well..in BotE AI is invading planets, more exactly: systems.
At the current version I criticized that AI isn't declaring war when the own military powerness is too high so I miss attacks from AI. In previous versions AI did it more often.
well...progress only SirP exactly knows...Alpha7 or Alpha6.2 (current is 6.1=V0.81) will last till Christmas or longer (slow progress in summer

) - progress is everytime, when SirP has time to program - beyond his job or study.
well...there's no fixed list with ToDo's, there is a german list
http://bote-forum.square7.ch/phpBB3/vie ... f=4&t=1564 with ideas and continous further ideas are posted in many other threads, many quick ideas were quick integrated by SirP
For Alpha7 is planed (don't know whether it's realized):
- nice starting screens 1+2 (the existing screens 1+2 are not nice only practicable)
- maybe Hotkeys
- and "Usability Upgrade" - don't know what SirP exactly has in mind with this - in my mind BotE is mostly good to use/play, ok Hotkeys are missing, and overviews never can be enough

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