Talking about neutrinos, there was a paper out today by the same team (called Opera) who a few months back said that they found superluminal neutrinos, thus violating Special Relativity. Apparently, there was some error due to a faulty connection in the GPS system used to measure the time and the new result is now consistent with Relativity

dt=0.3 plus/minus 4 plus/minus 9 ns
where dt is the difference of the observed and the expected time of arrival (with the later assuming that their velocity is equal to the speed of light in vacuum =3*10^5 km/sec). Also, a "ns" (nanosecond) is equal to a billionth of a second, or 10^-9 secs.
More details at: superluminal neutrinos existed, that would have been the start of FTL communications, but apparently we will have to wait a while