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 Major Race Video Intro 
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Good idea, what do you suggest for a storyboard? How would you like to see a game trailer play out?


08 Apr 2012, 16:42
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I had an example (from another game) youtube video on here somewhere, I'll have to go find it plus I'll try and come up with something you can play with.

09 Apr 2012, 01:19
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Found it (my example that is). I'll try and come up with a generic basic script and see if you like it. The example below is from EVE online, I have never played the game, it could be a terrible game but the intro was sort of what I was meaning only with a ST feel and script.

Kaladin wrote:
Oh no I wasn't meaning introduce Star Trek, story or races, sort of like… hrmmm, how to put this...

You know how when you first load a game there is a teaser trailer or opening movie, that’s what I mean. Something that has music, and shows like ships moving, then maybe someone yelling something (maybe multiple people of different races), then ships fighting, then words appearing like “build your empire”, "Conquer your opponents", “then control the stars”, eventually leading up to Supremacy Title appearing. By the way I'm just randomly stating examples to illustrate my point, not directly suggesting any of these things. It doesn’t need to be a story, though I guess it could.

I hope that’s clearer on what I mean.

Randomly typed in "Game intros" into youtube and found this for Eve Online, and it ends up being a perfect example of what I was meaning. It has little to no specific story in it, just "you will fight, survive, yadda yadda...etc." and shows ships moving and battles.


09 Apr 2012, 01:38
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Long time no hear.

I have a few ideas on this...I'll write up a script if you want.


[Galaxy class starship (camera angle like in the final scene of TNG intro before warp)]

Human voice: Let's see what's out there. Engage! (The vioce shouldn't be perfectly clear, perhaps we could add a minimal echo effect)

[Now we cut to various 1-2 second scenes of Federation starships flying in varous space sceneries (Gas giants, nebulae, M class planets) no more than 3-4 scenes like this]


[Now we cut to the beautiful Klingon high council model made by captain...edited a bit to add some low-poly background buildings and a few klingon ships (BoP, D7...) flying in various places]

Angry Klingon voice: Our claim to Archanis IV and the surrounding territory is ancient and indisputable.(the same echo)

[Scene of a Klingon fleet leaving Qo’noS and passing near Praxis( a bit of an eye candy for the fans )]


[We see a Cardassian gul from the back (to remove the need of animating lips) in front of him a wall with a big viewscreen and a Federation admiral on the channel]
Cardassian voice: I’m glad we came to an agreement on this matter, I assure you that your colonies on our side will be protected by the Cardassian military(the same echo)

Big words: OR PEACE

[A few Founders forming from the great link]

Founder: We cannot trust the solids, they are too chaotic.

[Fleet of Jem’Hadar ships heading to a class M planet]


[Romulus scene we have with a few ships flying by]

Romulan voice: The peace between these powers is a threat to our security, we must find a way of sabotaging it.

[Three Romulan ships moving away from a Klingon and Federation hulks and a destroyed outpost.]

Big words: OR CHAOS

[A quick scene of Earth, Qo’noS, Romulus, Founder’s homeworld and Cardassia with race insignia overlayed, 1-2 second per scene, then cut to a scene of the milky way]


My vision of it.


09 Apr 2012, 09:03
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Those are both very inspiring. I am giving it some more thought.


09 Apr 2012, 14:14
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vjeko1701 wrote:
Long time no hear.

I have a few ideas on this...I'll write up a script if you want.

{Script cut from quote for space}

My vision of it.

Yeah something like that, I was tinkering with windows movie maker and photoshop to do a storyboard haven't quite finished yet...

PS. By the way the more I watch the Supremacy Cardasian Race Intro Video, the more I love it.

09 Apr 2012, 15:01
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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We could also add some foggy effect on the video mild "dream" effect or some blur of you know what I mean.


09 Apr 2012, 16:09
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Hey you guys!
You've got wonderful ideas for scenario! :thumbsup: For the fun of it, I will also add a piece of mine.

While changing scenes, there could also be some images of some big events featuring in the game, like in a slow swirl before you see the milky way, or in a flipping style, in semi transparency. Your choice "Michael Angelo"Kenneth as to where to insert them...
I will also create a semi slow tension music track with changes that will reflect some of the scenes flowing in and out.
That's my seasoning for the sauce, :grin: .

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

09 Apr 2012, 19:28
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vjeko1701 wrote:
We could also add some foggy effect on the video mild "dream" effect or some blur of you know what I mean.

I will be doing more of that in the Dominion video. It takes a compositor or a smoke / fog system to do. They both can be very finicky. That is what is holding up the Dominion first segment. I am struggling with it now.

I can add that and HappyTrek's better transitions as I upgrade the original four intros. I also want the Klingon emblem to be seen coming out of cloak.


09 Apr 2012, 20:20
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Wouldn'c cloak be better for the Romulan's more their thing.

Also I noticed that in some of the video some stars get streched (eg. federation intro, the stars behind NX a few seconds before warp)

The Klingon could have some sort of cooling effect like it was just forged from hot metal.


09 Apr 2012, 20:23
Profile YIM WWW
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Here is a link to the first scene in the Dominion Intro / YouTube

I hope you like it.


12 Apr 2012, 03:15
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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I very much do! Just a little more slowing of the formation of the Founder. Close though. I am in a personal position to understand how much learning and effort and just plain blood, sweat and tears went into this. Way to go Ken :clap:

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12 Apr 2012, 03:37
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All I can say is....WOOOOW! (As if I didn't already know you could make it, Ha!) A superb job! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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12 Apr 2012, 04:10
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Very Cool

12 Apr 2012, 04:38
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There are a couple of very sudden transitions (0:14 and 0:16) but other than that it looks really cool.

12 Apr 2012, 11:31
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Freaking awesome dude!!!!!!!!!!

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

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12 Apr 2012, 16:42
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Iceman wrote:
There are a couple of very sudden transitions (0:14 and 0:16) but other than that it looks really cool.

Thanks guys and good eye Ice. I was working on that issue but decided to put out a version now. Release now was in response to a growing crisis of confidence here and on Facebook. The fix will take another few days of work. It does not warrant reissuing the video so wait for the final release. I hope we can deal with the confidence issue this weekend.

(video looks better in HD than on YouTube)


12 Apr 2012, 18:24
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While scene one is backing the final updates I have been working on scene two.

Here is an early test run. There is a lot left to build and refine.

This will us models made by Captain B and be the first team effort with all original models.


14 Apr 2012, 02:35
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Nice again, looks almost perfect already. If thats just a test can't wait for the final versions.

14 Apr 2012, 04:06
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To play with words: That rock ROCKS! :bigthumb: Yess sir!

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14 Apr 2012, 08:03
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Wow, you're really making progress. :thumbsup: I've got some issues to solve with the Jem Hadar warship (read - there's a section I have to do over), but am progressing.

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14 Apr 2012, 14:14
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Some work this weekend


Special thanks to Luke Whitehorn

Comet2.jpg [ 148.56 KiB | Viewed 11576 times ]

16 Apr 2012, 03:57
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Awesome :bigthumb:

"Never give up. Never surrender." -- Kenneth_of_Borg

"Seize the time, Meribor. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again" -- Picard (The Inner Light)


16 Apr 2012, 09:08
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I might just use that as my wallpaper for a bit, very nice.

16 Apr 2012, 12:53
Genetically Altered Manual Labourer
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Hey Kenneth, we should do a very large render of that for wallpaper. PM me.

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16 Apr 2012, 17:29
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I am trying to use mesh Sculpt Tool in blender to make it look more like this.

Need some impact creators from blender and then some particle emitters with a jet look in Lightwave.

I still want people to thing of the TV DS9 intro but with a better looking comet.


comet-tempel-1.jpg [ 3.94 KiB | Viewed 11560 times ]
346.jpg [ 16.52 KiB | Viewed 11560 times ]

16 Apr 2012, 18:01
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Knowing you guys, I believe we'll have another Masterpiece soon!
:bolian: :mrgreen:

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16 Apr 2012, 22:33
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Dominion Beetle progressing.

Dominion Beetle 2.png
Dominion Beetle 2.png [ 118.74 KiB | Viewed 11547 times ]
Dominion Beetle 3.png
Dominion Beetle 3.png [ 84.25 KiB | Viewed 11547 times ]

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17 Apr 2012, 05:48
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And One D Beetle coming up! Now Brewing.... :thumbsup:

Image In all past exists the future. Man must venture through his yesterday to conquer his tomorrow.

17 Apr 2012, 06:05
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Very nice


17 Apr 2012, 14:38
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