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 Smiffgigs art for the game 
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Jig of the Puff
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Here you go o smiffy one


30 Dec 2004, 00:22
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This is a continuation and sticky of my older artwork thread here

Thanks Jigaly mate
Anyway ill start with my latest
This is the latest but unfinished version of the BOTF2 splash screen i have made
The Logo is intended for use througout the game too


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Last edited by SMIFFGIG on 30 Dec 2004, 21:49, edited 2 times in total.

30 Dec 2004, 00:39
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Cool, I really like it. A job well done! :D

30 Dec 2004, 02:07
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Looks nice! Keep up the good work.

30 Dec 2004, 03:01
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This took me a while :P

Please post your comments, thoughts and feedback :)

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30 Dec 2004, 21:45
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getting much better as ya go along, maybe if ya can add a kling ship and dominion, with all 5 majors battling a borg ship that just come into the planets range, that would be absolutly sweet as the botf 2 title screen

30 Dec 2004, 21:53
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Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Not Voyager! Seriously, a Galaxy or NX. Actualy I like it with the ships coming out like that, a few more would be good. I don't think the Borg should be in there. If you do put them it woudl be cool to have a cube coming up from behind the planet like a looming shadow, make them not to noticable but look huge. You could also turn the planet brown with long grey lines and dried up ocean beds, like Borg Earth, and have a S8472 ring firing on the planet and huge fissures forming.

Wrong impression really, the game isn't bout running away from the God like beings of the universe. It would be neat though to have some of exodus from the planet though.

Yes, Forerunner reinforced-unobtanium Ubertrees with handwavium damage-nullification ray-fields. Keeps the property-damage insurance premiums down.

30 Dec 2004, 22:45
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I like it. Looks really great :D

31 Dec 2004, 00:12
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MajorDiarr wrote:
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Not Voyager! Seriously, a Galaxy or NX. Actualy I like it with the ships coming out like that, a few more would be good. I don't think the Borg should be in there. If you do put them it woudl be cool to have a cube coming up from behind the planet like a looming shadow, make them not to noticable but look huge. You could also turn the planet brown with long grey lines and dried up ocean beds, like Borg Earth, and have a S8472 ring firing on the planet and huge fissures forming.

Wrong impression really, the game isn't bout running away from the God like beings of the universe. It would be neat though to have some of exodus from the planet though.

Nothing wrong with voyager looks fine, glad we didnt go for a very obvious NX class. And uhh this "You could also turn the planet brown with long grey lines and dried up ocean beds, like Borg Earth, and have a S8472 ring firing on the planet and huge fissures forming. " Doesnt really capture the idea of BIRTH of the federations, sounds more like Borg battering a planet.

31 Dec 2004, 01:10
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Excellent work, that really is super. Looks classy and proffessional which is exactly what we need.

Now, I'm probably gonna be shot, stabbed and very likely killed for this but... Am I the only one who doesn't like the TNG opening credits font? This is no slur at all on Smiff, I'd just like to see the same thing with perhaps a more current trek styling, something like the DS9 title font or Voyager. That one strikes me as a little kiddie, it always did when the show came on. I'd bet the whole thing would look 10 times better with a different font.

Borg is a dead no no, unless done as Diarr suggested with an ominous cube shaped shadow in the background. Still, I'd prefer to leave them out.

I don't think it needs any more ships, too many may look childish, right now it looks classy.

Lastly, Intrepid out, Galaxy/Sovereign/Akira in. :wink:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

31 Dec 2004, 01:17
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ok i love the pic, its very nice

that said im going to be an arse and point out some tiny things...... Personally im not keen on the voyager pic, its too 2d for the brillinat planet scene benind.

something more like this


Also i dont really like the font, it feel to simple for the brilliantly complex background

31 Dec 2004, 02:25
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I like that VOY pic, although the Space Dock doesn't do it justice.

Star Trek fonts are easy enough to find, so a bunch of splash creans can be made with every stype of Star Trek font out there. I actualy have a bunch of Star Trek fonts. Including alien ones like Ferengi, Klingon, Bajoran, Kzinti, Borg I think.
The final one just amuses me.

Yes, Forerunner reinforced-unobtanium Ubertrees with handwavium damage-nullification ray-fields. Keeps the property-damage insurance premiums down.

31 Dec 2004, 04:49
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Looking better every time SMIFFGIG. Heres my opinions.

The Intrepid looks fine, but I think I would rather see a Soverign, Akira or perhaps a (dont everybody hit me) Excellsior instead, but not a Galaxy. Shes a pretty ship, but overdone.

Maybe only one more differnt race ship in the screen, a Vorcha perhaps.

Others have said it, but I agree that something different should be done with the cloud cover. Its a small detail, but I think its an important one, nevertheless.

And I agree with the others about the font, newer style ST font would be better.

But she looks great, keep up the good work.

31 Dec 2004, 06:32
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I like the 1st or 4th font.

A Vor'Cha would make a nice touch.

I don't mind the Intrepid that much, an Excelsior would be sweet though. :D

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

31 Dec 2004, 12:03
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my first pick would be excelsior, but the intrepid is fine, or maybe there couldbe the nebula, or perhaps steamrunner. (since they're so rarely seen)

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31 Dec 2004, 18:09
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Pff, ive been working at it again
I hope this ship is more preferable compared to the voyager

Also if you have comments regarding graphics, it would help tremendously if you posted up acompanying graphics or links to them

I will experiment with new fonts next, but it also means tottaly re styling the font layers 8)

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31 Dec 2004, 21:36
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tbh i think we are all bin far too nitpicky lol, and that the second picture ( ... iffgig.jpg) (i wont link it due to high BW) in my opinion is actually better!

Remember too many cooks spoil the broth so if we have a ship form every race and a huge borg cube (that hasnt bin done before :roll: ) battlin the other shipsthen it will look liek TOO MUCH.

[edit] it also makes a class background!! ;)

31 Dec 2004, 22:36
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You know i think i am 100% satisfied with the latest picture, great work! I guess some people might think it would be odd to have a nx instead of a galaxy, but i think that it looks excellent how it is at the moment. let's see what others think about it.

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31 Dec 2004, 23:35
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i like the voy one better, but i like them both, and either would be a good logo.

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31 Dec 2004, 23:51
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Doesn't sit with me well yet. I suggest these three images. The Romulan ship will have to have a bit more shadow and the Klingons ship will need the bright spots iluminated more to match the NX. I had to removed the name from the NX because I had to flip it horizontaly to get the correct orientation. ... angled.jpg ... ngle02.jpg ... angled.jpg
I was thinking they would be presented top to bottom in that order since the way they are tilted seems best for that order. The Warbird going slightly up, and the other two angles down.

Yes, Forerunner reinforced-unobtanium Ubertrees with handwavium damage-nullification ray-fields. Keeps the property-damage insurance premiums down.

01 Jan 2005, 04:56
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Only thing Id say about the fed ship is its outdated compared to some of the others. I dont think any of Diarrs images are needed as it would be much simpler to update the fed ship to a newer version than change all the ships. I don't think the clouad coverage needs to be changed either. I understand where some people are coming from with the text, its a minor point though. To be honest I think it would be fine as a splash screen, its better than anything else ive seen. Its is extreemly good and professionaly done.

01 Jan 2005, 15:56
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Im currently working on a new version which will take longer
It should hopefully contain all the suggested tweaks mentioned and more
It will also not look as crowded

Oh yea, the image was a damaged ship, so i decided to repair it
I think it would look better to represent the species if it wasnt damaged lol


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01 Jan 2005, 17:24
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Latest screen looks excellent. Looking forward to next version.

Repaired Raptor is better. :wink:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

01 Jan 2005, 23:18
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Yes, don't want people thinking the Klingons don't respect their vessels.

Yes, Forerunner reinforced-unobtanium Ubertrees with handwavium damage-nullification ray-fields. Keeps the property-damage insurance premiums down.

02 Jan 2005, 03:01
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I read that people would like the Borg to be in the Pic as well. I don't know if this will help, but the startup pic from a mod I downloaded might be useful.

Obviously, this pic is not my own work, but I like it.


It's from the Titans mod (Obviously) and I think it is by someone called Joker

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02 Jan 2005, 21:15
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I think everyone was saying they DIDN'T want the Borg on there!

That pic is fairly cool, good for a blast em up type game, just not very BOTF. :lol:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

02 Jan 2005, 23:43
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that pic would be cool as a wallpaper if it was not for the huge titan logo

03 Jan 2005, 00:15
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I know, i've had it as my background for a while, now. I'm not an arty person though, and I only have microsoft paint, so there's not much chance of me being able to fix that. :(

Of course, if anyone wants to have a try, I can email the file to you.

My current background is the one with Voyager. Personally I prefer it, over the Enterprise one, but that's my opinion. There wouldn't be an Enterprise one if everyone agreed with me! :lol:

Yes, precious, soon they will see it our way, the nassty hobbitses won't want the Enterprise, no...

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03 Jan 2005, 14:26
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I think you will all like the new verison im working on :twisted:

But seriously if there is ANYTHING you want included in the BOTF2 splash, let me know now!

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03 Jan 2005, 16:07
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The final
I have taken all suggestions into consideration and i hope its perfect


P.S. Gavin has notified me that this will be used as the splash screen 8)

And man this has taken me a while :P

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Last edited by SMIFFGIG on 04 Jan 2005, 15:29, edited 1 time in total.

04 Jan 2005, 01:13
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