The very first design for a tractor beam is here: article: only had a quick look on the paper and my gut tells me that this on the verge of being realistic and not crackpot. Also, the conditions for the light beam to work as a tractor beam seem to be a bit too "fine tuned", ie have a very specific scattering angle off the material, excite the higher multipoles etc, so I am not sure this would work in real life, eg to pull or push a meteor etc.
Anyway, this is definitely a good first step
Star Trek technologies yet to be invented:
1) Warp drive
2) Time travel
3) Photon/quantum torpedoes
4) Holodeck
Star Trek technologies invented up to now:
1) Medical tricorder (not widely used though)
2) Portable communicators (cell phones)
3) Tablets (iPad etc)
4) Universal Translator (Google translate)
more that I probably forget now