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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Ok, I will bring them up a little bit more, so that it looks like army.
Thank you for helping me, all of you!

Testing Happytrek

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

18 Jan 2011, 19:37
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi again Vjeko1701!
I added a few seconds and made it loop-able. Tell me if it is OK. It it now called : Surprise Attack_Long_2M00_LoopableRemix_Gino Véziau.
Hope you like it.

Good day!

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18 Jan 2011, 21:58
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi again Kenneth!

I tightened the drums in this version. They are higher a bit compared to the Remixed2 (which is now called LowDrums) but lower than the original (hiDrums) and rebalanced at the start. You can now compare all versions since I left them all there and renamed them. This version is now called MedDrums.

They seemed a bit high at the start of the song so I lowered them even more for just that starting point until the orchestra drives in. As usual, give me some feedback please.
Thank you!
Good listening!

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19 Jan 2011, 00:34
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That is good game music. I can see playing to it. I can see a slide show of Slim's work with text and or a voice actor and that music.


19 Jan 2011, 00:39
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Well I finally made it! I'm happy to know that!
Thanks for your help there Kenneth!

This will be great to watch when it's done. Can't wait to see it.

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19 Jan 2011, 00:42
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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New surprise attack is excellent.


19 Jan 2011, 15:19
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thank you vjeko1701!
I am happy that you like it.

I will be making more soon.
Good day my friend!

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19 Jan 2011, 17:12
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi again everyone!
I have something sad to share with you. Listen here.

You lost something! :cry:

But after the storm comes....

even better...


Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

19 Jan 2011, 18:52
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That Lost in Space was very nice. I especially like the creepy frog sound in there. The Good Thing with the Cheers gets the message across. The one without, though the same music, sounded more like something you would hear in Zelda or some 80s adventure PC game by itself. I vote for the Cheers.


20 Jan 2011, 00:43
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thank you for your comments Kenneth.

The Lost in Space says it by itself. That feeling of emptiness with the mystery sound, like you're really alone out there. That's what I was feeling when I listened to it afterward.

The Good Thing could be for anything favorable, like a new planet or terraforming or a success in relations, whatever happy deed that comes along. I didn't have the list of events with me since it got lost with the old Hard Disk. So I'm only making some (Good or Bad) music clips that Mike can place anywhere he wishes. I'm still awaiting his answer sometimes soon.

As I go further, I will try to find sound effects to mix with some music, but I guess some Events won't really need music with it. Or maybe just one instrument, to pass a message.

I'm thinking hard...
Thank you again friend!
Have a nice healthy day

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20 Jan 2011, 07:23
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I just listened to a PBS radio story about the popularity of ultra-stretch software to slow music down. People are taking popular music, the classic, and you name it and slowing it down without lowering the pitch. The more complex the music the better the results. You get some very spacey sounds.
Forget it is Justin Beiber and just listen

If any one is interested I was playing with this freebie.
There are others.


24 Jan 2011, 01:59
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I agree on the one with cheers. Very good. I love the 2010-ish space odyssey feel to the altered JB song. Captain

Supremacy Manual (

24 Jan 2011, 02:23
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Thanks Captain Bashir!

Yes, very interesting product, that hypermammut! It could lead to interesting results and the quality is not so altered.
Yep! great!

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

24 Jan 2011, 16:49
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The forum was enhanced by a new theme isn't it?
I love it! :clap: And "font colors to the right" is a nice idea. :thumbsup:

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25 Jan 2011, 08:06
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It's NOT a new theme! The default one was just changed that's all (Oddly enough, it was due to a new anti-spam update. The old theme was breaking some of the anti-spam measures for unknown reasons). We've had this one for more than four years, but people don't bother looking at the settings in their control panels even though i've posted on the forums several times over the years to say that we have other themes available. If people bothered to look, they would know we actually have three different themes, although we used to have a lot more than that.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


25 Jan 2011, 12:28
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Yes, I knew there was several themes and I tried them also (Acid Tech I believe) when I registered, but I didn't remember that one, exactly because I don't go often to the UCP, you're right, sorry.
I had changed to the Subsilver once but I came back to the default one (Black Diamond). My bad :redface: !

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25 Jan 2011, 20:01
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we exchanged some of our music in bote with these ones (they are creative commons so they can be used freely for inspiration or direct use):

Heyoun Trade Union: reel2 "The Birth of a Legend": + George R Powell "One Last Sunset":
Khaoron Empire: Edgen "STOGAM - The Battle Begins":
Rotharian Star Network: MarkySpark "Blood Throne Battle V":
Game lost:

STOGAM means Star Trek: Of Gods and Men and is a rather large fanfilm / fanseries. They really catch the tune don't they ;).

27 Jan 2011, 05:19
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Here's an very strange sound effect I created with the help of a VST plugin. Each time I load it in my studio, it plays a different sound configuration. This is one of them. The sound could last for hours, not having the same tone (this example is only 38 seconds) or melody, should I say... Could it be used as Events?

What do you think?

Happytrek :mrgreen:

BTW, I could produce thousands of sound effects for any occasion.

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

02 Feb 2011, 07:16
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That does sound interesting. We have some sound effects on Sharepoint already. Why not upload this as well. Here is a link to what we have. They are under sound recordings rather than music on Sharepoint.


02 Feb 2011, 13:45
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Well, yes I thought at first to upload them there but since they are not really guns and beams, more like energy or spacey sounds, and then some are zing and clangs, or voicy and hums, you see, I was not sure it would fit in with those Trek sounds... more like events, for example what happens to a planet or objects found in space.
Unless I really find one (I'm experimenting with the sounds as they are right now) while I search at random.

Then why not make two copies, one for Events and the other in effects? Would it be a good idea? You seem to be sure that I should put them in Effects!...? If so, then they will all be uploaded there.

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02 Feb 2011, 15:25
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The sounds there already are in a subfolder. Just make a new subfolder for events and or whatever.

It would sound cool to mouse over the map and hear a nebula sing. Would a wormhole have a sucking sound?



02 Feb 2011, 19:36
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Yes, you're right! I agree.

As they are already in their own folder, I could create one called: Special Events Effects, and put my finds in it. It didn't occur to me immediately that I could make an Effects folder for the Events since I already had two Events in the "Music" Section.

So then, I'll keep my former Events with music as it already is, and add one for the "Events" Effects in the one you showed me. I will transfer the sound I just made in that new one.

And yes, I think a Black or even a Worm hole should have a sucking sound but both different! I'll try to find that.

Thanks for your wise suggestions, my friend!
Happytrek :mrgreen:

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

03 Feb 2011, 00:12
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Composer of the Ear Candy
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Hi again!
Listen to those effects:

I think they could be usable in the Events.

More later!
Happytrek :mrgreen:

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

03 Feb 2011, 04:32
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Nice sounds
Besides the map it would be nice to hear something when you build new technology.


03 Feb 2011, 12:46
Composer of the Ear Candy
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I agree.
That is why I make some clips with sound only and some others with music while again some will have both. It would leave some sound clips ready to add a scenario for actors, like for ex.: When the engine fails to start, some actors could come up in a real busy engineering room saying something like:
-"And they said I have only one button to push! YEAH,.. Yeah!"
-"Lieutenant, we need your assistance in the core chamber please!"
-"Understood! Coming up!"
-"Lieutenant, could you come to the bridge, IMMEDIATELY!, we need your assistance!"
-Captain! I... heeeew! Aya, aye, Captain!"
-"Engineering, we need POWER, RIGHT NOW!"
-"Coming up! Coming up!"
Computer: "Auxiliary power will go down in 10 minutes! I repeat: Auxiliary power will go down in 10 minutes. All available personnel is requested in...
-"If I ever catch the guy who said that, I' ll rip his tongue apart!"... ONE button! ONE BUTTON, he said! DAMN IT!"
...Surrounded by sparks and bangs and running around.
Or whatever funny scene.
Some others might have also music with the clips and scenario. It would really put ambiance in the scenes, to my opinion.

What do you think?
Or are you thinking also about the new inventions?

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

03 Feb 2011, 19:51
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That will add a lot to the game play. We will need to talk to Mike about specifics as it all will queue off the underlying code.


03 Feb 2011, 20:04
Composer of the Ear Candy
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Yeah! I believe it will stretch the coding job.
Anyway, I will continue to send clips and songs, even if some won't be used in-game, the more he has at his disposal, the less waiting he will be.
I still don't know if I have more long tunes to prepare or just short music clips and effects.
We'll wait and see.

Happytrek :mrgreen:

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

03 Feb 2011, 21:52
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Hi there,

Just downloaded supremacy yesterday so am literally quite late to the game. But it's awesome, all the creatives (coders, artists, musicians everyone) have worked really hard and produced something that is actually (in my opinion) as good as or better than BOTF.

Inspired the game and everyone's work, I put together this, not sure if it fits in the game because it can get a bit busy and need to work a bit on the ending but here it is.

I was trying to get a similar style the the music for Starship Creator (the old rubbish Simon & Schuster game), so a little bit exciting, a little bit 'explory' like the BOTF score.

Love your work HappyTrek btw.

I've 6MB so too big to upload here, so it's on my server: ... lities.mp3

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Mike M

21 May 2011, 20:56
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Excellent composition Mike M, welcome to the forums and the team.

If you want you can collaborate with our brilliant musician Happytrek on the ingame music. Music is very important part of the game and having more diverse selection of themes helps. Just remember one thing, all ingame music has to be loopable so the end has to match the beginning and there should be very few big variations in it, that's the only suggestion I would give for that composition, otherwise it would be excellent for either the colony screen or diplomacy.

It actually reminds me in style to Enterprise compositions heard in the first season, specially the first episode.

We are also preparing a new update with literally hundreds of new images that either fill in the blanks or replace poor quality ones. There is work being done on the intro videos and programming is going well now.


21 May 2011, 21:42
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A supremacy welcome to you Mike M.
I think that is just right as ingame music. Can you make it loop-able? I would like Happytrek to consider it and where is the best place for it if you do not mind. He has been in charge of music and knows where things are and are not in our sharepoint library.

We had a professional game musician working for us in the past. His ego got in the way when there was more than one musician doing good work. Words were said. It can be the same way with models and art with the wrong mix of people. I hope you and Happy hit it off.


21 May 2011, 21:55
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