Hello everybody,
at the moment unfortunately there's no official release of Birth of the Empires since May 2011 (Alpha6.1 V0.81).
EDIT: Alpha7 V0.9 has been released at February 2013. However, "Test Versions" is going on ! ....some additional infos: we transferred code to Github, so now we call the test versions by the date. I hope to have updated instructions here sufficiently.One way to be informed what's going on is here
https://github.com/bote-team/bote/commits/masterAnother way is "BotE Test Versions"
EDIT: no registration is required now (old: it's a requirement to be a registered member of the German forum (registration is free))
b) then see here
http://forum.birth-of-the-empires.de/vi ... 238#p29238 - just download the file "Repository Checkout" there (direct link:
c) through Repository Checkout (first checkout will be around 200 MB, then -at next version- just do only small updates) you get the lastest files (and source code)
d) second requirement is getting a BotE.exe. Latest one is also linked in that post. This exe must be putted into Repository-Download-Folder into ...\BotE Game\trunk (there also this file: botf2.vcproj).
Please check if exe-file is really there...Win7 could be here a little bit tricky (use admin rights and please check whether there's also fmodex.dll in the same folder). For a German Game just start BotE from there.
e) for an English BotE test version there is a "Repo_DE_into_EN.bat" - please start this batch file and start BotE from the copied folder.
IMPORTANT for feedbacks and questions is version number of the test version. Best do your private save games like this "2013-10-26_humans...". At next test version=next developement it can be that savegames are not compatibel with previous ones.
AND we also should ensure that there's no misunderstanding about features with are not part of official released BotE - so nobody else should wonder about features we talk about which aren't part of Alpha6.1 yet e.g. the new random events.
Please do your feedbacks and questions only in this thread !!! - Thanks
http://birth-of-the-empires.de/wiki/ind ... evelopment I listed some new features
...and be assured that we always try to think to you English speaking people even though English parts of the Wiki only grown in slow motion. Improvements of our English are welcomed
