this fall.


17 May 2010, 23:47
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babylon 5 wasn't about production value, but writing quality. And, it was the only show, so far, that had a working relationship on screen start to finish,.... well you know.

from love at first sight, discovering those feelings, getting together, through to getting married and so on...

DS9 didn't try with Ben and Cassidy, well, except to do a "Oh but this is bajoran tradition, wah wah wah" type of deal.

TNG could have had that, with picard/beverly, but nope, instead we got 4-by-4 blocks of wood witht he word 'hint' written on them bashing at us telling us that offscreen, Worf and Deanna were starting/having a relationship that we'd occassionally see.

VOY tried with Tom/B'lanna, but except for the wedding episode, nothing sticks in mind about it. (Wasn't it the ep where she was doing orbital skydiving with the safeties off in the holodeck, when they got together. something about another program with batleth fighting, when she'd never shown any interest whatsoever in her klingon heritage before then.)

Hell, the 'having a baby' bit was too late to make light of the whole, having a kid on a starship stranded away from home, and dont mention naomi. We only saw her after that two-part kazon ep (when she'd been born) once she'd grown up to like, 5, 6... wait I mean... 2... 3...

Yeah, like the several-year-long pregnancy fits with rapid afterbirth growth.

and we all know that in TOS, Kirk was on a crusade to have a woman on every planet from Earth to Romulus, Kronos, Cardassia Prime, wait, forget Cardassia Prime.


I went to Stargate, and Babylon 5, and found it painful to watch any episode of Voyager.
Not so, TNG.
And not even that much with DS9.

DS9 is my fav star trek, but It's not my fav show.

17 May 2010, 23:48
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Worf and Deanna? :vulcan:

There's an ep I didn't see. Just imagine they had kids. Could you imagine a Klingon empath? :shocked:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 May 2010, 00:48
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yeah that was what was going on in season 7.

18 May 2010, 02:17
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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ok, you are judging shows with how much romances they had??


18 May 2010, 14:32
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Could you imagine a Klingon empath? :shocked:


"I Am Sensing a hostile presence Captain...
Ahm... Nevermind. *cough to cover snicker*."

19 May 2010, 05:45
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