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 Star Trek Online 

Will You Get your SIM on?
Yes, Constantly. 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Yes, If I can afford it (Look at the DVD's :D) 50%  50%  [ 7 ]
Maybe...If the the game plays well 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Ugh... Star Trek Dugeons and Dragons. So 7th grade. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
No. I will never get my "sim" on and especially not with you. 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
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 Star Trek Online 
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Anyone looking at playing's Online game when they get it up and running next year? I "simmed" back in the early days of dial-up AOL internet. This seems to take it to a whole new level though.

See the Site,

The inclusion of only three races in the beginning bothers me, and I have never played a 3d First person Sim before. If the price structure is good, and I have a real job, I will probably try it.

03 Mar 2005, 02:08
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Well i first have to look how the gameplay is of this game, and if it's addictive. I personally would gladly be a Klingon captain on a Neq'Var Battle Cruiser. :twisted: :twisted: First have to see if it's really something. :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

03 Mar 2005, 12:08
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if nobody here has ever played an online game before and fancy a try a years free subscription to everquest 2 at trouble is you cant go beyond the 6th level or leave the first island, im on the runnyeye EU server and im playing a Dwarf called Rred. give it a try because its free, you need a gamespy account tho


03 Mar 2005, 14:50
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I will at least try it. Another question:

Will it be possible to mod such type of game, and play it over a own server or something?

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

14 Mar 2005, 09:43
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no its a massive multiplayer online roleplaying game and it means you have to access a remote server to play it on, trying to mod the game itself can get your account banned (and wouldnt work anyway). the game plays like this, you play one person in the galaxy, the other people in the galaxy are played by other players, you can join groups who own ships *ie you become a crewman* while you're a member of this group you can be promoted in rank, go on away missions, be involved in ship battles etc, you may be promoted to captain of your ship then give orders like a normal captain. you can issue away team orders, plot courses, attack other ships/planets, several groups can join forces and when this happens and "admiral" is chosen who then gives orders for your fleet, then you can commence to run around kicking ass, no doubt in this trek univers the words "N00B", "suxxor", "im leet" and "I pwnjoo" and dont be surprised to see people with variations of famous names like Kirrk or jonluc .. after the first lord of the rings everquest was overrun with wood elf rangers called lgolas, logolas, legless, lelgolas etc.


14 Mar 2005, 13:53
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Does anyone know any Massive Multiple games, that are worth to buy and play? I am not talking about RPG style games, but more about adventure/RTS/TBS/etc...

Anyway i just played Knights of the Old Republic II, and it's really a fantastic game. I will recommend it to just download a demo and try, perhaps it's something for you. I haven't played Old Republic 1, but i think i will have a go, when i am finished with number 2. :wink: Oh.. something else it's a starwars game.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

29 Mar 2005, 09:14
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SW game or not, Knights (at least the first one) is a great game, but I cant play KotOR 2, my computer isnt good enough. How is the sequel iwulff?

29 Mar 2005, 17:27
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knights of the old republic 2 totaly rocked, i played it constantly for 2 weeks, Vampire the masquerade bloodlines runs on the same engine as does resident evil 4. MMOLRPG's Ragnarock, Everquest 1&2, Ultima online, Dark ages of Camelot.. Real roleplaying doesnt realy exist anymore ... shame realy ... Matrix online kicks off shortly if it hasn't already


30 Mar 2005, 20:21
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I have never played in a "live" role playing event. But I managed to watch one some years ago. It was more entertaining than reality television. It was some type of mystic western were half of your decisions were dice based and the other half based on the way you played a poker hand.

The narrator and players were clearly enjoying themselves and I never heard any of the strangeness that RPG are accused of. As soon as I graduate (both college and to a better computer) I may try the Matrix online game... Damn, need a real job to pay for my gaming habits. :D

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H. Hornblower

31 Mar 2005, 01:56
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Rigel wrote:
SW game or not, Knights (at least the first one) is a great game, but I cant play KotOR 2, my computer isnt good enough. How is the sequel iwulff?

Well the storyline is really crazy. What i would like to see, is a StarWars MM game, where you are just a jedi or bounty hunter, or what else.. and just play along in the SW galaxy. But really the one of the greatest things of kotOR is that you have some decisions to make, into what the ending will be. You can choose to help people, or just... kill them. It's up to you, are you good or bad. :lol:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

31 Mar 2005, 11:13
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I'd recommend World of Warcraft. It's really massive but, alas, too hack an' slash. There's quite a bit of exploration quests though.
The monthly fee is a bit expensive...

31 Mar 2005, 14:39
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iwulff wrote:
Well the storyline is really crazy. What i would like to see, is a StarWars MM game, where you are just a jedi or bounty hunter, or what else.. and just play along in the SW galaxy. But really the one of the greatest things of kotOR is that you have some decisions to make, into what the ending will be. You can choose to help people, or just... kill them. It's up to you, are you good or bad. :lol:

I remember the first one worked much the same way, but I heard that the second Knights gave you more of an opportunity to really excel as a Sith, as compared to the first one. Damn my graphics card! :evil:

31 Mar 2005, 18:04
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Im currently playing Final Fantasy XI Online, and its great. I dont like any of the other FF games, mainly cause its just like playing a book, id rather read it and use my imagination. But this is diffrent, you go where you want, and can attack anything you like, also the trading is quite good too. At £9.35 a month its not bad, and when STO comes along ill try it, and if as good, Bye FFXi, Hello STO :)

Oh for any other FFXi players, im on cerberus server, my char is Silversonic, from San d'Oria. look me up if your on there.


01 Apr 2005, 01:41
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Don't like FF if its RPG. I mean bashing the same button the entire game. Although kotOT is a bit the same, it has really got a somewhat different battle system. Just wondering why there isn't a StarGate game on the market.. i know that there is a shooter/action game coming. But i also would like to have a strategy game or something. Where you play as in a botf game, but then also on planets with units or something. Perhaps something like that would be cool, or to massive. :lol:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

01 Apr 2005, 15:23
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Well, I used to be a big fan of the Final Fantasy titles (not so much anymore, maybe the soon to be released FFXII can change me back). But I can see why many people, espically those who have played alot of PC RPG's would not be fans of FF. Like Hedgehog said, they are like playing through a book. But the things that made most of the FF's good (2, 5, 7, 9, and kinda 10) was the fact that you are playing through a great story. Even if it is pretty linear, the story made up for that. And later in the series (7 and on), the series was producing some of the best in-game, and CG cut-scene graphics for their time. I'd reecomend any of those that I listed above to someone who has never played one. And Iwulff, yes you do alot of 'bashing' the same button in the game, but some of the fights involved a good ammount of stragegy in order to get through them in one piece.

Ok, before I rant too much ( :roll: ) STHedgehog, I wanted to ask what you liked best about the game. The reason I havent tried it was because I heard using the 'markos' ( if thats what they are called) could be a bitch, and the monthly fee was $20-30, which was more than I wanted to pay.

01 Apr 2005, 23:22
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i heard some guy's are making a half life 2 mod called stargate broken oath, im totaly suprised also about the lack of stargate games, babylon 5 was the same, they eventualy started making a bab5 game but never extended it past a demo. ok in KOTOR you played reven didnt you? well in KOTOR2 you dont but its based some years after the first and reven has vanished beyond the galactic rim looking for the true sith empire, her ship the Ebon Hawk is at the disposal of the "New" Hero/Heroin you pick up allies along the way such as an r2d2 type droid, a psychotic asassin droid, a haan solo rip off pilot, your teacher in the force "an old lady", the mandalore of the mandalorians, a technition with a cybernetic arm and tiny floating sidekick, a floating black ball of a droid of the same type that vader used to torture leah with, and if you play a male theres 3 love interests ... all women luckily enough .. a sassy bounty huntress, an ice maiden jedi guardian, and a blind empathic sith master. in every situation you can pick up to 3 of your allies to go with you into any situation, each ally has its own abilities and skills, the graphics engine did tend to make my machine laggy if i ran the game while downloading a few dozen things on my bitorrent


01 Apr 2005, 23:33
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Rigel wrote:
Ok, before I rant too much ( :roll: ) STHedgehog, I wanted to ask what you liked best about the game. The reason I havent tried it was because I heard using the 'markos' ( if thats what they are called) could be a bitch, and the monthly fee was $20-30, which was more than I wanted to pay.

Well as i said, i didnt really like the other Final Fantasy games, although id dont mind watching someone else play them, kinda like watching a film really. With FF Online you do tend to run about just killing things, but theres missions too, things like go from your main town to the other two world caps and see why the beastmen, the baddies, are regrouping. and then go off the fight a big dragon so you can get to some guy that can give you infomation. Theres others like protect missions where you have to watch over a group of travlers from diffrent attacks. But i do like the way need to party up to progress, the game wold be far to hard to play solo, although you can do it. The fee is 20 something dollers, which currently exchanges to just under £10 so its not too expensive, and you get the first month free so if you dont like it you dont need to pay. Just take the game back to the shop saying something like, it was a present that wont work on my friends computer, that always works :P


02 Apr 2005, 11:33
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STHedgeHog wrote:
Just take the game back to the shop saying something like, it was a present that wont work on my friends computer, that always works :P

I like the way you think. :lol: :lol:

03 Apr 2005, 08:36
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