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 Rikers In Space! 
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Here you can see them pitch the Rikers in Space TV show. They were much like this when I met them in Hollywood after the JJ Abrams Star Trek Premiere.


21 May 2010, 00:49
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Lol'ed at much of it.

And I would love a Tv series set on the Titan.

for one, I love the Luna class design, and it'd be wonderful to see that go from basic drawing to a proper hollywood-grade 3D model.

I can already see the first 5 minutes of the movie...

Nice long credits sequence starting with

Jonathan Frakes

Marini Sirtis

and Introducing...."

then "With <insert TNG-era veteran in guest role here"

Opening Scene:
Space... then... VERY LOUDLY, the wormhole opens, and we go through, and slowly, a mysterious ship appears 'passing under' the camera... then out of the other end, we see only just, a docking pylon of DS9...

then we come out, and the ship attacks DS9!

Cut to a singificantly different OPS set, and we hear dialogue from some people, one of whom looks familiar...

Captain Kira Nerys, now starfleet, Commanding officer of DS9.
Dialogue is stated, giving reasons why the weapons aren't working, (such as maintenance on the main weapons systems were underway at the time) and stuff happens, with secondary weapons coming online...
externally, we see the ship shrug off a few lances from the phasers, when it fires at the dS9's opwer core, and ala Breen Energy Dampening Weapon, DS9 looses power, and the mysterious ship (which we only see bits off) disappears, moving into warp AND cloaking at the same time.

Kira sends off a report to Starfleet, warning of whatever it is. But they dont know it's heading.


Zooming through an unfamiliar solar system... passing the moon and slowing down a lot.... then looking at the moon, the Titan slowly appears, passing into shot, with "USS Titan" visible on the hull... slowly the camera pans and passes around to the other side of the ship, then slowly, it zooms into the Ready Room window, where Riker and Troi are cuddled up, reading reports.

Narrative Dialogue establishes where they are, in orbit of some the moon which <insert stuff here>.

A call comes through, and Riker answers to see a certain Admiral, who briefs him and stuff.

Going out into the bridge, we get to meet his crew...


And thats just 5 minutes of thought on the subject so making a script from the idea can't be that hard.

21 May 2010, 10:33
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And thats just 5 minutes of thought on the subject so making a script from the idea can't be that hard.
Well, it really a nice idea, but given that Trek now follows a new path set by Mr Abrams, I think it's safe to assume that the TNG and post TNG era Trek are dead :brickwall:

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21 May 2010, 10:55
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There is some buzz about a post DS9 film in addition to a sequel to the Abrams film. We will see if anything comes of it.


21 May 2010, 12:31
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Is it really a buzz or just wishful thinking? All good things come to end, so perhaps the Trek we all loved should just stay a good memory and let the next generation (!) of actors/directors/writers take over. The new film was much better than I ever expected it to be and to be frank, it's the only film I have seen twice in the movie theaters :razz:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

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21 May 2010, 13:11
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you can't honestly say that.

From a casual viewer perspective... yes.

from a trekkie perspective...

To paraphrase several good films mixed up into one:

"We Can't Stop! We've Got To Get To The Projector/DVD player/TV First!

Really, Earth to Vulcan in minutes, half a minute behind the fed fleet that left only to then run into all these destroyed ships... no really!? Transwarp Beaming? Which Scotty apparently made, but then we didn't we hear of it in TNG!? unless he made it after his appearance in TNG 'Relics'? Wait, then how did Spock know about it?

and isn't that with 24cen tech? Wait... Delta Vega has a lovely view of Vulcan? But it's in another system, or is it a moon?! ARGH!!!



21 May 2010, 13:56
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The Abrams film showed that ST could play to a wider audience and it could make good money. In light of that ideas were floated about how best to cash in. There will be a sequel to Abrams film but we will see if the ideas for other spinoff will get traction or not. Anything could happen.


21 May 2010, 14:09
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AlexMcpherson wrote:
you can't honestly say that.
From a casual viewer perspective... yes.
from a trekkie perspective...

Well, I'm not saying this casually. Star Trek means very much to me and it is one of the reasons I am now working in cosmology and not some other random job. I have watched all TNG, Voyager, DS9 and Enterprise episodes many many times, with or without commentary etc and I have reached the conclusion that some change is needed if the franchise is to survive. I'm not saying that it should end up like Sex and the City (Sex and the Starbase!) or any other crappy, teen series etc. I'm only saying it should get some new faces, new ideas and new people working behind the scenes. Anyway, don't forget what was the reaction many people (who loved TOS) had when TNG aired :jem: :jem: :jem: .

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


21 May 2010, 15:53
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Yeah, I thought about the same thing, the TOS-TNG reactions and came to the conclusion that soon we (true trekkies) will be a dying race much like the Vulcans in the new film.



21 May 2010, 16:24
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Sex and the Starbase?! :lol: :lol: :lol:

God i'd love a Titan series or film too though. Frakes and Sirtis are brilliant actors with real chemistry, and not doing a series with them would be an injustice. As they said, get rid of old baldy. :razz:

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21 May 2010, 19:04
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yeah but theres so much from a trekkie perspective that is wrong with it, and I'm not just saying the actors and the Apple Brewery insides of the JJPrise.

I mean, its not got the Klingon BOP beat for size inconsistencies, with the sheer same-ship-same-film-different-sizes-throughout issue (which is one of the things we, as trekkies, must absolutely take issue with.

21 May 2010, 19:09
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