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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Oh! So older than I thought! She still needs her sucking piece then. I can't stop from staring at her. I'd better if I don't want to be seen as a smilophile. :naughty: :grin:
I'm an old chap!

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30 Nov 2010, 14:19
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Sucking Piece???

I was afraid to ask but I was curious (and giggling) and figured you should clarify... sorry, not meant as an insult; I have a feeling something was lost in translation.

01 Dec 2010, 17:43
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:lol: I was mentioning a Pacifier. Well, that's what I wanted to write. I'm French Canadian and sometimes I lose a bit of my English.
Sorry if my translation was scorched a little but it's Orion's :orion: fault. And Matress shouldn't have done an emote so cute. And when he specified that it was a child, I got all confused. Emophile was the word I invented at first. Another confusing word. In fact, it should have been EmotEphile. :grin: Thus Smilophile, as it is now! I tend to invent words when I can't find the right translation. Sorry for that! :redface: :smile:
You can laugh! Don't be shy! :lol:

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02 Dec 2010, 00:17
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I liked it better the first way.


02 Dec 2010, 00:50
Composer of the Ear Candy
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You mean Emophile? :orion: Or Smilophile?
Anyway, if she was older, I'd fall in love! :orion: Kiss kiss on the cheeks! :lol:
Happytrik.. doh truk... duh Trek! Yeah!
See? I'm all mish mashed! :grin:

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02 Dec 2010, 05:04
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
What music has been Lost, Kenneth? I've got my own backups of all the original random collections we had;

  • Bird_of_Prey_Decloaks_24.mp3
  • Cardassian Music.mp3
  • Klingon Long Music.mp3
  • Klingon Music 10.mp3
  • Klingon Music 11.mp3
  • Klingon Music 12.mp3
  • Klingons_24.mp3
  • Romulan.mp3

Bird_of_Prey_Decloaks_24 and Klingons_24 are apparently from Star Trek 3 though. I do not know where the others have come from.

I've also got all of Davumaya's music saved. I believe BOTE already uses some or all of this music;

  • Ambush Attack Battle.mp3
  • Ending Theme.mp3
  • Federation Theme.mp3
  • Federation Theme Serenity.mp3
  • Opening Theme.mp3

Let me know if you need any of them uploaded.

hm, current Rotharian and Khaoron track are from that list above: "Klingon music 10" and "Romulans". Since Klingon music 11 is from ST: New Worlds it's likely that the rest is copyrighted too. Does anyone have a hint where these two tracks might come from? Links are below in order to listen quickly to them. URL tags are off for some reason so you need to copypaste them into your browser address line.

btw. Romulans is the same track as the one from TerakRall in the Romulans folder on sharepoint:

22 Dec 2010, 21:58
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I pulled out my old disks from the HBO series 'From The Earth To The Moon.' Here is a Youtube from it. Listen to the music in the background as best you can make it out. This and other tracks seamed inspirational to me.

You can see more on the right margins.


04 Jan 2011, 01:26
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Ein wenig Birth of The Federation Musik


08 Jan 2011, 02:56
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and this

and from Galactica


08 Jan 2011, 13:52
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I found the Klingon_10 track I mentioned above: It's from ST:New Worlds, Mountain Start.

10 Jan 2011, 21:06
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Thanks Mal. that is the best ever.


11 Jan 2011, 00:16
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well we already had it: ;).

I just posted it because right now it's our Rotharian track too in Alpha 5.1 release for we didn't know that it was from ST:New Worlds. Something in the likes would be nice as replacement.

11 Jan 2011, 05:02
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Hi, Guys!
I'm back on the job with a new test song I made called: Surprise attack_30s. If you could please listen to it and tell me what you think, I'd be grateful. It's in the Experimentals and tests folder on SharePoint.
How is the sound? I did not add much effects on it because the instruments already have their own embedded ones.
I'm testing my new Studio and I would like your humble opinion on this.
Thank you and Happy New year to all!

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15 Jan 2011, 07:14
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I had to open a window to clear all the dust just now blasted out of my subwoofer. That was very nice. Damn, he's back. :cool:


15 Jan 2011, 19:16
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thank you Kenneth!
Haahaa! Yes and more than present. Watch out! Later, I'll be sending in more woofer blasters!

I'm making more so that we'll have a choice when time comes to code them in the game.
Good day!

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15 Jan 2011, 21:14
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Hi all again! Yet, another of my Test songs. I've learned how to link them directly so you can listen right away. If you need to hear it at home (download it), it's on SharePoint, Experimental and tests. Fiddling Around_1m48 TEST 2
Here for the hearing test:

So, how's life now? :thumbsup:

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17 Jan 2011, 07:00
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That sounds like a main theme to me. It is very impressive. Your work is rather consistently good. I am thinking of a movie sound track when I hear it.

I wonder also how it would sound if the drums were turned down. It is not like I am sure about such things but it occurred to me that your wonderful melody should stand out more.


17 Jan 2011, 14:33
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thanks for your nice compliments Kenneth!

In fact, there are two percussion sets in the song. One is like an army snare tapping (tara-tat-tat) and the other is an Orchestral Timpani (those big drums you hear and that semi explosion sound) and some Cymbals. I wasn't sure if I should keep them or take them out and leave only the melodic part, or keep them. I felt there was something missing on the lower part.
But just as a test, I will lower them down and send it back here, so you can judge if it's better or worse. I'll even keep both in SharePoint.

See you later for the next part!

EDIT: After listening to it again, I think you're right. I should definitely lower the snare part and take the strings higher.

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17 Jan 2011, 15:55
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Agreed, the drums should be a bit quieter. But all in all excellent composition.

Surprise_attack is also excellent. It has classic BOTF Klingon feeling and if you extend it it could be a great Klingon window theme, even better than some of the previous ones.


17 Jan 2011, 16:40
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Thanks vjeko1701! Hi friend!
It's been quite a while I haven't chatted with you. Good to see you're alive and healthy!

So be it with the lower drums on Fiddling around.
I' ll be working on finishing Surprise Attack also soon.

I'll be back with the finished work in a few.
Take care!

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17 Jan 2011, 21:17
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I can hear it as the main theme, opening screen, for the whole game.


17 Jan 2011, 21:18
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That's good to know Kenneth_of_Borg!
So we could say that we have found a new global theme then (If Mike approves).

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17 Jan 2011, 21:24
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Why not PM him about the recording and see what he thinks. I am sure he will use it someplace if not up front.


17 Jan 2011, 22:36
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I already did twice about both songs so he should give me an answer soon.

I worked on Surprise Attack and added a minute more.
Here, have a listen.

I couldn't use the same tracks so I had to create some more. Usually, I don't delete my first attempt but in this case, it got lost, I don't know what happened.

While listening to my sounds, I did Event 13 on SharePoint, Encounters and Events.

Back with Fiddling Around soon.

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18 Jan 2011, 04:13
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And here's Surprise Attack, remixed with lower drums. I even added a low Strings to give it more tension.

Don't be shy and tell me frankly if something's not right. Or if it is.

With the Small Events, all I can do, to my opinion is find special sounds because at the length it is meant to have (about 15 seconds) there's not much I can create, (albeit some exceptions) and it has to be sort of abstract, more like sound effects, and one can add voices to give reality, like orders and commands.
Anyway, I will make some attempts and you tell me if it's Ok. Agree?

Thank you friends!
Good listening!

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18 Jan 2011, 05:13
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I like Fiddling Test 2 more than the Remix. The drumming still adds to the music in Test 2 without overpowering the melody. In Remix drumming is nearly subliminal and does not need to be that low. I like the Surprise attack as well. It is good game music but Fiddling Test 2 is my favorite.


18 Jan 2011, 13:43
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I like the surprise attack, could you add about 10-15 seconds at the end that are more similar to the beginning (not so variable, more calm and settled) so that it loops better in the game.


18 Jan 2011, 14:42
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
I like Fiddling Test 2 more than the Remix. The drumming still adds to the music in Test 2 without overpowering the melody. In Remix drumming is nearly subliminal and does not need to be that low. I like the Surprise attack as well. It is good game music but Fiddling Test 2 is my favorite.

You mean that the drum (snare tat- tat) is now too low? Or the Percussion (banging drums) ? Or maybe both? I could bring it up a bit more, it must look like army a bit I think.

Please, tell me which is too low. The Banging, or the snare tat-tat. You are my tester!
Fiddling Happytrek

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18 Jan 2011, 19:26
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vjeko1701 wrote:
I like the surprise attack, could you add about 10-15 seconds at the end that are more similar to the beginning (not so variable, more calm and settled) so that it loops better in the game.

Yes, I know what you mean, and I agree. I was waiting to finish it officially, I mean if everything is OK.

I could add the intro music before the sound becomes loud, and keep it low at the end. Is that what you mean? I am on it right away!


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Last edited by Happytrek on 18 Jan 2011, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.

18 Jan 2011, 19:32
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Sorry, I got that mixed up. I think it went a little too low for both drums in the Remix. You are right that it needs the military sound but not a much as the original. What do the rest of the guys think?


18 Jan 2011, 19:33
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