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15 Jun 2010, 17:18
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Hmm...I wonder if they mean Facebook? It'll take a good game to take me away from Mafia Wars and STO though hehe.

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15 Jun 2010, 18:05
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Looks like some nice artwork.
Let's copy it and say we did it.


15 Jun 2010, 20:54

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As the developer of a browser based MMO engine, I can say that this is cool. However, if its anything like Ogame, the engine behind Allegiance (tba, w/ or w/o trek mod) will make it look gimmicky.


although, for the record, I've been saying stuff like this for years, so take it with a grain of salt until I actually show some screens/demos.


16 Jun 2010, 01:18
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on afc forums I read a recent thread about someone trying to make a new botf2:

He is involved in Crystal Space development, an open source 3D engine so I guess he knows stuff. But he said on afc, that he doesn't like WPF, instead goes with platform independent things like ceGUI and C++ instead of C#. He doesn't like BotE's general look either so he decided to make its own game.

16 Oct 2010, 18:16
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Interesting, I don't visit AFC anymore. Could you post a link, Mal? I wonder if this guy knows about Supremacy?

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16 Oct 2010, 20:56
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he knows about both games, but I assume only from the screenshots and looks of them. I found it here: ... c&start=15 (scroll down a bit)

I already emailed him explaining about our games both being open source and that he might take a look at the code first to get an idea on how big this undertaking of his is and maybe get the idea of concentrating on a 3d battle engine would be better since reprogramming all the other aspects of a botf-like tbs game is kinda superfluous and needs an unnecessary amount of time better spent otherwise. Hasn't answered yet though.

17 Oct 2010, 07:03
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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This guy, hmm there was something very familiar about his writing:

Xordan wrote:
"Yeah, that's my worry too. 3D would bring a whole new dimension (har har..)"

And then I remembered this:

Lazarus wrote:
"Lazarus: ive no idea about modelling and texutring nevermind all of the other steps. easier i just may aswell put the other mods back on my own site and claim UDM as my own har har"

I've never seen "cyber laugh" like this before. It's not a proof, but it is a reason to be careful with this new guy. We don't want Lazarus in our team now do we?


17 Oct 2010, 13:02
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No, we don't, but i've posted over there anyways and contacted Mike about him (I did it before you commented about Lazarus though).

It would be strange for Lazarus to resurface after going away though.

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17 Oct 2010, 13:29
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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No it wouldn't. Guys like him never give up and I have the feeling that he thinks of me as his greatest threat. I won't tell you why but lets just say that I was the reason he backed down from trying to contact Mike.


17 Oct 2010, 13:53
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Nobody is a threat unless you let them become one (talking about Lazarus here). As for this guy, if he wants to make his own game, then power to him. He's got a lot of work ahead of him. If he wants to contribute to one of the projects here, that'd be great too.

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17 Oct 2010, 17:21
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Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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I'd be willing to bet that Lazarus is all talk. Like Mike says, WAY more work than most people realize. Bashir

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17 Oct 2010, 19:42
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Don't worry guys. Lazarus has no reason to mess around in the affairs of Supremacy in the first place. He's mainly known for stealing credit for other people's work (aka plagiarizing), right? Well, I'm fairly certain that he couldn't do that with Supremacy. Besides, what reason do we have, besides the "har har", which I actually HAVE seen many times on forums before, from respectable forum members, to believe that this guy is Lazarus? I have my doubts. Caution is always a good thing, but paranoia (aka the step *after* caution) is never a good thing. I would stop worrying :). Anyways, back to working, or sleeping, or living, or all three :P. :borg:

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18 Oct 2010, 01:14
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Xordan isn't Lazarus, I'm pretty sure about that much. And if he's a GPU compiler engineer, then he's a really smart guy. He knows what he's in for. He'd also be a hell of a catch if we can bring him to the dark side.

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18 Oct 2010, 01:59
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I don't think so either, just look over here where he's forum moderator: ... ile;u=5476 . Since he was online there just a few hours before I wrote him an email I guess he'll soon gonna have a lot to read ;).

18 Oct 2010, 15:17
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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All that stands, I'm just saying that it's never bad to be cautious. If the guy is what he claims he is, and if he could be turned he would become a powerful ally.

But can it be done?

(now someone has to say: "He will join us or die.")


18 Oct 2010, 15:32
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Nah, i've got a better one. "I am your father". :lol:

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18 Oct 2010, 16:13
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He will join us or die, master.

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19 Oct 2010, 14:04
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Now a trailer. I like the sound effects. It is kind of Star Wars sound with real Star Trek visuals. (not JJ Abrams Star Wars weapons and "Shields" but the speed of light beams and egg shell glow-when-hit shields that we know and love) ... wser-game/



27 Oct 2010, 01:28
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BTW it is just a trailer and not the game.

It is a pre-rendered space battle and not the real browser game.
They’re just making something you can see on scifi-meshes on a fairly regular basis.

A trailer should demonstrate the game as well, NOT just some flashy space battle. We will do better at that soon enough.


27 Oct 2010, 13:40
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It's a browser game, so there probably isn't anything worth showing in a trailer anyway.

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30 Oct 2010, 09:02
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Actually, there are some pretty surprising browser games out there. The graphics aren't spectacular, but they're a LOT better than I was expecting. I had a mass-email from Hailing Frequencies about it.

Hailing Frequencies wrote:
Star Trek Infinite Space, the upcoming browser based MMORPG from german publisher GameForge and developer Keen Games, has followed up on the launch of the first cinematic trailer with the launching of the official website and forums for the game at

The new website includes a couple of pieces of concept art (see below) along with some details about the game including:

* The release date is scheduled for Summer 2011
* The game uses Unity3D (browser plugin), no additional download is necessary
* Developed by keen games in Frankfurt
* To ensure that a full Star Trek feeling is achieved, Star Trek experts Mike and Denise Okuda are assisting us
* Lee Sheldon, the experienced game designer, author, producer and script writer will be writing the storyline and game missions
* Choose between two playable factions: Join the Federation or become a Klingon
* The game is set in the Deep Space Nine timeline
* The game will be a free-to-play casual browser game, meaning that there will be no subscription fee and that the game will be playable without payment
* Alpha testing will begin in late 2010

You can also sign up for the chance to be a beta tester for the game via the website using a button in the top left hand corner – or you can visit the page directly by clicking the following link:

Finally, official forums have now launched for the game at the following URL –

But….Its a Flash Game….Right?

Infinite Space is set to be a browser based MMORPG which means that yes, it is using a flash engine. However, flash game engines have come a very long way in recent years and it is now possible to achieve some amazing graphics within the browser environment. If you do not believe us, check out some of these locations – these are all games that have been made on Unity3D:

* ... -R2D2.aspx

In fact, there is a whole list of games made on Unity3D at its website – just click here to see the list

The point is, that with browser based flash engine technology having made alot of headway in the past few years, it is now possible to have a very strong gaming experience inside of your browser. For this reason, Hailing Frequency is optimistic for the possabilities that this game offers.

Even better news, is that Unity3D itself is compatible with a number of platforms including:

* Windows
* Mac
* Wii
* XBOX360
* PS3
* iPad or iPhone

Hypothetically, this means that Infinite Space could have a presence on these other platforms, however wether it will or not remains to be seen.

Hailing Frequency is currently attempting to secure an interview with Keen Games and Gameforge, so watch this space trek gamers!

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link: ... for-beta!/

The Hailing Frequency Team.

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30 Oct 2010, 12:31
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At the end of the day, web browsers are still horrible runtime environments, and you are pretty limited in what you can feasibly ship in terms any sort of realtime action or graphics. It's less of a problem for community-created games, as those teams have more freedom to pick and choose which browsers, platforms, and hardware profiles to support. Commercial games, even "pay to play" games, generally have much more rigid and restrictive compatibility policies.

But hey, it could still be a good game.

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01 Nov 2010, 21:08
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Jig of the Puff
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If it`s using unity browser plugin then it`ll run fine, it is a serious piece of kit


02 Nov 2010, 00:26
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