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 Romulan Fleet Yard 
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Xenolinguistics Engineer
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This is a new thread for my Romulan Fleet Yard Model. The Romulan ships and stations thread was getting a little long. I will have an update tonight for sure. Comments and critisim are more than welcome. :romulan:

02 Dec 2010, 22:51
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Well let me see - You are ugly and you have no friends or did you mean about the fleetyard? Just kidding, :wink: we are looking forward to this.


02 Dec 2010, 23:32
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Ok here we are ...about 30 % complete...

comment away.

ok I cant post from image shack..???

here is the error

You cannot use certain BBCodes: [url].

03 Dec 2010, 03:30
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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That's better

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ScreenHunter_01 Dec. 02 21.17.jpg [ 183.57 KiB | Viewed 20628 times ]
03 Dec 2010, 04:54
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That looks good. I would suggest duplicating the three appendages in a second level so there are six bays total. The poly count could be increased on the central cylinder to get a smoother look. I would then add some detail like antenna, doors and doohickeys.


03 Dec 2010, 14:25
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Skeeter disabled the url bbcode temporarily as an anti-spam measure. Funnily enough, it's actually worked, as there hasn't been a single spam post since it was implemented.

I tried looking for Romulan shipyards to try and provide you with some inspiration, but all I could find were space stations. So there really isn't anything out there to get inspiration from. Still, here's three stations that you might be able to get some inspiration from.


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03 Dec 2010, 16:20
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It also looks like there is some smoothing function artifact going on in the material on your mesh. It is giving some funny looking shows to the edges. Try turning that off if you can. If the lines then look harsh us some of the 25,000 poly count to bevel them out.

Image Image
Image Image


03 Dec 2010, 17:49
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Good news, I should have an update soon. I am just working out some smoothing kinks.

05 Dec 2010, 14:56
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There is one problem we have to deal with on station image textures. One reason the original game made the outposts and stations so small was that the image texture would blur out when expanded too large. If you have a fixed texture size, like our 1024 by 1024, on a scout ship and then put the same size image on a starbase it will look terrible. The detail on the starbase will be lost when your zoom in on the scout next to the base. To overcome that we will have to use normal maps, specular maps and the like to apply to the broad expanse of a station. The image textures will have to be on smaller areas like space doors, banks of windows and the like.

I am still working on the Klingon Espionage but do not yet have anything new worth seeing. There is a cloud system in blender I am learning to use for the smoke in the pit of that image.


06 Dec 2010, 02:11
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Sorry guys still having alot of trouble with this smoothing thing.
It's really annoying me. It looks like I might have to start over again...
I'll play with it a bit more but it May just be easier to restart
I will keepYou posted.

07 Dec 2010, 17:11
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I have not used MAX so can not say smoothing is the real source of the funny edges. You could try applying a texture like normal map, beveling the edges and what in blender is called subsurface. It does have something to do with the way the render is dealing with the edges and light around them. That is determined by the MAX program. If you do not find out now just keep it in mind and move on. It will pop up at some point when you do not expect it.


07 Dec 2010, 17:19
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Still a lot to do but I think its looking better....

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11 Dec 2010, 05:47
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Matress would have to agree; it's looking a LOT better. :bigthumb:

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11 Dec 2010, 12:09
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Agree. It is looking good.
I suggest structure, antenna and the like, off the center top and bottom with vertical lines.


11 Dec 2010, 13:19
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Don't worry the antennas will show soon enough.
At 5800 poly's I would say that I have lots of room to show additionL
Details. Even with the turbo smoothing routine applied it still only weighs in at 15480 poly's.
I should have Aanother update tonight.

11 Dec 2010, 14:06
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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It's looking excellent.


11 Dec 2010, 14:20
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Matress will be docking a warbird soon. Looking good. Bashir Here
P.S. You've got a red X in the right lower corner. Windows 7 issue. :shocked:

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11 Dec 2010, 16:20
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That's just the action center. It often throws up weirdness. I refused to create a backup disk (Because I already have other backups) and it threw a hissy fit at me about it for weeks. But Matress won in the end and now it reports no problems. :twisted:

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11 Dec 2010, 16:23
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Yeah I went ahead and activated Windows backup and it was a pain. It used up my disk space in 3 months. Turned it off. Backed up otherwise Bashir

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11 Dec 2010, 16:25
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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here we go... we are at about 9950 poly's now. tinkering with an auto smooth routine
and not having a lot of success so far.... the distortion you are seeing is because max 2011 is really taxing my system...

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ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 13 23.04.jpg [ 162.95 KiB | Viewed 20500 times ]
14 Dec 2010, 05:20
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You're getting there mate! :smile:

The only thing I would suggest to improve it, although it would likely massively increase the poly count, is to add some sort of shipyard-like gantry structures around the six docking ports so it looks more like a shipyard and not just a station. I don't necessarily mean a full shipyard like structure, just some pylons or something.

Come to think of it, when the mirror-universe Defiant was under construction, it was surrounded by a similar sort of thing to what I'm suggesting.



What are the stats on your computer? And have you checked your background programs? Something might be running in the background, draining your processing power or memory.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


14 Dec 2010, 11:44
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That is looking nice. I wonder if there is some conflicts in the mesh with overlaping faces where it shows black near some edges? Other than that keep up the good work.


14 Dec 2010, 13:13
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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sure ill look into the creating some sort of superstructure but my original thought were to make the construction facilities internal... that way your new ships would not be vulnerable to attack...what I will do is make a couple larger areares surrounded by this sort of superstructure to accomodate very large vessels.

I dont think that I have any conflicting faces...because the apperation vanishes once I zoom in....I have had a few of the condition that you suggest and they never vanish in that maner until I remove them... I am really due for a new machine anyway...maybe after xmas.... mine is five years old... :gripe: also I have the graphics level turned on its lowest setting possible.... as it apperas that my card can just barely tollerate max...minor things really...but if anyone has max I would love them to inspect it for this issue... I will continue to add detail as I go....

14 Dec 2010, 17:22
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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@ mattress... I have the first ever quad

14 Dec 2010, 17:24
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Hehe. Here's mine. I got it with the GTX 480. :mrgreen:

...So I think mine has just a little more power. :razz:

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14 Dec 2010, 17:52
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ok so i've been fittling with this forever...what do you think...there will be three of them eventually....we are at 10500.....poly's

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16 Dec 2010, 06:06
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Yeah, they look like good ship construction gantries. You might want to get a Romulan ship model off Kenneth and see what the station looks like with a ship next to it. It might help you to build the model if you can see how it looks next to other models.

...Assuming your computer can take the strain. :doh:

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16 Dec 2010, 12:41
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good idea...kenneth I need a large one... and a small one...warbird...and maybe a scout...oh and how big should station be???

16 Dec 2010, 14:02
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Stations are going to be the largest structures in combat, and should dwarf the scouts. But this is a Fleetyard, not a Starbase, so whilst it needs to be big (Remember it has to be big enough to construct multiple Warbirds), it doesn't have to be ginormous. Use the Warbirds to set the scale.

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16 Dec 2010, 14:11
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well as long as it fits in my large ship constrction area...then I should be good....the scouts should fit through the little doors...hopefully.........

16 Dec 2010, 14:18
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