I *think* I understand what you're asking, and the answer is no. Even on a huge map with the highest number of minor races available, you will still not see every single minor race. There are two main reasons for this.
First off, even the huge map simply isn't big enough to accommodate 160 minor races within the current set of rules that the game follows when generating a map; there has to be a set amount of space between the races to allow them enough room to live in and grow. But any larger maps would be ridiculous in size and people just don't have computers powerful enough to play any sort of playable game on them.
The second reason is about diversity and playability; the simple fact of the matter is that most people don't want to encounter the same races over and over. Every time you play the game, you want to meet races you haven't met before, or you want them to be in different places, or living under different conditions. Games where everything is always the same will eventually become boring and predictable - people will get bored. So the game instead randomly selects minor races and places them randomly, although it takes their home Quadrant into account. You won't find the Vulcans in the Gamma Quadrant, for instance. We *may* add an option to make the minor race distribution truly random in future though.
There will actually be
more than 160 minors in the game too; we're planning on adding a number of minors that were missed during the last update. The increased number of minor races also means it will be even harder for the game to place all those minors on a single map, no matter the size, so games will inevitably even more random.
You can find the full list of minors that will eventually be in the game, as well as their bonuses and so on,
Here. The minors are sorted Alphabetically so click the letter links at the top of the page to view them.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."