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 Diplomatic and Espionage Windows 
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Sure. I will pick some out. What is the size of those images? I can work above that resolution but do not want to go to high.


03 Oct 2010, 00:51
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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It doesn't have to be too high. Whatever you choose should be enough.


03 Oct 2010, 08:26
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While I am working on that here are some other buildings to look at.

The one that looks all rusted and burned had burned. It was near
completion when some fireworks set the insulation on fire. It was an
embarrassment to the government of China so they blocked the online
video of the fire in China. This was called the worlds largest candle. ... re=related

China two.jpg
China two.jpg [ 149.78 KiB | Viewed 12667 times ]
China Three.jpg
China Three.jpg [ 80.59 KiB | Viewed 12667 times ]
China Four.jpg
China Four.jpg [ 130.63 KiB | Viewed 12667 times ]
China Five.jpg
China Five.jpg [ 25.09 KiB | Viewed 12667 times ]
China one.jpg
China one.jpg [ 155.09 KiB | Viewed 12667 times ]

03 Oct 2010, 16:12
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I might use some of them as a background buildings in future structure images.


03 Oct 2010, 18:42
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I can give you the original images of above in higher res if you like.

Attached below are a few renders of the things you see in the background
of Romulan Diplomacy.
They are not made to be viewed close up but can fill in for background.
If you have blender, or other 3D viewer, you can set the lighting, resolution,
background, camera and more. I can send the original 3D files.

background building.7z [1.52 MiB]
Downloaded 607 times

03 Oct 2010, 22:13
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Working on a Gas Giant. It still needs the rings but is already textured with Vjeko's for gas giants #3 texture and a custom atmosphere.

Gas Giant.png
Gas Giant.png [ 171.36 KiB | Viewed 12651 times ]

04 Oct 2010, 03:52
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Looks great. I'll see what I can do with the buildings.


04 Oct 2010, 13:37
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What about some moons as well? All the Gas Giants in our solar system have moons, and even the famous ones in Trek (Andoria) did. Plus a moon just means even more eye candy. :thumbsup:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


04 Oct 2010, 14:05
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Anjel is still working on the Klingon backgrounds but will let me do the Espionage for them.

Things change fast at this point. This is the background gas giant and D9 for that image. I have to work on the rings yet. There is no image of this in a film as there is of the Romulan Senate so I can stick much closer to Slim's layout.

Klingon Esp Low Res.png
Klingon Esp Low Res.png [ 320.61 KiB | Viewed 12629 times ]

10 Oct 2010, 02:41
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I had to work this weekend so there is not a great deal new besides Juna. This is just a working model so far. You can see some raw edges. The camera had to be replace as well. Getting it level helps to properly place the building with its very oblique angles to the lens. The building comes next. I will work on problems with the mountains after the building as the later will cover much of the former. The female will get a Klingon counterpart behind the human appearing Klingon spy. I will work with the transparency to these and see if that can be made to fly. Anjel says he is working on a male Klingon that I can use.

Klingon Esp.png
Klingon Esp.png [ 588.48 KiB | Viewed 12609 times ]

18 Oct 2010, 01:15
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Excellent, Juna, you've exceeded my expectations. No one would suspect you're a Romulan working as a Klingon to infiltrate the Humans... :razz:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 Oct 2010, 11:23
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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18 Oct 2010, 15:26
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I will at least give her a new head of hair. In preparations I am reading up on particles used to create hair strand by strand. My first attempt was her eyebrows. Juna did not have any to start with.


18 Oct 2010, 18:55
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OK, do you think this will work? (see both images) Do you get the hint that the human figure is the transformed Klingon? It may get easier to see when I get the Romulan Klingon pair in there. The Klingon still needs eyebrows. They might frame better if I reduce their size a bit.

I am learning about using "particles" to make hair. That is what is rendering hair on the Klingon.

You do not see how I am working on the buildings for the lower part of the image. It is a real headache to get those building angels but it is coming along.

Kling_Esp.jpg [ 304.4 KiB | Viewed 12577 times ]
Klingon Esp Low Res.png
Klingon Esp Low Res.png [ 637.27 KiB | Viewed 12577 times ]

31 Oct 2010, 22:24
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Great start. Love the Klingon Cruiser too. :clap: Bashir

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01 Nov 2010, 04:33
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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very nice....looks a bit like planet Psychlo:) The artwork is A1

05 Nov 2010, 02:49
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The lower half of the image is, so far, just for the placement of the mesh. It took a lot of work to get the buildings to fit in with the upper half of the render. Next I will resort to some texture maps to get a good looking ground and rock. The buildings need to be fleshed out as well.

Klingon Esp Low Res.png
Klingon Esp Low Res.png [ 536.83 KiB | Viewed 12544 times ]

07 Nov 2010, 23:09
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A little detail work for the Federation uniform

Delta.png [ 57.67 KiB | Viewed 12533 times ]

08 Nov 2010, 20:51
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Nice! :love: CB

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09 Nov 2010, 03:54
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The Federation has found its bling again! :mrgreen:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


09 Nov 2010, 14:38
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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09 Nov 2010, 15:00
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very very nice.....but one question...I thought the fat side of the emblem was supposed to be longer?

09 Nov 2010, 17:41
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That is a good point. You see them take a lot of different forms over the TV shows and movies. I used this one as a model.

Delta.jpg [ 6.2 KiB | Viewed 12497 times ]

09 Nov 2010, 22:20
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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hmmm never seen that incarnarnation...looks great though

09 Nov 2010, 22:35
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Memory Alpha has a page on the various incarnations of the Starfleet Emblem. It's changed a lot over the years, but the general shape is always roughly the same. In most versions, but not all, the left-hand-side is shown as being slightly longer than the right.

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10 Nov 2010, 00:36
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Hi there !!!! about time i appear LOL
Sorry to dissapear for a while, couldn´t just start with these at once, but now i could, so this is what i have so far. It´s untextured, and has a lot to do yet.



There´s a lot to do.. the klingon bat´leth :klingon: :twisted: , the targ head, etc etc etc and of course the texturing, that would take a while too.
Hope you like guys, any suggestion will be welcome.

Live long and prosper

10 Nov 2010, 06:40
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Ooh welcome back Anjel! And what great work you return with. Those images are very nice. Did Kenneth send you the model of Juna? She might be able to help you with the Klingon models.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


10 Nov 2010, 10:47
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Looks great so far.


10 Nov 2010, 15:19
Profile YIM WWW
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That looks great Anjel. Good luck with the textures. That central part of the structure, the part in the back, may need to refine the mesh a bit before texturing. It could give you trouble with smear on all the angles. You could try breaking it down into more objects. From the way it looks now though I can tell you will figure this all out over time. I keep trying to. Keep up the great work. You have done a great job on the Klingon figure.


10 Nov 2010, 17:44
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thanks a lot for the replys.
Kenneth you are right about the central part of the structure, i have to invent at this point, because obviously, there isn´t too much detail there. So i guess it´s a kind of ruin building or something, i´ve made a mountain, just to see how it looks, but i will change it for sure. And hopefully the klingon body and targs head, would hide a part of the building. I still keep looking the picture and find some more objects or the places where should be :lol: , but keeps the things interesting, we have to keep in mind that´s an alien world.
About the male klingon head, i will do it for the last, because of these scene i don´t need it right now. So Kenneth, if you want to do it because there´s nothing left to do in your scene, please i don´t want to stop you, sooner or later i will do it.
And thanks again for letting me participate in this project, i am really enjoying making "Star Trek" :bigthumb:

Live long and prosper

PD: please be tenacious about the critics, don´t worry, everything helps !!!

10 Nov 2010, 18:50
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