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 The next Star Trek movie 
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On the message board, reponding to a post from a user, Star Trek XII co-writer Roberto Orci posted the following message :

boborci: First, this movie is by no means written by committee. It has been written by ONE team. Me, Alex [Kurtzman], and Damon [Lindelof]. Thanks to the protective umbrella of the success of our first movie and JJ Abrams, we get less studio interference than almost any other production around. This process is the OPPOSITE of script by committee.

As for a full time trek staff, you should know that we have been working on the video game, the comics, and the story for the last two years. Trek has never been far from our minds. And we were doing all of that without even having a deal with the studio to do so (and our deal is only for script. all other stuff is pro bono to make the universes consistent). We were acting in good faith.

The reason the script wasn’t finished until recently is mostly for strategic philosophical reasons. We were not willing to turn anything in until we knew for sure that we had a start date, based on JJ’s availability. If we had written the script a year ago and it sat on the shelf, it would not have been current. Nothing messes up a script like it sitting on the shelf, because then everyone does get time to second guess and wonder, and then movies fall apart.

Finally, you should know the story hasn’t change, the structure hasn’t changed, and the action sequences haven’t changed. Most changes are minor. The changes I suspect Quinto is referring to are the character interactions as we fine tune the level of their various friendships. How well they all know each other and what they’ve all been through off screen is a nuanced yet essential part of the actors understanding where they are coming from with each other. While discussing the exact same plot elements, what they’ve been through colors their attitude toward each other. And given that the time past in real life is different than the amount of time passed in the movie world, it takes a polish to get it just right. That’s what polishes (a legal contractual word in our contract) are for.

Does any of this mean the movie will be any good? No. But if it’s no good, it will be because we were wrong to execute exactly what we wanted. Not because we changed our minds or someone changed our minds for us.


31 Jan 2012, 00:53
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The more i hear this the more i weap a little inside. These films there doing is putting me right off trek!

My youtube channel

31 Jan 2012, 01:42
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Sorry you are not happy skeeter. Bob speaks highly of you.

Earlier this month it was reported that Doctor Who actor Noel Clarke landed a role in the Star Trek sequel, currently in production. Last week the actor did a video interview where he talked about his audition. The actor also show his Trek knowledge, answering some Trek trivia questions. Watch it below.

Clarke on Star Trek taking him to the next level + shows Trek knowledge

In the following video (from London360 on the UK’s Community Channel) actor Noel Clarke says he tries not to get to worked up over landing roles, but he notes that Star Trek will take him to the "next level." He also shows he knows his Trek, revealing he grew up with Star Trek: The Next Generation.

"The Inner Light" is considered one of (if not the) best episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, which is why it landed a spot on the new "The Next Level" Blu-ray being released today. The episode features one of series’ more memorable musical scores as well. So here is an orchestral version of the theme from "The Inner Light."


31 Jan 2012, 19:23
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Radio Times posted a new interview with Star Trek XII star Chris Pine and here are excerpts.

Chris Pine has said that British stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Alice Eve have been settling in well on the set of the Star Trek sequel.

The 31-year-old actor, who plays Captain James T Kirk in JJ Abrams's film reboot of the classic series, took time out of filming the sci-fi blockbuster to attend the premiere of his latest film, This Means War.

And he revealed that filming so far has been "fantastic", and that his new co-stars are fitting in well.

Pine commented: "They're getting on great. We have a really good, warm, inclusive group from the first one and I think everybody's kind of getting the hang of things and fitting in quite nicely."

After being announced as a cast member in January, Cumberbatch said: "It's a great job to get, and I'm thrilled."

He added: "I'm hugely, hugely excited and I'm very, very flattered. I'm very, very excited... I'm just getting my head around the fact that it's happened. My headline is that I'm over the moon."

Cumberbatch and Eve are not the only Brits among the cast - Simon Pegg is reprising his role as engineer Scotty, while former Doctor Who actor Noel Clarke is reported to be playing "a family man with a wife and young daughter" (for more from the actor, see the video below).

The film - which is being scripted by Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof and Roberto Orci - began production in Los Angeles on 15 January 2012 and has a scheduled release date of 17 May 2013.


01 Feb 2012, 18:42
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I can't help but look forward to it. It's a good cast. :bigthumb:

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02 Feb 2012, 03:46
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Ditto :bigthumb:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


02 Feb 2012, 12:36
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Our friend Bob posted some of his personal photos from the 2009 film. They are over at


03 Feb 2012, 01:20
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Crave Online posted a new interview with Bruce Greenwood, who returns as Admiral Christopher Pike in Star Trek XII, and here is an excerpt.

Crave Online: J. J. Abrams said he starts shooting the "Star Trek" sequel on Thursday. Are you back on the set?

Bruce Greenwood: Yeah, I was in rehearsal yesterday.

Crave Online: How is it going?

Bruce Greenwood: It’s great. It’s great to be back with the gang again. It’s really very fun, it’s a good script. I can’t say anything about it.

Crave Online: Are you happy with the way Captain Pike is being handled?

Bruce Greenwood: Of course, yeah. I’m really content with it so it’s a great script.

Crave Online: Is the cast more of a whole now that they’ve done the first movie together?

Bruce Greenwood: Yeah, it’s a family.


08 Feb 2012, 21:34
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This stuff is always so good to hear. Have always liked the actor, Bruce Greenwood.

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08 Feb 2012, 21:57
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These interviews are always quite funny because the convey zero information, for example (emphasis mine):
Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Crave Online: How is it going?
Bruce Greenwood: It’s great... [blah blah blah...] I can’t say anything about it. (= If I say anything more than that JJ will have my ass...)
Next example:
Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Crave Online: Are you happy with the way Captain Pike is being handled?
Bruce Greenwood: Of course [blah blah blah...] it’s a great script.
So, in the end we don't know anything more other than that the guy is obviously happy, which of course we already know he would be :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


08 Feb 2012, 22:45
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Too true, thanks for the laugh.

It's like sports interviews. "Yeah they're a great team, but we just adjusted our defense blah blah blah..."

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09 Feb 2012, 00:52
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Captain Bashir wrote:
It's like sports interviews.
Actually, that's a great parallel :lol:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


09 Feb 2012, 11:24
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Yeah, if you've heard one sports interview, you heard them all. :razz:

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09 Feb 2012, 14:29
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PopcornBiz posted a new interview with Star Trek XII star Zachary Quinto and here are excerpts

How was it getting back together with everybody on set?

Getting back together with everybody was amazing. It was a little bit awkward because we've been away for four years, so for all of us to kind of find our footing again, just in relationship to shooting the movie [was a challenge]. But there's such a great connection between all of us that we were able to find our way pretty quickly.

We're sure you won't give away any plot details but can you talk about your reaction when you learned what the story was going to be?

Well, it's bigger and bolder. And I think in some ways more dynamic. And it's so exciting to be back. And the first time there was a writer's strike when we were shooting the movie so nothing was able to be changed – the script was locked. And this time Bob [Orci] and Alex [Kurtzman] and Damon [Lindeloff] and J.J.[Abrams] are really getting in and working on the story and sort of allowing it to expand and evolve – and bringing us into the process. So there's a real collaboration that wasn't even legally permitted the first time that I feel really grateful for. We're having a really great time.


10 Feb 2012, 16:27
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Not surprisingly this again confirms what the Captain and I were saying a few posts above.

One thing I don't quite understand is what he meant by "dynamic" when he said:
Well, [the story] it's bigger and bolder. And I think in some ways more dynamic.
In Greek dynamic means that something is evolving with time but by doing some quick googling I realized that in English it probably means that there is conflict between some people (at least this was suggested in a couple of sites for writers). This also reminds me the difference for the word drama in Greek and in English (awful/sad situation for the former and having lots of action for the latter)...

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


10 Feb 2012, 16:46
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We are victims of the hyperbole but can't wait for the premier. I hope it's as good as they say. :mrgreen:

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10 Feb 2012, 18:51
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At the Hollywood premiere for his new comedy This Means War, Star Trek’s Chris Pine opened up a little on his new co-star Benedict Cumberbatch. Watch Pine talk about Cumberbatch’s talent and" intensity" below.

Pine talks Benedict and hs "vocal quality"

At the Hollywood premiere of This Means War, Chris Pine talked about his Star Trek sequel co-star Benedict Cumberbatch, who TrekMovie has reported will be playing the villain in the film. Pine tells MTV:

"Benedict is fantastic. He’s just so good. He’s super talented, and we are more than grateful to have him onboard."

"Benedict has got this intensity about him, and he’s obviously extremely intelligent and articulate. His vocal quality is something else. He obviously is, unlike many of us, like, an actually trained actor. He actually studied for it."

(I guess Chris drank and smoked his way through school)


10 Feb 2012, 20:57
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
I guess Chris drank and smoked his way through school
That gave me a good laugh :twistedlaugh:

By the way, I've watched all of the BBC Sherlock Holmes episodes (6 in total) and I can say I am really amazed by both Freeman and Cumberbatch, there are just awesome as Dr Watson and Holmes respectively. The problem is that I'm having a bit of a problem guessing which villain Cumberbatch will be playing in the new Trek. I really can't imagine him as any of the TOS bad guys. Anyway, we'll soon find out...

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

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10 Feb 2012, 21:53
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My first guess is the Klingon Commander Kor. They need that big chested lady (also cast) standing next to him in order to show off the peekaboo top.
My second guess is everyone else.


10 Feb 2012, 23:43
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Cumberbatch becomes ‘Magnetic’ in Star Trek.


Really? - I do not see any paper clips sticking to his forehead.


04 Apr 2012, 22:37
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On Location Vacations posted a report on the shooting of Star Trek XII and here is an excerpt :

One of readers, Paul, sent us few photos from the studio in Marina Del Rey, CA where they have been filming the majority of the new Untitled Star Trek Sequel.

Though the photos only show a few props (red trees) that were being used for a big storm scene taking place on a red planet, they came with a bit of scoop about where the shoot may be headed next.

According to a crew member, Star Trek will wrap filming in Los Angeles this week before moving to the San Francisco area next week for one final week of filming.

The full report and the photos are here.


24 Apr 2012, 17:15
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Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
before moving to the San Francisco area next week for one final week of filming
Let me guess, it's either about the Academy or Starfleet headquarters (or both). So, after his heroism during the latest mission, Kirk is promoted to rear admiral or something? :twistedlaugh:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


25 Apr 2012, 10:33
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Either that or they have to go find a whale to save the earth from a probe. :razz:

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25 Apr 2012, 15:09
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I think they need to film the scene where Kirk relieves himself off the side of the Golden Gate Bridge.


Star Trek XII star Chris Pine told Access Hollywood regarding the upcoming sequel "Of course I'm gonna tell you I think it's gonna be better. You pick up the characters from where they left off, and the development of the characters - I think - is just as exciting as the first one."

He added: "And it's relentless. I think that’s the best adjective I can use… it’s just as action-packed as the first."

Pine, told the Los Angeles Times that working on the upcoming Guardians has given him a better understanding of why Star Trek XII director J.J. Abrams is so adamant about keeping the plot of his films a mystery.

"J.J. is super-secretive. The scripts are color-coded, and walking to and from set we have to wear coats and everything," the actor said at the CinemaCon convention of theater owners in Las Vegas, where he was on hand to promote "Guardians." "It's such a pain in the [butt], but I think about how awesome it is, because what he's protecting is the magic of the unknown."


25 Apr 2012, 20:33
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"Where no man has gone before."

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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25 Apr 2012, 21:22
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Zap2it posted a new interview with Star Trek XII star Benedict Cumberbatch and here are excerpts.

“The movie goes very well,” said Cumberbatch. “It’s very, very long hours, but it’s an incredible job. It’s phenomenal. J.J. brings it. It’s a very exciting set to be on. He’s very imaginative. He’s involved in the details, the acting and all the wonderful ideas he has for capturing stories in a fresh and imaginative way.

“Just the range of stuff I get to do in one day, it’s great. Also, what he’s asking me, it’s just wonderful. I can’t say much nicer than that. I’m basically raving about it, and I don’t have a gun pointed to my head.”

Cumberbatch also said that about his villain “he’s strong; I can say that much.”


25 Apr 2012, 23:58
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More photos from the filming of Abrams next Star Trek: (Trekmovie)
and this


28 Apr 2012, 13:50
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Will Nimoy be in yet another ST movie?

Talking to CNN in New York, here is an excerpt of a new video interview with Star Trek star Leonard Nimoy, courtesy of Airlock Alpha.

CAROL COSTELLO: Could I just say that I admire you? And in the new Star Trek movie [the 2009 version] you had a very prominent role, Leonard Nimoy, and I enjoyed it very much. You’re fantastic.

JASON CARROLL: In fact, Carol, we were talking about that … [to Nimoy] Carol, Carol Costello, the anchor … remember we were talking about the new Star Trek movie. It was great, you did a great job in it. And we were just about talking about that just before … will you be in another Star Trek movie?

NIMOY: Uhh, we’re talking. We’re talking.


28 Apr 2012, 17:17
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It stands to reason, now that the Vulcan homeworld has been blown to smithereens, the recovery of Spock's culture might be a secondary theme in the ongoing saga.

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28 Apr 2012, 21:30
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works for me


29 Apr 2012, 02:10
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